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Help Venetian Snares

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In a perhaps more realistic analog, on Monday Funk goes to his boss (his fans) and complains about how he thinks his boss is often shitty and he hates the hours he has to work and how he hates even having to work at all and how he'd leave in a heartbeat if he could, then on Tuesday goes to his boss and asks for a raise. That's essentially what's happened. To me, that's just the strangest thing, not that people do it, or that people go along with it, but that Funk himself has the balls or the blindness to do it. I guess in a 'have-to' situation, you bite the bullet and do what you've gotta do, but I just couldn't be that kind of person. He obviously can, or feels no choice and thus goes through with it.


[a bunch of yelling]


lol at this post


"support our troops where is your patriotism you traitor rah rah rah"



Actually, although your analogy is retarded, in an alternate universe you raise an interesting counterpoint. I think the difference is that I'm not on anybody's ass to give Snares money or else you are a bad person, I am only on the ass of people who think a human being doesn't have the right to ask other human beings, who are in some tangential way fellow members of a community, for help. When said person (to the best of our knowledge) actually does need help. It's okay to ask for help, and it's okay to give someone help. If as a bonus you also get kickass music files in exchange for your help, then even better.


If instead you would prefer not to help, then you can simply… not post in this thread, and continue not buying Snares music. My only point is that it is the HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY to post on an electronic music messageboard and consume or make electronic music, and have a passion for it, and then when someone who is as they say actually LIVING THE DREAM mentions that they need some help, decide instead to pick them apart and question their choices.

I agree that it's totally okay to help out those in need, and as you said if you get cool stuff as well then awesome. I have zero issues with that.


I do have serious issue with the VAST overstatement that it's the height of hypocrisy to blah blah. I don't understand how you even came to that conclusion; literally all we do here on WATMM is pick apart the choices of others; mostly it's music, but we spend tons of time picking apart word choices in interviews and looking up photos of stranger's family members and trying to figure out which cord they stuck in which hole to get a sound in the 43rd second of the 2nd minute of track 2 on disc 2 of their 4th EP. WE PICK SHIT APART HERE AT WATMMTM so why should this glaringly obvious one two punch of 'i fucking hate releasing music,' 'oh shit please buy the music i release' be off limits to pick apart? Fuck that noise man.


this has been a very good conversation. i found myself nodding to auxien's original post, then reading ascdi's and nodding a little bit more emphatically to it.


it is hard for me to ignore that VS has been pretty snobby about his nerdass fans. i can't imagine what he might say about my sad hobby productions. it certainly seems bizarre, from my untalented, no modular-having perspective, to say the things he's said.


i'm super curious if the support we nerdasses have sent at him will change his thinking (assuming it has helped him). one can't be sure, but it seems to me that RDJ often took a similarly childish angle when it came to his devoted followers and the less glamorous aspects of his job. and, i know i'm reaching here, it seems like he's changed his tune lately. maybe even in response to the kickstarter or just the renewed interest in his work. and i think we're all the better for it. maybe VS will also be a kinder gentler VS after this. Or maybe it's all a trick to buy a new truck.

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Okay, I can see some of what you latch on to and ultimately rail against in that paragraph, but certainly not everything.



Cool that you feel that way, but I'm generally pretty anti-tribe in life. If I help others it's because I personally know and care about their well-being, or because they are a human/living creature that is in need; I don't really have an inbetween in there for tribal mentality. Some days of the week I'm not sure I'm the same species as some of the people I meet... (calm down it's a joke. mostly.)




But if you're mad at anyone for the weakness of this line of thinking, be mad at Funk for bringing up the 'job' thing in the first place in the interview (the same interview where he states that people like us aren't even capable of our own opinions about music).


Essentially this whole argument, which many have seemed to get behind wholeheartedly, is about a group mentality. WATMM is rallying behind a flag for their philosophy on matters such as this. And there's really truly nothing wrong with that; I just don't buy into it. For the most part, I'm not tribal when it comes to anything (though I could identify with the term nerdasses. It has a nice ring to it). And that's why I guess ultimately I just don't have the perspective that most of you have here. And that's cool.


Nonetheless, I personally meant no ill will to Funk or anyone who chooses to support him or whatever. I really just thought there was an interesting point of discussion in the 'shitting on fans then asking for their help' aspect of the timing and all. I hope he gets his shit sorted, honestly.



Solid response. I too consider myself somewhat anti-tribe, but I also derive a lot of pleasure and comfort from music and would be much more unhappy and possibly non-functional without it. And I encounter a lot of people for whom that is a totally foreign experience, or maybe they are riding the bus in the morning getting really jazzed for work with a Taylor Swift song playing at max volume over Spotify into their Apple white ear buds. And it’s just… I feel there is a pretty big distance between myself and people like that.


And so, I do consider people for whom music is “more” than just that lifestyle choice background music status-quo crap to be members of a quite special tribe. One special enough that it may deserve some consideration even though mob/tribe mentality in general is pretty undesirable.


Personally, I don’t really consider Snares’s interview statements as a factor in this whole situation at all. That might just be me—I basically assumed, it’s FACT, he clearly doesn’t give a shit and likes to wind up interviewers, and who HASN’T had a bad day where they’ve felt that everyone around them is in on some bullshit trick? It was an entertaining interview, I thought.


I didn’t think twice about it. To me Snares’s music (and I think this is evident whether or not one actually likes his music) is clearly the work of someone in love with creativity and sound and being a free thinker and challenging the status quo, blah blah. Those factors are more how I judge whether I see someone as being “on my team” or not, rather than what they may have said or not in some interview.


Especially when the statements I’m supposed to be mad about in the interview are like, things where people read into vague rants about whether Snares “likes” his fans or not. Why the hell should that matter? I listen to the tunes, they play in my ears, and my brain knows the enjoyment or lack thereof that is provided by said tunes. What the artist thinks of me, whether he wants to be my friend or not or thinks the framework of our capitalist relationship is lame—totally irrelevant! I’m here listening to the music and it and its effects are an independently measurable phenomenon.


It’s super lame to state it this way, and maybe it’s just because I’m an old dork, but one thing I like about Snares is the can’t-give-a-fuck, aggressive, confrontational, “punk” attitude. So no shit he might be a cranky guy! What’s weird to me is people will listen to and claim to enjoy “Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die” but HOLD UP, the guy that wrote that song maybe hinted in an interview that he thinks I’m kind of a douche? Well FUCK THAT DUDE THEN. Huh?


To me that attitude reveals the same old conservative points of view about how artists ULTIMATELY are supposed to kowtow to and serve their fans. Whereas if you actually follow the attitude that is IMO embodied in Snares’s music (or other “extreme” music—and pardon the shorthand; I’m aware there’s way rougher and ruder stuff than Snares out there), the conclusion, you’d think, would be the exact opposite! Instead it seems like all people really want is a simulation of “rebellion” or “confrontation” or whatever, but down under it man, remember you still SERVE us so be sure you don’t piss us off in an interview! That’s super weird IMO.



If instead you would prefer not to help, then you can simply… not post in this thread, and continue not buying Snares music. My only point is that it is the HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY to post on an electronic music messageboard and consume or make electronic music, and have a passion for it, and then when someone who is as they say actually LIVING THE DREAM mentions that they need some help, decide instead to pick them apart and question their choices.

I agree that it's totally okay to help out those in need, and as you said if you get cool stuff as well then awesome. I have zero issues with that.


I do have serious issue with the VAST overstatement that it's the height of hypocrisy to blah blah. I don't understand how you even came to that conclusion; literally all we do here on WATMM is pick apart the choices of others; mostly it's music, but we spend tons of time picking apart word choices in interviews and looking up photos of stranger's family members and trying to figure out which cord they stuck in which hole to get a sound in the 43rd second of the 2nd minute of track 2 on disc 2 of their 4th EP. WE PICK SHIT APART HERE AT WATMMTM so why should this glaringly obvious one two punch of 'i fucking hate releasing music,' 'oh shit please buy the music i release' be off limits to pick apart? Fuck that noise man.



That’s not exactly my point, but I see what you’re getting at. What I mean is, everyone here quite clearly benefits from a universe in which music like this music exists. You can tell people “care” because there are countless threads about music technology, music media, whether X record is good/bad, streaming services, music piracy debates, “the future of the music industry” debates, people wringing their hands over whether or not they should splash out for some expensive record or synth or whatever, etc.


All this stuff and uncertainty and debates and discussion and all that. This Snares thing is not at all like that. It’s basically the opposite—we know the royalty structure of Bandcamp, we know the artist “needs” dough and “cares” whether the tunes sell, we know the artist will receive the money, we know precisely or not whether the tunes are good, etc. etc.


So my point is if THIS situation, where everything is so simple, isn’t enough to make it clear to people what they should do, then we might as well pack it all in and give up now. No other situation related to the music industry, musicians we like, records we like, or whatever, is ever going to be as clear-cut as this situation ever again. Either you buy some stuff because it strikes you as a thing to do, or you can’t, or don’t want to, and that’s fine. But what makes no sense to me is people jumping in saying welllll hold up now, this isn’t really FAIR because blah blah limousines.


That makes no sense! What would you prefer, paying Apple 10 bucks and having Snares get 4 bucks 3 months from now? Streaming a ton of shit on Spotify and having Snares get 32 cents 2 months from now? Pressing vinyl and hoping Snares breaks even 1 year from now?


If you, as a reader of this site, claim to “care about music”, whatever that means to you, then there is never going to be as clear an opportunity to put your money where your mouth is as this situation. The money goes right to the artist. He gets it right away. It’s a fair percentage. We KNOW the man could use some cash right now. What more do people want to hear? What alternate situation are they holding out for where it could be MORE clear than it is right now whether or not it was a good idea to purchase some music?


Answer: there is none. But some people don’t see that because I guess there was an interview. And some other people really don’t like Snares’s music—which it totally fine—but rather than just, you know, NOT posting in this thread, they decide to come by and wave their dislike like a flag because… Internet. And I get it: Internet. But that’s a shame.

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By the way, I work right next door to the Spotify offices and have gazed in through their ground floor windows numerous times. You would not believe the perks those fascist fuckers have

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The fact that he is so embarrassed about the situation that he hasn't explained it is enough to get everyone to stfu and pay.


I'm sure he thought about selling the synth[or whatever generic valuables] and keeping schtum but he thought this would be more reasonable.




At the end of the day it's because he was relying on the previous years where people bought CDs and breakcore was cool to keep him financially OK, too.


But now no-one has a cd player or knows what breakcore is. A shame. But how the fuck do you monetise that shit?

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The fact that he is so embarrassed about the situation that he hasn't explained it is enough to get everyone to stfu and pay.


I'm sure he thought about selling the synth[or whatever generic valuables] and keeping schtum but he thought this would be more reasonable.




At the end of the day it's because he was relying on the previous years where people bought CDs and breakcore was cool to keep him financially OK, too.


But now no-one has a cd player or knows what breakcore is. A shame. But how the fuck do you monetise that shit?



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I'm abit saddened by the amount of people that torrented his albums in the first place.


It took for Aaron to tell us about his financial problems to get people to pay for his music. Possibly out of guilt.


Maybe if everyone had paid for his music in the first place, he would be in this mess.

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I'm abit saddened by the amount of people that torrented his albums in the first place.


It took for Aaron to tell us about his financial problems to get people to pay for his music. Possibly out of guilt.


Maybe if everyone had paid for his music in the first place, he would be in this mess.


To be fair, I've not listened to any of them. They just sat on my hard drive.


err...sorry I listened to one of the orchestral type ones.

remember that time we all bought a bunch of bad music so a famous person would hate us less?


Done worse for sex.

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I'm abit saddened by the amount of people that torrented his albums in the first place.


It took for Aaron to tell us about his financial problems to get people to pay for his music. Possibly out of guilt.


Maybe if everyone had paid for his music in the first place, he would be in this mess.

I bought 3 eps of stuff that sounds like I would listen to it. My exposure of Venetian Snares previously turned me off, and hence I haven't even torrented stuff in the past.


However, I'm really digging the Last Step stuff (shame there wasn't more of that on the bandcamp page) and a couple of other EPs, and I'm gonna give him more of a chance in future instead of just outright dismissing his work as I had done previously (and in retrospect rather short-sightedly).

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Where's the best place to buy some of his classic albums on cd/vinyl where the money will actually get to him? I'm in Ireland and use UK Amazon a fair bit? Out of stock on Planet Mu.

bandcamp is pretty much the only way that 'the money will actually get to him'


physical sales likely to get money directly to him will be at gigs and things like that.


Bought via any kind of retailer, and the money trail starts splitting

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I'm abit saddened by the amount of people that torrented his albums in the first place.


It took for Aaron to tell us about his financial problems to get people to pay for his music. Possibly out of guilt.


Maybe if everyone had paid for his music in the first place, he would be in this mess.


Some of us did back in the day









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He's mentioning having to sell gear on facebook :(




This is sad.

If he has to sell, I hope they go to good homes, with a "buy-back" option


I'm abit saddened by the amount of people that torrented his albums in the first place.


It took for Aaron to tell us about his financial problems to get people to pay for his music. Possibly out of guilt.


Maybe if everyone had paid for his music in the first place, he would be in this mess.


Some of us did back in the day











Fuuuu man, that deep dicks on my vinyl collection big time!

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You could say Aaron is feeling very...Affectionate right now :snares:


Spiral actually sleeps under those albums every night, dreaming of hours and hours of footage of two giraffes



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