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I remember seeing this on TV as a child, based on a Ray Bradbury short story. Has a very BOC vibe. Shit, the title even sounds like a BOC track.



aha oh shit i had to watch that in junior high english class

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that was insane.


why would the insides be pressurized like that? was it recently beached?


Build up gasses


Exploding beached whales happens from time to time. Here's one that exploded right in the middle of transporting it throught taiwan:






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It's Black Friday - the early morning after Thanksgiving in the US. But I had a sudden change of thought in the past hour. At first I viewed these shoppers with contempt, but now I'm concerned whether some crazy bastard decides to push their agenda on them by carrying out some sort of premeditated attack. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I just have a hunch. Although I disagree with the Black Friday hype in general, it would be worse if something tragic were to occur.

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I remember seeing this on TV as a child, based on a Ray Bradbury short story. Has a very BOC vibe. Shit, the title even sounds like a BOC track.



aha oh shit i had to watch that in junior high english class




HOOOOOO!!! I REMEMBER THIS! Before I ever found out about BoC, I sort of filed imagery likes this away in a folder, also in that folder were pictures of my dad and grandfather playing tennis in the 70s, airports, this educational film about "The Chip," and some of the videos I watched in driver's ed. Then I heard Everything You Do Is A Balloon and all of that imagery and more was suddenly sucked together and it flashed in my mind and I had to pull the car over almost and cry. Then I went home and looked the song up and sure enough, someone had put it to 70's home movie footage.

Edited by sheatheman
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from peace 7's youtube channel:



Ha! Thanks. Yah- due to the efforts related to and behind that video, Google Images does show Skrillex when searching for "badger penis", so... great job. Kudoz to all involved in the pointless revolution. Side Note: I checked Google Images to see if it still worked, and... I have never seen so many dehydrated badger penises in my life.

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