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the watmm GAS thread


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Denying the way something looks plays at least some role in wether or not you see yourself using it and creating things with it that align with your sense of what’s important/danceable/has an emotional impact doesn’t make much sense to me. Any music regardless of the personal bond you may forge with it is initially all about aesthetics, I think. For me it’s mostly the possible consumerist/collector associations that make me want to deny this influence on the instruments I choose while in reality my choices are entirely based on availability, attainability, looks and perceived possibilities.  

tldr: I want a nuclear green lyra-8 

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1 hour ago, user said:

in reality my choices are entirely based on availability, attainability, looks and perceived possibilities.

Yeah this has been my struggle recently. I sold a bunch of gear so I could get in on the preorder for Trash80's M8 device, then ended up getting cravings for a Bass VI again, so sold more gear. Couldn't find a Bass VI in stock and got impatient, so my mind wandered and all of a sudden I impulse bought a Chase Bliss MOOD and SH01A instead lol, because they came up for decent prices locally (plus I've wanted an acidy box for a while and that's the closest I'm willing to go without committing to something that only does acid). 

I only barely have enough to scrape in on M8 preorder, but strangely I think I made the right decision re: the MOOD/SH01A. Lately I've been really getting into making music with a single synth voice and an effects chain, and I think that combo would be nice. 

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Aaaa FOK it! I've ordered the nuclear Lyra-8 directly from Soma! 

I already feel guilty ? ... now i'll need to make it worth it! 



but hey! life is short!



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This thread is responsible for me sending an email about getting TWO Lyra 8 DIY sets (one for me and another for my neighbor).  I'd already earmarked about the same amount of tomorrow's paycheck for a Nanokontrol 2 and HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro so I could set up Auto_Waaaaves and get audio reactive video synthesis into my nascent livestream rig, but that can wait a few more weeks - those things are a lot more readily available than a Lyra 8 PCB set. Waiting to hear back.

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1 hour ago, sheatheman said:

Just got a pretty big paycheck for 2 days work. Tempted to dump it on something. Don't know what though...

Big paycheck for just 2 days of work?! I want yo job!

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7 hours ago, xox said:

Aaaa FOK it! I've ordered the nuclear Lyra-8 directly from Soma! 

I already feel guilty ? ... now i'll need to make it worth it! 

  Reveal hidden contents


but hey! life is short!



And how is it?  Ive been eyeing it as well

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Was going to recommendthe Roland EF303 but they've gotten stupidly expensive since I picked mine up 5 years ago.


EDIT: this was supposed to be in the "cheap reverb" thread.

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iiwy shea, I'd be buying a Subharmonicon. The new dreadbox synth (Typhon) looks fun too. Adds up to about $1200. 

my GAS is telling me I need a model:cycles. I've never used any elektron gear and cycles seems like a pretty good (read: cheap) place to start. @modey I assume you're the guy to ask...recommend or no? 

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37 minutes ago, luke viia said:

my GAS is telling me I need a model:cycles. I've never used any elektron gear and cycles seems like a pretty good (read: cheap) place to start. @modey I assume you're the guy to ask...recommend or no? 

My local jam buddy is not an Elektron guy but he picked up a Cycles and really likes it. It sounds huge and they did a good job fine-tuning the parameters for sweet spots.

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1 hour ago, luke viia said:

iiwy shea, I'd be buying a Subharmonicon. The new dreadbox synth (Typhon) looks fun too. Adds up to about $1200. 

my GAS is telling me I need a model:cycles. I've never used any elektron gear and cycles seems like a pretty good (read: cheap) place to start. @modey I assume you're the guy to ask...recommend or no? 

Definitely get a cycles. Its amazing. You can easily make so many different sounds.

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2 hours ago, luke viia said:

my GAS is telling me I need a model:cycles. I've never used any elektron gear and cycles seems like a pretty good (read: cheap) place to start. @modey I assume you're the guy to ask...recommend or no? 

Of course I recommend it ?

It's a good entry into Elektron gear for sure. It's more limited than the other Elektrons but you'll be surprised at how weird you can get with it, especially when you start misusing the machines.

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12 hours ago, sheatheman said:

What can I get for $1200?


It’s hard to answer when we don’t know what you already have, need, like...

well... I’d first look into Elektron:

1. Octatrack mk2

2. Monomachine 

3. Digitone or Digitone Keys

4. Model:Samples + Model:Cycles

5. Analog Heat mk2


non-Elektron stuff:

1. Squarp Pyramid if you need a good sequencer

2. Akai MPC One could be fun and powerful (the only akai id buy atm)

3. Soma Lyra 8 + Vermona Retroverb Lancet = analog drones droned in a spring reverb and shaped with beautiful filters

4. For the money you can buy several new Behringer analog synths, which are pretty good (if analog matters to you at all)

5. you can spend all the money on cool pedals/efx - i could name a few if ud wanted

6. MegaFm synth

7. Novation Peak (costs a bit more but you can find it on a discount)

8. HydraSynth


But, before anything else, i would invest in good monitoring headphones, at least for 600 dollars (my recommendation is Neumann NDH20)... or in building a powerful desktop PC ($300-500 just for a cpu). but that’s me


im not seeing much interesting stuff coming out tbh, at least not interesting to me, or there is but not it that price range. So my recommendations are probably pretty boring sorry.


if you can find just few hundred dollars more id advise you to buy Kodamo Essence FM, imo best fm synth atm

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12 hours ago, sheatheman said:

What’s the best of all the new stuff that’s come out in the past few years? Like the generation that zoia and deluge are in. 

The Hydrasynth and Korg Wavestate both look tasty to me, but I have a poly/pad gap in my setup. It really depends what you're looking for.

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17 hours ago, sheatheman said:

What’s the best of all the new stuff that’s come out in the past few years? Like the generation that zoia and deluge are in. 

I'm gas'd out after just buying a super 6, but on my keep an eye on list is 


Just released so not many demos, but seems interesting and a bit more useful than some of the other boutique loopers.

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41 minutes ago, kakapo said:

I'm gas'd out after just buying a super 6, but on my keep an eye on list is 


Just released so not many demos, but seems interesting and a bit more useful than some of the other boutique loopers.

How do you like the super 6 so far ?

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3 minutes ago, d-a-m-o said:

How do you like the super 6 so far ?

Arriving over the weekend, I'll post some first impressions then.  It was between that, and diying a kijimi (ideally with 2240 filters) or a vs1 oberheim obx clone.  I may still go back to them as my big diy project next year.  I like gear that has 'good vibes', and udo george is at the other end of the spectrum from say black corporation and the feeling that in some way you're getting ripped off.  Also, the uk is completely fucked and as much as I dont want it to be the case, buying British is almost becoming a moral obligation.

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