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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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right, so what? the other day i read an article about how bernie's insistence on debate with clinton was a misogynist bc he didn't respect her saying "no." i mean seriously, there are veritable torrents of bullshit on both sides here (i'm of course leaving out the unfathomable buffoonery of trump's campaign). what is the point in highlighting the dumb bernie bro shit? clinton already has a cozy place in the mainstream, liberal media so who cares bruv? and anyway a basically identical list could be established mutatis mutandis so come on.


It's not the same thing at all, because it's been obvious for months that Sanders wasn't going to win, which has lead to rapidly increasing levels of delusion and paranoia amongst a section of Sanders supporters, so you could not in any way create an identical list for Clinton supporters. now maybe if the roles had been reversed a similar thing might have happened with them, or maybe it wouldn't? we'll never know.


sadly that delusion seems to have spread to the candidate himself, he really should've conceded last night. dumb move on his part, unless he wants to increase the chances of a trump presidency?

Edited by caze
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sadly that delusion seems to have spread to the candidate himself, he really should've conceded last night. dumb move on his part, unless he wants to increase the chances of a trump presidency?


actually, this isn't fair. what's probably actually happening now is just horse trading, his endorsement is going to cost the Clinton administration something, whether it's the appointment of a veep or a few cabinet seats or whatever, either for himself or more likely someone else he wants.

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I read half an article le this morning about someone from the Sanders camp leaking internal emails and giving all sorts of information about how 'it's not the fault of the campaign managers, Sanders is just pushing too far despite everyone telling him not to.' At work, can't find it, but it looked worthy of discussing here if anyone comes across the info.

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The positive with a Clinton win is that finally the US can join the 21st century and elect a female president. Unfortunately she being such a polarizing figure otherwise (not discrediting that a part of it is the fact she is a woman, similarly with Obama being black) might make the road for the next female candidate that much harder. Women are woefully underrepresented in the House as it is. But I guess it's a start.


Agree. I had the same feeling about Obama being elected even though he's been pretty hit or miss for me. Superficial or not the US elected someone who wasn't a white male. Not to discredit Sanders too much though, him winning could of put the first openly agnostic and ethnically Jewish president if office in the US.

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The positive with a Clinton win is that finally the US can join the 21st century and elect a female president. Unfortunately she being such a polarizing figure otherwise (not discrediting that a part of it is the fact she is a woman, similarly with Obama being black) might make the road for the next female candidate that much harder. Women are woefully underrepresented in the House as it is. But I guess it's a start.


Agree. I had the same feeling about Obama being elected even though he's been pretty hit or miss for me. Superficial or not the US elected someone who wasn't a white male. Not to discredit Sanders too much though, him winning could of put the first openly agnostic and ethnically Jewish president if office in the US.



i honestly don't see the benefits of joining "the 21st century and electing the first female president". i can see what it does for hillary but what does it do for america besides let us write down when we did that in history? didn't seem to help brasil or the philippines either.


even under the first black president's watch, we had some of the most famous black tragedies in this country with trayvon martin, eric garner, tamir rice, ferguson and record murders in chicago. on the positive side though, obama did receive a nobel peace prize, $1 million and secret service protection for life so maybe we should count that as a win. next election, we really should consider a hispanic or asian candidate.


we shouldn't be joining the 21st century, we should be leading it

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we shouldn't be joining the 21st century, we should be leading it

You gotta be in it before you can win it.


Also no more American leadership for a while please. Be good global citizens/neighbours, contribute positively.

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The positive with a Clinton win is that finally the US can join the 21st century and elect a female president. Unfortunately she being such a polarizing figure otherwise (not discrediting that a part of it is the fact she is a woman, similarly with Obama being black) might make the road for the next female candidate that much harder. Women are woefully underrepresented in the House as it is. But I guess it's a start.


Agree. I had the same feeling about Obama being elected even though he's been pretty hit or miss for me. Superficial or not the US elected someone who wasn't a white male. Not to discredit Sanders too much though, him winning could of put the first openly agnostic and ethnically Jewish president if office in the US.



i honestly don't see the benefits of joining "the 21st century and electing the first female president". i can see what it does for hillary but what does it do for america besides let us write down when we did that in history? didn't seem to help brasil or the philippines either.


even under the first black president's watch, we had some of the most famous black tragedies in this country with trayvon martin, eric garner, tamir rice, ferguson and record murders in chicago. on the positive side though, obama did receive a nobel peace prize, $1 million and secret service protection for life so maybe we should count that as a win. next election, we really should consider a hispanic or asian candidate.


we shouldn't be joining the 21st century, we should be leading it



good counter argument and fair points


that's why I lead with "superficial or not"


as much as I still have gripes with Clinton and Obama regarding their topical "accomplishments" by simply being elected, as female and black candidates respectively, versus the reality of their policies and lack of progress, there's one big problem bringing it up as a left-wing critic of Democrats...the more you point it out the more the right-wing just goes to their bullshit "see I told you so" arguments and/or then start saying "why not ben carson?" nonsense

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I read half an article le this morning about someone from the Sanders camp leaking internal emails and giving all sorts of information about how 'it's not the fault of the campaign managers, Sanders is just pushing too far despite everyone telling him not to.' At work, can't find it, but it looked worthy of discussing here if anyone comes across the info.


was probably this:



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Worst candidates ever on a presidential final run and you americans voted for them, you have rickrolled ourselves.... so don't blame it only on the 30% obese brainwashed mcdonlads people

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oh well, this is over for reals now. i guess bernie supporters could start a kickstarter campaign to fund the assassination of clington because otherwise there's simply no way.


what the fuck is the matter with you. thats a sick and reprehensible comment. you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

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oh well, this is over for reals now. i guess bernie supporters could start a kickstarter campaign to fund the assassination of clington because otherwise there's simply no way.

what the fuck is the matter with you. thats a sick and reprehensible comment. you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.


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oh well, this is over for reals now. i guess bernie supporters could start a kickstarter campaign to fund the assassination of clington because otherwise there's simply no way.

what the fuck is the matter with you. thats a sick and reprehensible comment. you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.




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there's one big problem bringing it up as a left-wing critic of Democrats...the more you point it out the more the right-wing just goes to their bullshit "see I told you so" arguments and/or then start saying "why not ben carson?" nonsense


coincidentally, that's what's happening right now on the far right. wasn't joe scarborough a trump advocate?



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Also no more American leadership for a while please. Be good global citizens/neighbours, contribute positively.

lol like that's ever gonna happen. niggaz caint help theyself.

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My Facebook feed is completely flooded with political shit. I sure do know a lot of liberals, and conservatives disguised as liberals.

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I read half an article le this morning about someone from the Sanders camp leaking internal emails and giving all sorts of information about how 'it's not the fault of the campaign managers, Sanders is just pushing too far despite everyone telling him not to.' At work, can't find it, but it looked worthy of discussing here if anyone comes across the info.

was probably this:



It quoted the same information as the one I saw...this is an interesting read though. The campaign managers are partly covering their asses, which I guess is necessary since that is essentially a full time career for some of them, but the leaking of internal communications seems shitty, particularly while the campaign is still technically going on. They don't need to make a big stink about how they've known and been saying Sanders is done for, everyone with half a brain knows that and has known for a month or more. Sanders being too pig-headed about things was both what got him where he is and what turned the campaign into a movement and not a real march towards the presidency. You just can't run shit the way they did, not anymore. You have to play by the rules to some extent, and that's a part of what kept him from getting the nomination. Interesting what he's turning the 'campaign' towards now though that it's essentially over...I hadn't heard about the shit with Barney Frank. Fucking career politicians are such a uniquely bitchy sort of human.
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Fucking career politicians are such a uniquely bitchy sort of human.


They're sociopaths. All highly functioning (and some exceptionally so), but sociopaths nonetheless.


Our scumbag of a congressman was previously mayor of Providence, where he managed to cover up the city's fiscal shitshow (bankruptcy is not a matter of if, but when) long enough until his flaming asscheeks were firmly stuck on DC leather. Depending on who's asking/asked he's been rocking an approval rating of around 20-25% for the past several years. Any yet he's effectively running unopposed for re-election this year. #goodtimes

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