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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I want to get back to debating politics. I miss being attacked for being liberal because now I'm attacked for believing in facts and seeking knowledge. 




Trump was a fuck you vote because they were snowflakes who rolled their eyes everytime Obama said anything remotely smug. Now they literally cheer when Trump does things no remotely responsible parent or citizen would allow a child to do. It's fucking incredible and sad. 

They seem like those people who project their resentment at their children into a more socially acceptable sense of moral superiority over the childless. Like they see Trump as the opportunity to be a rotten cunt that their kids ostensibly robbed them of.



Resentment is there, and some of it is warranted (i.e. the whole middle america being fucked thing) but it's been exploited by the right. Classic populist nationalism, only here in the states it's being held back by our laws and government (for now and forever god willing). It has more to do with fear than anything IMO...more on that below.


Belated Edit: nixon was a political beast and knew what he was doing. Politically, trump is clueless. So any defense of trump will be either "dont know" or "dont care" or even "dont understand" ...and worse "because this is how i think things should be done" -insert some inane position -. Arguably, trump was elected for being stupid/trump. So it's dificult to impeach him for being just that. I believe. Thats why the weinstein option will be more effective. Even though trump will have some kind of imunity until hes out of office.


Dunno. I somehow think its better this way. Trump looked like a lame duck in that meeting. Or rather a spoiled child. With a lot of people surrounding him doing damage control.

With all the bad stuff that is told about Bolton, for instance. Even though all of that might be true, you just have to look at him and see his disdain for the spoiled brat behavior of that orange kid next to him. Bolton is very much a principles guy. Might be bad ones. But nevertheless, he loooooves his principles and hes damn proud of them. And there are plenty of conflicts of principles between these two. Same could be argued for pence, mattis and kelly. All of them i think are conservative guys who jerk off to their personal sets of principles. Their lifetime achievements of having the best principles. Those are like their personal oscars. And trump attacks those principles on a daily basis. So its essentially the trump containment crew made up of old white guys with white hair. The conservative grand pas. ( unconsciously trump must be looking for his dad or something. Still searching for that fatherly love he never had) regardless of trumps behavior, i actually think they're doing damage control. If only to preserve their beloved principles.


"Nixon was a professional politician, and I despised everything he stood for -- but if he were running for president this year against the evil Bush-Cheney gang, I would happily vote for him" - Hunter S. Thompson


Trumps handlers i.e. the grown-ups in the room are like b-level technocrats. In any other circumstance I'd be skeptical of them being in their roles (Rex Tillerson was a great example) but in context they're preventing chaos. That said I respect Mattis a lot, he's openly talked about his concerns over tribalism ideology tearing this country apart, he's a warrior Marine but a centrist and pragmatic statesman and he's taken this job like a combat assignment in service for his country. He's like Colonel Shikishima from Akira.




Is he ever going to shut the fuq up about Hillary? He reminds me a bit of my dad in that he gets absolutely fixated on a subject and won't stop talking about it even long after it ceases to be relevant. They're the same age, I think it's an old man thing


He name dropped Obama as well.


My folks do the same thing, talk in circles, change the subject, study delusional theories intensely then conveniently ignore and deflect any substantive facts that undercut their argument. It's gas-lighting and doublespeak to the extreme. It's not even conservative and right-wing ideology that bothers me anymore, it's the absolute disengagement from thinking and discussion. I want to get back to debating politics. I miss being attacked for being liberal because now I'm attacked for believing in facts and seeking knowledge. The same parents who told us we have to go to college now thinks we were "brainwashed" by universities. 


They don't want think beyond their own narrative. It's the lack of courage and fear of losing this selfish feeling of being "in the know" and perpetually battling some vague, leftist boogeyman. Reality is their biggest fear. The same people who made me feel awful for questioning the government and corporate lobbies during the Iraq War and economic meltdown of the late 00s now lecture me about the "deep state" and talk of fanciful impending civil war between anti-government patriots and globalist elites. Not one gives a shit about the mess the future generation are being left. Trump was a fuck you vote because they were snowflakes who rolled their eyes everytime Obama said anything remotely smug. Now they literally cheer when Trump does things no remotely responsible parent or citizen would allow a child to do. It's fucking incredible and sad. 



Jesus man, this is sad to read


Hope clear heads prevail for you and yours



Ditto, here's to hope. I try to remind myself these are trying times but in the grand scheme of history I am still very, very fortunate. My spouse and I wouldn't have brought children in this world if I was that cynical. Some older folks I know talk as if it's the end times...and they cite some of the most mundane gripes to do so. 


The kicker is the folks I mentioned are good people. (Some aren't, I don't even bother acknowledging the bigoted and ignorant people I know who are in seventh heaven, I ignore them and pity how foolish they'll look in retrospect). But like I said, the surreal aspect is how so many who voted for Trump act and even believe in things opposite of him. In fact one relative openly talks about how Trump is a moron and he's voted for him because he hedged his bets and thinks its better for the stock market. He voted for Trump because, delusional but sincerely, he felt it was better for the future. That's the frustrating part. They are civil, kind, friendly otherwise. I can literally talk about anything else with them. But this has turned into a weird hobby/obsession of sorts for some. Cognitive dissonance to the max. People rather feel empowered with simple answers and superficial factions than debate and discuss and work out problems. They reject progress, hope, unity because they are too scared to admit fault or even double-down. 

Edited by joshuatx
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yeah, perhaps unfair to put mattis in the list between pence and bolton. he deserves better, i agree. still though, old cloth guy. old but more likeable cloth. but even rumsfeld looks like a niceguy nowadays. (interview @ colbert)

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so it turns out we might be going to war with russia over syria. china could (maybe) stop this by stepping in since or (worse) ending the trade deal with .us and starting a new one with .ru. either way, at least you know the gun happy, red blooded NRA card carrying members will be lining up for this chance to use their shooter for more than just waving around during rallies



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yeah, perhaps unfair to put mattis in the list between pence and bolton. he deserves better, i agree. still though, old cloth guy. old but more likeable cloth. but even rumsfeld looks like a niceguy nowadays. (interview @ colbert)


I still agree they all come from experience and this base level of professionalism. I worked around government long enough to know that the surface level politics often has nothing to do with actual behavior and beliefs behind the scenes - sometimes the most bombastic and vitriolic politicians are actually civil and reasonable public servants behind closed doors. Sometimes the people I'd vote for in heartbeat on paper are totally inept and/or ruthless out of the spotlight. 

That's why I'm not 100% sold on term limits - it's a double edge sword, for every yahoo it would kick out of office there's a qualified experienced person it'd rip out as well. The real problem is the "drain the swamp" tea party shit has made it more about putting in totally inexperienced corporate and special interest hacks and discouraged decent folks from running and/or staying in office. Dems have the same problem for an opposite reason - they've bet on the establishment in their own party too long. 

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so it turns out we might be going to war with russia over syria. china could (maybe) stop this by stepping in since or (worse) ending the trade deal with .us and starting a new one with .ru. either way, at least you know the gun happy, red blooded NRA card carrying members will be lining up for this chance to use their shooter for more than just waving around during rallies





....doing things that nobody thought possible



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so it turns out we might be going to war with russia over syria. china could (maybe) stop this by stepping in since or (worse) ending the trade deal with .us and starting a new one with .ru. either way, at least you know the gun happy, red blooded NRA card carrying members will be lining up for this chance to use their shooter for more than just waving around during rallies





....doing things that nobody thought possible





The question is will Trump wag the dog with Russia to shake off his previous cozy relations with the Kremlin? I'm hoping he just sticks with nothing more than curiously timed airstrikes as every other POTUS has in the past. It is incredible how he's gone from saying we need to pull out of Syria 100% to taunting Russia in mere days, Mueller's investigation is truly throwing him off that much.

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Apparently an anonymous Republican congressman had this to say (part of longer rant):


"It's like Forrest Gump won the presidency, but an evil, really f*cking stupid Forrest Gump. He can't help himself. He's just a f**king idiot who thinks he's winning when people are b*tching about him. He really does see the world as ratings and attention. I hate Forrest Gump. I listen to your podcast and heard you hate it too. What an overrated piece of sh*t movie. Can you believe it beat the Shawshank Redemption?"



"I say a lot of shit on TV defending him, even over this. But honestly, I wish the motherf*cker would just go away. We're going to lose the House, lose the Senate, and lose a bunch of states because of him. All his supporters will blame us for what we have or have not done, but he hasn't led. He wakes up in the morning, sh*ts all over Twitter, sh*ts all over us, sh*ts all over his staff, then hits golf balls. F*ck him. Of course, I can't say that in public or I'd get run out of town."

I'm not sure it's even about identity politics anymore. It's about Trump loyalists versus everyone else, and whom the country is gonna side with from here on out.

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^buncha fuckin pussies walking the halls of congress is all it is. even those publicly against Trump (Dems mostly, obviously) are doing it in part because of the status it affords them. they're all whores for ratings, Trump's just looking for the tv, Reps and Sens are looking for re-election. popularity contests of a different color. lord knows about 10% of them are actually there interested in passing legislation or helping the real people in their districts. fucking shame.

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Guess I shouldn't be hastily optimistic even if this so-called "Blue Wave" does indeed flip a bunch of seats next November. Because many on the Democrat side are still likely siding with the big banks and corporations. And they'll find a way to screw us over too.

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there are some decent democratic party reps out there on the rise but the majority are spineless shills



big money spineless shills. we only need a handful to get motivated on campaign finance reform but it's a long long shot for that. they're all in love w/the easy big money. 

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so it turns out we might be going to war with russia over syria. china could (maybe) stop this by stepping in since or (worse) ending the trade deal with .us and starting a new one with .ru. either way, at least you know the gun happy, red blooded NRA card carrying members will be lining up for this chance to use their shooter for more than just waving around during rallies





This series of tweets is incredible for so many reasons.

The biggest though - is that's his defense for the raid on Cohen's office? "BAD!"??

I'm trying to think of the evidence they must have shown to the judge for him to authorize the warrants to go into the fucking President of the United States' lawyer's office. Solicitor-client privilege is a tough nut to crack in the US (impossible in Canada), so it's got to be something really fucking juicy.

And Trumpelstiltskin's defence is "BAD!"

FLOL i hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life.

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I hope he rots in jail too, but seriously, what really bad can happen to this dude? His empire stripped and his children raped? His wife leaves and takes his money? His chimpanzee court has kept him out of harm's way this long, no way anything bad we all want to happen to him will occur. Besides, Russians will sneak him out of the country should shit hit the fan and he lives out the rest of his life in a gold plated Moscow hi-rise with Fox news, big Macs, and golden showers 4 life...

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Possibly, but he’s never been under this kind of scrutiny. Before, he was just an asshat celebrity. Now he’s an asshat president, and serious people pay attention to what the president does...

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Bucket list:  shit on donald trump's grave.


I wish




as an old man w/a cane i'll visit his grave w/a maga hat on and creep ever slowly up to grave site where i'll drop trow and let loose the adult diaper.. then i'll cackle and snarl and blaze double barrel middle fingers w/all my junk hanging out. 

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Bucket list:  shit on donald trump's grave.


I wish




as an old man w/a cane i'll visit his grave w/a maga hat on and creep ever slowly up to grave site where i'll drop trow and let loose the adult diaper.. then i'll cackle and snarl and blaze double barrel middle fingers w/all my junk hanging out. 



sounds like a plan my man

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