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20 hours ago, eclipsis said:

Anyone got Sequential Pro 3? I'm looking for some quality mono (my most "expensive" synth is Korg Monologue, lol) and I originally decided for Subsequent 37. I've had it ordered and been waiting for a month (not in stock in my country) until yesterday when I accidentally stumbled upon Pro 3. I immediately canceled my order because this machine looks perfect to me. Now I'm researching Pro 3 online and falling in love with it.

I've held my tongue on this so far while being a member of this forum but seeing as you're in the market for it, I really Really recommend you take a look at the Motas-6 if you're looking for a fancy mono. It doesn't have keys but it also costs quite a bit less tan your other two options and also offers (imo) quite a lot more (like simultaneous access to 3 filters) 

I have a bunch of demos of it up on Soundcloud if you want demos. 

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4 hours ago, Petajaja said:

I've held my tongue on this so far while being a member of this forum but seeing as you're in the market for it, I really Really recommend you take a look at the Motas-6 if you're looking for a fancy mono. It doesn't have keys but it also costs quite a bit less tan your other two options and also offers (imo) quite a lot more (like simultaneous access to 3 filters) 

I have a bunch of demos of it up on Soundcloud if you want demos. 

Can't find any details on pricing/ordering but this thing looks nuts. Flew completely under my radar.

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1 hour ago, sweepstakes said:

Can't find any details on pricing/ordering but this thing looks nuts. Flew completely under my radar.

It's £1250, signal sounds is probably the best place to get them from in the UK, it may be that they're out of stock currently though, the designer assembles them by hand in the UK so stock tends to come in waves.

I actually wanted to say a lot more about it than I did earlier but was away from my computer and cba to type out my thoughts on it on my phone haha..

So, since owning one (I now own two and am selling a bunch of gear to fund a third) I've started regularly emailing the designer (Jon) and have really come to see that this synth is a project of passion rather than one that's financially motivated.. I don't want to go too much into detail but the sales of the Motas-6 definitely aren't what's earning his living.


The reason I've started communicating with him regularly is that I was suggesting new features so often that it eventually just formed into a regular dialogue but yeah.. this has been one area that's REALLY impressed me in owning one of these, I can't off the top of my head remember everything but since owning it, the following features have been added on my request: [ Microtuning, polymetric sequencing, LFOs can track pitch and go well into audio rate (allowing all sorts of audio rate mod options) envelopes can be LOG / LIN with 128 steps in between the two extremes, VCOs are now optimized to allow waveshaping effects with the PM circuit and a ton of other features that I and other users suggested. ]

Anyway, Jon continues to update it very regularly and I'm sure will continue to do so for as long as the memory in the Motas allows, we've been talking about some ideas that'll most likely make it onto the unit in the next firmware (no guarantees here) which'll allow it to be used as a multi voiced drum machine along with many other things.

I've owned quite a few synths in my time and have played a bunch more, it's definitely my favorite sounding synth I've had the chance to play so far, I've spoken with several owners of Moog / DSI gear who sold their matriarch / pro3 to fund a Motas and were much happier with the Motas in terms of sound and features.

While the analogue features (the core of the synth) are many and very impressive, it's the digital control over all of it that truly makes it special imo, there's tons that could be done nowhere else than a giant modular system and that's just when using it stand alone, when using it together with a good sequencer or computer, the possibilities that all that digital control opens up are mind boggling..

Anyway.. I'm going to stop hyping this thing as I'll probably end up coming across as someone paid to sell this thing (something I'm sure Jon wishes he could afford to do haha) my only affiliation with this product is being a very happy / enthusiastic owner of one and that I've had a small role in some of the features that're found on there (purely by suggesting them, can't take credit for the hard work of actually implementing those ideas!)

Where as I could endlessly go on about it.. I won't but I'll be more than happy to chat about it if anyone does end up taking an interest in it.

Here's my soundcloud which exclusively has either demos I've made for the Motas or little song sketches that I've done heavily utilizing the Motas: 


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On 12/3/2020 at 3:10 PM, Squee said:

Bought the Roland TB-3.

I love that synth, I made incredible sounds on it. The scatter and XY play are super cool features. As you specify this is not a classic 303, when I bought mine I was also searching for something different than that famous acid bassline. The AIRA series is their finest regarding Roland's product catalog.

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On 12/9/2020 at 12:11 PM, Petajaja said:

I've held my tongue on this so far while being a member of this forum but seeing as you're in the market for it, I really Really recommend you take a look at the Motas-6 if you're looking for a fancy mono. It doesn't have keys but it also costs quite a bit less tan your other two options and also offers (imo) quite a lot more (like simultaneous access to 3 filters) 

I have a bunch of demos of it up on Soundcloud if you want demos. 

sorry, totally forgot about this thread... i've listened to your samples and Motas-6 sounds lovely for sure

i went with the Pro 3 (now waiting for it to arrive), apart from making weird electronic music i play in a post-rock band. i play mostly guitar but i've been using 1010music BlackBox to trigger some beats and synth sequences and wanted to pair it with some mono synth beast with keys (i.e. w/o the need for a controller). Pro 3 is ideal for this because of its immediacy + the onboard effects are very handy, otherwise i'd have to remove my Ventris from the pedal board and use it with the synth. also bonus points for how stunning it will look on the stage lol.

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Yeah I can understand the choice, The Motas wouldn't be my #1 pick with performance in mind although it is also fine in this regard, especially if you had some external controllers to use in conjunction with it.

The Pro-3 looks really great and I'm sure you'll love it, seen lots of people really fall in love with theirs ?

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Got a smaller version of this and so far it's the most convenient power strip I've ever owned.  Probably going to pick up this big one when I have the money to spare. Not the cheapest power strip in the world, but cheaper than buying four 8 outlet strips of comparable quality, and a lot more convenient.


Only complaint I have so far is that those end tabs for mounting it are a little flimsy for my taste. They'd be fine for mounting it on a work surface but for going on the side of a table or on a wall they seem like sooner or later they'll get broken off.

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6 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:



Got a smaller version of this and so far it's the most convenient power strip I've ever owned.  

What brand is this?  The most i could find was 12 sockets.

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I got the 24 outlet version.


I didn't open it up so I can't say if it's well made internally but it seems solid enough. 

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Believe me it's a step up from what I was doing before.


EDIT: actually this thread got me to check my power draw for the first time in a while and it's even lower than I thought.  If I turn on everything connected to the main circuit in that room - two computers with monitors, two rack and four keyboards, plus a couple desktop controllers, it draws about 380 watts.  I rarely have more than two or three pieces of gear on at a time, plus the computers (which are about 200 watts of that 380). The little rolling cart I've got the power strip mounted on is hooked to a different circuit that isn't metered, but a really overcautious estimate of its total draw would be under 80 watts (probably closer to 20 watts).


Amperage isn't even high enough to register.


Modern home studios, even if you've got a lot of old 90s digital gear in them, don't use much power.


But yeah, I wouldn't use that power strip (or any power strip) to run a power tool or a vacuum cleaner or a toaster.

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I think I made a thread about powering your studio a few years ago. It’s something that NEVER gets talked about. You read stuff about power conditioners occasionally, or getting one for your whole house on the street, but in the end the only way to eliminate ground loops is to plug everything into a single outlet.

but yeah, i have like 3 12 socket strips to power my studio and they are all full. Never once had any power issues though. The worst that’s ever happened is I recently fried a power supply for a mod pedal that was already on its last legs.

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I think the extent of important studio power habits for a lot of people amounts to basic hum avoidance, not chaining power strips into eachother or letting the missus plug the hairdryer into the same branch outlet as all your gear... 

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