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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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on the scandinavian countries thing zero books just did this ol thing



I'm p sure the other side of the coin has a very different story to how things went and are going here, but is interesting nwae

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on the scandinavian countries thing zero books just did this ol thing



I'm p sure the other side of the coin has a very different story to how things went and are going here, but is interesting nwae

Super fascinating, thanks man.

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on the scandinavian countries thing zero books just did this ol thing


I'm p sure the other side of the coin has a very different story to how things went and are going here, but is interesting nwae


Super fascinating, thanks man.
I don't like how he just glosses over the "yeah we have free education" without acknowledging what a bloody miracle that is compared to the rest of the world.. I think the picture painted is way more dystopian than it actually is, still interesting tho
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Kanye is a mentally handicapped celebrity who is probably in a ton of debt. He will suck Ronald Reagan's decayed dead skeleton dick on C-Span for all to see to get what he needs. He might do it


I never gave an actual fuck about Taylor Swift, but I'm glad she did some shit. She's cool in my book. 

and kanye thinks holding a room verbally hostage will get the room to understand. Same thing he did to Taylor Swift. It's like he doesn't learn from past mistakes.


One thing is for sure, him and Trump are like peas in a pod. Him and Trump both seem to think that if you talk enough then it will become true. And honestly for Trump it's working, at least for his base. And it will probably work for Kanye... hell even I've come to realize that that Avril 14th sample was really written by Kanye, like he said it was.

Edited by Brisbot
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Having free education and health is no miracle, its fucking basic. Its like brushing your teeth or taking a shit. NORMAL. The fact that many don't have it is a miracle.


Is not the norm and it hasn't been the norm historically, I mean.. and the infrastructure nessesary to enforce such welfare is not really comparable to what you need to take a shit or brush your teeth..


I get your point though, it should be a prime focus to cater to the basic needs of people.. how to shift systems that don't do that well enough to better ones without wrecking everything though? who knows really.. guess that's partly what we're trying to figure out collectively

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Having free education and health is no miracle, its fucking basic. Its like brushing your teeth or taking a shit. NORMAL. The fact that many don't have it is a miracle. 


nah dude. is theft. not good. like punching you down and taking your monies from pocket. very bad.

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Having free education and health is no miracle, its fucking basic. Its like brushing your teeth or taking a shit. NORMAL. The fact that many don't have it is a miracle.

Is not the norm and it hasn't been the norm historically, I mean.. and the infrastructure nessesary to enforce such welfare is not really comparable to what you need to take a shit or brush your teeth..


I get your point though, it should be a prime focus to cater to the basic needs of people.. how to shift systems that don't do that well enough to better ones without wrecking everything though? who knows really.. guess that's partly what we're trying to figure out collectively

Not trolling, honestly asking: has their ever been an economy that was wrecked, a country torn to shambles, because the people decided that everyone in their bounds should be provided free high quality healthcare, schooling, etc.? I'm not a history buff, so I'd be curious to hear if this has ever happened and the circumstances.


(asking anyone of course)

Edited by auxien
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Having free education and health is no miracle, its fucking basic. Its like brushing your teeth or taking a shit. NORMAL. The fact that many don't have it is a miracle.

Is not the norm and it hasn't been the norm historically, I mean.. and the infrastructure nessesary to enforce such welfare is not really comparable to what you need to take a shit or brush your teeth..


I get your point though, it should be a prime focus to cater to the basic needs of people.. how to shift systems that don't do that well enough to better ones without wrecking everything though? who knows really.. guess that's partly what we're trying to figure out collectively

Not trolling, honestly asking: has their ever been an economy that was wrecked, a country torn to shambles, because the people decided that everyone in their bounds should be provided free high quality healthcare, schooling, etc.? I'm not a history buff, so I'd be curious to hear if this has ever happened and the circumstances.


(asking anyone of course)


Well, germany for certain isn't one of them. The irony is the social legislation goes all the way back to Bismarck, the very same dude who edicted anti socialist laws. A concession basically to hold extremism in check.

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Having free education and health is no miracle, its fucking basic. Its like brushing your teeth or taking a shit. NORMAL. The fact that many don't have it is a miracle.


Is not the norm and it hasn't been the norm historically, I mean.. and the infrastructure nessesary to enforce such welfare is not really comparable to what you need to take a shit or brush your teeth..

I get your point though, it should be a prime focus to cater to the basic needs of people.. how to shift systems that don't do that well enough to better ones without wrecking everything though? who knows really.. guess that's partly what we're trying to figure out collectively

Not trolling, honestly asking: has their ever been an economy that was wrecked, a country torn to shambles, because the people decided that everyone in their bounds should be provided free high quality healthcare, schooling, etc.? I'm not a history buff, so I'd be curious to hear if this has ever happened and the circumstances.


(asking anyone of course)

I think the crucial thing there is that you say that the people decide that.. what happened in Venezuela (this is def not the whole story, and if anyone has better understanding of it pls pitch in) is that incredibly corrupt politicians promised said welfare then reaped all the money to themselves instead and the whole thing went to absolute shit.


As for what exactly went wrong with soviet russia, maoist china etc.. id rather someone more knowledgeable than me gave their take on it since I certainly don't have the whole picture..

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Whitehouse trying to install new bullshit fees & rules to repress protesters' rights to peacefully assemble:



That's some pretty dirty and truly anti-American shit.


But further, the ACLU is starting to worry me. Navigating that write up and noting that every link they give is only to other ACLU sites (all of which feature prominent DONATE links and prompts), along with the fact that 'submitting a comment' there will automatically sign you up on their list...pretty weak shit. Starting to look more like a business than a rights group. Pretty fucking sad tbh. I know they've gotten some shit over the last couple years while the left is throwing money at them while still maintaining some degree of objectivity, but a few minutes browsing their site, they look like a fucking left-wing PAC organization. Not good at all.


I think the crucial thing there is that you say that the people decide that.. what happened in Venezuela (this is def not the whole story, and if anyone has better understanding of it pls pitch in) is that incredibly corrupt politicians promised said welfare then reaped all the money to themselves instead and the whole thing went to absolute shit.

As for what exactly went wrong with soviet russia, maoist china etc.. id rather someone more knowledgeable than me gave their take on it since I certainly don't have the whole picture..


Exactly why I took pains to word it just right :) I know the generals of the communist/etc things that might've fit otherwise, but afaik there's never been any country that was bankrupted because they clothed, housed, and fed everyone equally no matter what. I've heard it come up many times as a counter-argument but never heard any evidence that it's happened. I'm sure anyone who knows how to add and subtract could make plenty of arguments that 'oh well GDP is only ____ so like if we spend __% of our money on general welfare of all in our country then it'll go to shit' but I want to see some sort of evidence that it's happened before, in some regard, in some way throughout history.

Edited by auxien
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Trump passes Music Modernization Act: https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/8479476/president-trump-signs-music-modernization-act-law-bill-signing




President Donald Trump signed the Music Modernization Act (MMA) into law Thursday, officially passing what is arguably the most sweeping reform to copyright law in decades. From a report: The bill revamps Section 115 of the U.S. Copyright Act and aims to bring copyright law up to speed for the streaming era.


These are the act's three main pieces of legislation:

1. The Music Modernization Act, which streamlines the music-licensing process to make it easier for rights holders to get paid when their music is streamed online.

2. The Compensating Legacy Artists for their Songs, Service, & Important Contributions to Society (CLASSICS) Act for pre-1972 recordings.

3. The Allocation for Music Producers (AMP) Act, which improves royalty payouts for producers and engineers from SoundExchange when their recordings are used on satellite and online radio (Notably, this is the first time producers have ever been mentioned in copyright law.).


What does all this mean? First, songwriters and artists will receive royalties on songs recorded before 1972. Second, the MMA will improve how songwriters are paid by streaming services with a single mechanical licensing database overseen by music publishers and songwriters.


The cost of creating and maintaining this database will be paid for by digital streaming services. Third, the act will take unclaimed royalties due to music professionals and provide a consistent legal process to receive them.

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Trump passes Music Modernization Act: https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/8479476/president-trump-signs-music-modernization-act-law-bill-signing




President Donald Trump signed the Music Modernization Act (MMA) into law Thursday, officially passing what is arguably the most sweeping reform to copyright law in decades. From a report: The bill revamps Section 115 of the U.S. Copyright Act and aims to bring copyright law up to speed for the streaming era.


These are the act's three main pieces of legislation:

1. The Music Modernization Act, which streamlines the music-licensing process to make it easier for rights holders to get paid when their music is streamed online.

2. The Compensating Legacy Artists for their Songs, Service, & Important Contributions to Society (CLASSICS) Act for pre-1972 recordings.

3. The Allocation for Music Producers (AMP) Act, which improves royalty payouts for producers and engineers from SoundExchange when their recordings are used on satellite and online radio (Notably, this is the first time producers have ever been mentioned in copyright law.).

4. The group known as Autechre will be required to release all soundboard recordings of live sets online immediately, including any future live performances they may give.

What does all this mean? First, songwriters and artists will receive royalties on songs recorded before 1972. Second, the MMA will improve how songwriters are paid by streaming services with a single mechanical licensing database overseen by music publishers and songwriters.


The cost of creating and maintaining this database will be paid for by digital streaming services. Third, the act will take unclaimed royalties due to music professionals and provide a consistent legal process to receive them.


You left out part four, I just added it back in, seems a bit specific but I'm okay with it.

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