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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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A bunch of nuggets in this piece:



He will linger on the opulence of the newly hung golden drapes, which he told a recent visitor were once used by Franklin D. Roosevelt but in fact were patterned for Bill Clinton. For a man who sometimes has trouble concentrating on policy memos, Mr. Trump was delighted to page through a book that offered him 17 window covering options.

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the red pill - gamergate - alt-right venn diagram fascinates me. i'm sure there are folks in all these groups that have legitimate cases for the charge "unfair overlap!". just seems like young male frustration is such a powerful and destructive force that our society is bad at managing, or maybe there's just tons of room for improvement here. of course, young male frustration is probably what underlies terrorism of all kinds.


it wasn't that long ago that 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man. and you know, all the dudes (and girls) walking around today are descended from the winners of those games. intense!


We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men


If there are folks on here who think my linking of these groups is totally unfair, i claim ignorance. tell me how i'm wrong.


just some stuff swimming around in my head. sorry if this is junky.


I used to browse/post on 4chan a lot and yeah, all that gamergate/MRA/anti-SJW stuff just overlaps, it's zero surprise to me that there is widespread support for Trump there. Anything vaguely liberal or left-leaning is dogpiled on. Kind of why I stopped browsing, I got tired of the politics seeping into everything. Couldn't even, say, go on /mu/ and see a thread mentioning DJ Sprinkles without seeing a shitstorm start.


as keanu said though I probably wouldn't overestimate the influence they had on the results, American voting 4chan userbase is probably a drop in the ocean for electoral results really. They just get more media coverage because of the bizarre Clinton campaign article on pepe and the aforementioned weird antics of young white dudes.

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H.R.861 - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.




Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1]





Date Cosponsored


Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4]*




Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS-4]*




Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]*






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H.R.861 - To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.















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Playing devil's advocate the abolishing of the EPA (and the Education Department similarly) is to eliminate excessive, inefficient regulation that is already done state by state...


but even then my question is "then what?" how do you enforce regulations of pollution that spills from one state to another? is there regulation in each state that at the very least covers the bases of things covered by the EPA nationwide? What about states like California that have stricter regulations than the EPA, can they keep the same high standards or are they going to be forced to change via executive orders?


Even if one pretends these efforts aren't political and corrupt power moves it's still inherently short-sided.


What they should do, if they were actually sincere and intelligent about this, is propose what Texas calls "sunset commissions" which are commissions that review other commissions and agencies, propose improvements or even dissolution if needed (usually for obsolete agencies) every 10 years. It's a lot less idiotic than letting a mob rule majority in the legislation try to abolish agencies as they see fit.

Edited by joshuatx
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a good olde fashioned war usually puts such vitriol thru its paces & purges the populace of any young male surplus, patriots & wise characters


brace yerself, Merka, cant imagine Trump using lube when he sodomizes next

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Portage acacian?



idk.. who talks like that? 


the act of carrying; carriage.

the carrying of boats, goods, etc., overland from one navigable waterto another.
the route over which this is done.
the cost of carriage.
verb (used without object)portaged, portaging.
to make a portage:
On this stretch of the river, we have to portage for a mile.


Definition of Acacian


  1. :  a follower of Acacius who taught likeness of will alone in the Father and Son in the Christian godhead

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here's a fun wikipedia article to


read while


listening to that rzewski!



The military government took control of all media including the radio broadcasting that Allende attempted to use to give his final speech to the nation. It is not known how many Chileans actually heard the last words of their president, Salvador Allende, as he spoke them but a transcript and audio of the speech survived the military government.[84][85] Chilean scholar Lidia M Baltra details how the military took control of the media platforms and turned them into their own "propaganda machine."[85] The only two newspapers that were allowed to continue publishing after the military takeover were El Mercurio and La Tercera de la Hora, both of which were anti-Allende under his leadership.[85] The dictatorship's silencing of the leftist point of view extended past the media and into "every discourse that expressed any resistance to the regime." An example of this is the torturing and death of folksinger Victor Jara. The military government detained Jara in the days following the coup. He, along with many other leftists, was held in Estadio Nacional, or the National Stadium of Chile in the capital of Santiago. Initially, the Junta tried to silence him by crushing his hands but ultimately he was murdered.


bonus pic of horselover dick who has absolutely nothing to do with any of this



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