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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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It will be great when political historians in the future will have to wade through twitter for source material.


Chapter 17: the twitter feuds and sick burns



It's really bizarre how Twitter makes everyone, even people in power, have discussions like they're writing to each other with sharpies on a bathroom stall doors.

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btw remember this man?



Isn't that the Zodiac Killer?



yep, still a senator from my state and a manifestation of an obscure SNL skit from like 10 years ago


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Lt. Governor of Texas (i.e. 2nd in charge / leader of the Senate and arguably as powerful as governor) tweeted this next morning. Said it was unfortunate coincidence but even if it was it's still a pathetic tweet. Decades from now people are going to wonder how the fuck we elected such imbeciles.



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more concerned about the 10.000+ likeS, btw.


hope these were twitter-like bots


some people are worried about the possibility of trump winning. i think he will be crushed in november. actually i see his candidacy as a positive thing, it's an opportunity to initiate conversations with people about these topics. people who actually agree with him on these awful points he makes, after november, when will we have the opportunity to broach these subjects with them?

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he's going to win by a landslide. for one, trump bashing is turning into noise. it carries no meaning. people will rebel. two, hillary is boring and shrill. I dont want trump, but i have a good gut feeling on elections. rarely wrong

Edited by marf
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he's going to win by a landslide. for one, trump bashing is turning into noise. it carries no meaning. people will rebel. two, hillary is boring and shrill. I dont want trump, but i have a good gut feeling on elections. rarely wrong


Naw. His rise and support that got him the nomination are abnormal and far outside of what most predicted, but his supporters are such a limited group that he has no real chance on election day. Even the Republican 'elites' and congress members who have come out in support of him actually hate him and much of what he stands for. There's a section of intelligent Republicans in this country who I don't think will stick with their party this round.

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