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Xmas Loot

Rubin Farr

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I got a golden ticket to visit Hexagon Sun studios. Beerwolf Wonka and the Sandison Factory it read.


Apparently I have to pick up a leather holdall from Steve Beckett. In it will be a selection of merino wool base layers, there will be a high powered petzl headtorch with various legendary functions, there will be two crossbows forged from a future materials designed and constructed by coneheaded Californians deep within Hanger 18. One will be designed to kill any beast on Earth with an array of poisoned darts, and one will be a grappling hook designed to scale any wall on Earth. I will also have an array of magical glass vials each filled with succulent oily elixir, each shot will have vital ingredients essential for me to survive the spring, summer, autumn and winter. There will also be a waxed weatherproof sack with fire-lighting and fishing kit. Rods, reels hooks and lines to snaffle the wisest, wariest freshwater pike and trout, to the deepest dwelling spooky saltwater beasts. A sack of magical kindling and woodchips will complete The Fire and Fish Bulging Sack of Survival.


I'll fucking be there with Christmas bells on.


watmm & Boards of Canada forever!!!

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I got some pyjamas, Armani code aftershave and a hard case for my hagstrom Viking. Even better though, my bro in law announced he's bought a PS4 and I can have his PS3 for nowt!

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a FUCKING EPIC CHIMNEY FIRE at 5:30 am (well that's when we woke up)... nice one santa


got some serious respect for the fire service though. respect to them.


378b912a208790f33c05b03aaaf9b94e.jpgCoffee time beaches!!!

I've got one of them, sadly now redundant thanks to my new induction hob.


decent first world problems never make it to that shitty thread

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