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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Obama being cute about cynicism wrt us democracy (to the haters: he does have a point, right?)


You guys have a great President in office right now. Eloquent and empathetic, who concisely debates the good and bad merits of social issues and political games. Able to use reason and doesn't give black and white solutions to problems.


And now you have Trump, a person who criticizes the way a man eats pancakes as a political argument, as a possible replacement.



^^this, in a nutshell, is america.

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So what's up? Is there any reason to fear Trump being elected?


The current polls don't suggest so. Trump has come out in front in a couple of battleground-state polls, but they're not very accurate at this point, if you look at all the national polls (10-15 most recent over the last couple months) Clinton has been getting between 2 and 13 point margins, and Trump has only come out ahead in 1 (by 2 points), and tied another I think (the average of the recent polls is Clinton +5.7). That looks fairly tight, but it would give Clinton a pretty comfortable electoral college win. Of course the election is still a long way off and the polls could change, and pretty much nobody thought Trump would make it this far, so who knows what'll happen between now and then, the polls could swing even more in Clinton's favour once the debates start up.

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So what's up? Is there any reason to fear Trump being elected?

This is the nation that re-elected George Bush. Edited by Gocab
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pretty grim even for the Don of Drumpfs, the zero extrapolation of US and certain European govts foreign policy in the middle east and Afghanistan adding fuel to the migration fire is 1 thing, but the audience that feeds on this bs is a tad scary.


meanwhile in Germany, the nation of Trump's paternal origins, some bright spark is fighting ignorance in a truly integrative way:




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So what's up? Is there any reason to fear Trump being elected?


The current polls don't suggest so. Trump has come out in front in a couple of battleground-state polls, but they're not very accurate at this point, if you look at all the national polls (10-15 most recent over the last couple months) Clinton has been getting between 2 and 13 point margins, and Trump has only come out ahead in 1 (by 2 points), and tied another I think (the average of the recent polls is Clinton +5.7). That looks fairly tight, but it would give Clinton a pretty comfortable electoral college win. Of course the election is still a long way off and the polls could change, and pretty much nobody thought Trump would make it this far, so who knows what'll happen between now and then, the polls could swing even more in Clinton's favour once the debates start up.



The Trump train would probably be caught between a rock and a hard place when debates between Trump and (probably) Clinton start. His whole momentum is based on right wing middle and lower classes being fed up with political double-speak and liking a brash leader who pretty much echos fear based talk radio. Unless the majority of American voters adopt the right wing talk radio extremist ideology, Trump would need to reach for the more moderate center which is pretty much where Clinton has lived in for all of her political career. It would be interesting to see Trump try to not be his usual self in these debates to reach for those votes. It would probably make him look deflated to his supporters.

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Polls are now indicating that Trump is up 2 points nationwide.

The only demographic that can save Hillary are the Bernie supporters, and she's been doing nothing but fucking them over by rigging the election and being generally dismissive of them.

Edited by Brisbot
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Half of the country will not not vote for Trump, I just do not believe it. But then, I just saw that Austria beat out a rooted-in-Neo-Nazi far right party by less than a percent...so who knows.


Clinton's shortlist for VP (as currently reported) seems to try to bridge that Sanders gap. It'll be some interesting debates here soon between Clinton and Trump and their VPs.

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Half of the country will not not vote for Trump, I just do not believe it. But then, I just saw that Austria beat out a rooted-in-Neo-Nazi far right party by less than a percent...so who knows.


Clinton's shortlist for VP (as currently reported) seems to try to bridge that Sanders gap. It'll be some interesting debates here soon between Clinton and Trump and their VPs.


half the country voted for Bush with enthusiasm. i do know some religious conservatives who think Trump is a road to fascism and would never vote for him. so, that's encouraging. they'll probably stay home on voting day but there will be a ton of new people voting and if a bunch of Sanders' supporters get all cunty faced and vote for trump out of spite for him not getting the nomination then who the fuck knows...

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Polls are now indicating that Trump is up 2 points nationwide.


The only demographic that can save Hillary are the Bernie supporters, and she's been doing nothing but fucking them over by rigging the election and being generally dismissive of them.


No, the polls are still indicating a Clinton victory. Trump has only had three national polls where he's had an advantage, two of which were by notably biased pollsters too (Fox and Rasmussen). The two most recent polls came out on Sunday, and showed Clinton +3 in one, and Trump +2 in the other.

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