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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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If you do take a shit on his grave (hes in his seventies. Wont take too long), please put a small trump-like wig on it and take a picture.


Thank you!


And hope he doesnt get cremated. ...

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good news! ww3 delayed til after aepril:


"Never said when an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all! In any event, the United States, under my Administration, has done a great job of ridding the region of ISIS. Where is our “Thank you America?”"

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wall shit trump library


I keep forgetting this fucker gets a library, what an absurd monstrosity that will be. 


Only stocked with Art of the deal.

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If you take a dump on his grave, it will actually fertilize the soil over time.



Not with a solid diet of cheese and whiskey it won't.

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First with a porn section, mini-golf, and McDonalds drive-thru


don't forget the shooting range


and the "grab m by the pony" ride



restaurant serving well done steaks with ketchup and hospital cafeteria standard burrito bowls

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tuesday night i watched frontline about trump presidency and god it's fucking weird hearing the serious voiceover guy talk about trump. it's like a serious circus

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They should let out a sigh of disdain every time that say "President."



everytime he said ".. but the president... " or  "... but at the whitehouse..." i could only picture a spaztic trump clown goofing off and doing weird trump shit around a podium.. "is this real life".   they could easily put a different narrator in there.. someone with a silly kid voice or SNL character. the Californians. 


srsly needs a super deluxe edit. 

Edited by ignatius
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Since media is all fake news, then he is the fake president. He is a bad actor pretending his way through this whole charade. "We might attack Syria, we might not. Who knows. I might wake up tomorrow and play golf, I might stay in my room tweeting and watch fox news. Who knows."

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I keep forgetting this fucker gets a library, what an absurd monstrosity that will be.


Mar-a-Lago Presidential Libary and future resting place of Donald Trump.
I bet he will want his dead orange body to be on display in mar-a-lago long after he's gone. The red hat wearing MAGA faithful will make it a holy pilgrimage to see it. Unlike Lenin, he won't need any presevatives since he's so caked in orange self tan product that will keep him glowing for hundreds of years. Edited by zero
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Unsubstantiated report I heard about today, a possible illegitimate child from a former housekeeper of Trump's. Could be totally made up. Wouldn't surprise anyone if it was real though, eh?


And now the Comey book shit cycle is starting. Curious to see how much this will be milked and if there's anything new to be learned in it, not betting on much (I'm usually wrong).

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Unsubstantiated report I heard about today, a possible illegitimate child from a former housekeeper of Trump's. Could be totally made up. Wouldn't surprise anyone if it was real though, eh?


And now the Comey book shit cycle is starting. Curious to see how much this will be milked and if there's anything new to be learned in it, not betting on much (I'm usually wrong).



early reports are hitting the "he's fixated on denying the Steele dossier, his ties are too long, he's all abou tpersonal loyalty and cares little about actual policy".  apparently has lot's of quotes that will be denied. 


i'm guessing it'll be written in a less salacious style than that other book. 

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