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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I still think World Peace is pretty funny if you can dissociate it from its gross haha-racist/sexist-but-not-really-but-really-yes attitude which is obvious in retrospect. humour does not depend on one's politics, at least upto the point where you become so mean-spirited and petulant about it that you destroy whatever comedic value it might have had. depends a lot more on execution and intent.

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humour does not depend on one's politics, at least upto the point where you become so mean-spirited and petulant about it that you destroy whatever comedic value it might have had. depends a lot more on execution and intent.

It depends on likability and empathy too. The cultural divide and moral baggage have been quite asymmetrical for a while, so that aspect seems more challenging for right-leaning comedians. Preaching to the choir is a bit safer but they still have to tread carefully in public channels, as demonstrated by Roseanne Barr (who isn't funny anyway).

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the NPC meme is the most banal, softball insult they could possibly have come up with given the massive reserves of angst and vitriol they have to draw from.

 I don't know why I just recently realized this, but right wingers kinda suck at comedy. IT all comes off as mean spirited at the underlying message they're trying to convey, like an insult instead of exaggerating reality like normal humor. It probably doesn't help that it often doesn't reflect reality but...


I can think of left-wing humor I don't entirely agree with that is funny and in good spirits but not really right wing stuff.


Anyone have any good examples of successful right-wing humor? Genuinely curious. I'm into trying new things.


I wouldn't characterize humor as being left wing or right-wing. I would put it more in the vein of authoritarian and anti-authoritarian. I would generally say that most humor can be split up into laughing at someone else, or laughing at yourself.

There is a topic of research in psychology called humor styles. Here's a lil research paper I just found that talks about their effects on happiness.


Perhaps we should take this to the smartypants thread. or just let this thread keep spiralling out.

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humour does not depend on one's politics, at least upto the point where you become so mean-spirited and petulant about it that you destroy whatever comedic value it might have had. depends a lot more on execution and intent.

It depends on likability and empathy too. The cultural divide and moral baggage have been quite asymmetrical for a while, so that aspect seems more challenging for right-leaning comedians. Preaching to the choir is a bit safer but they still have to tread carefully in public channels, as demonstrated by Roseanne Barr (who isn't funny anyway).



I don't think humour has anything to do necessarily with empathy and feeling nice about things or about other people. Bill Hicks wasn't funny because of his mad deep empathy and affable personality. dark, taboo, weird humour that cuts through the facades of life and bothers normies is some of the funniest shit out there to me, and if the comedians making it are actually good people inside and not just bastards, great. but the inherent comedic value of something does not depend entirely on that.


then again people have different tastes and humour is subjective anyway, idk. I'm probably just talking about the comedic tastes of burned-out, alienated cunts who don't find 90% of popular standup or comedy television funny.

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^ as an ex pedantically and annoyingly pointed when I once declared a similar sentiment:


nauseous = you are nauseating, i.e. "I feel nauseous" = "I think I'm nauseating to someone"


the correct usage would apparently be "this thread is making me feel nauseated" or "this thread is nauseating me".


for your health nausea.


edit: I still say "nauseous"


edit edit: 





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the NPC meme is the most banal, softball insult they could possibly have come up with given the massive reserves of angst and vitriol they have to draw from.

its just a rebrand of normies, or sheeple.. or russian bot..


what's rlly stupid about all of it is the overblown reaction it's got.. wouldnt ever had left the 4can cespools had ppl not been so stupid invested in their internet identities..

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Thinking about humor in a political context...I remember three years ago or so watching a brief clip on YT of Louis CK getting heckled by a stereotypical conservative speaking with signature Southern diphthongs. The heckler said something like "you got no hair to share!" and LCK responded with "who the hell shares their hair?" and the heckler literally got laughed out of the auditorium.

My guess is he relied on hearsay instead of individual background research prior to attending the routine. That or he attended just so he could troll, as many right-wingers are prone to do anyway, in which case it hilariously backfired.

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Right wing humor or satire doesn’t really work because calling out hypocrisy is one of the main points of any kind of political humor.

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Yeah, I mean, look at how much of a snowflake Sam Hyde turned out to be. Crying at Tim Heidecker after getting his own show cancelled. He also truly believes the fairy tale of Trump being a successful businessman. He would retweet Richard Spencer all the time too.

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I'm not even finished with this Cracked article and feel the need to share it:


5 Awful (But Revealing) Examples Of Conservative Comedy

There were some classic Seanbaby moments in there and there was some truly unfunny shit on display... but I have a hard time believing this is the cream of the conservative comedy crop. There have got to be at least one or two funny blowhards out there.

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George dubbya was hilarious imo


He was actually fairly self-deprecating which is why in retrospect he suddenly seems decent to many compared to Trump, who is about as humorless and narcissist as you can get. W also never really consumed any pop culture nor payed attention to cable news.





W is fairly extreme in this manner, Clinton and Obama were a lot more clued in to pop culture, but overall just about every past POTUS has been pretty regimented about routines, intel briefings and daily tasks that pretty much cut any free time out. Now we have a manchild who religiously watches Fox & Friends, scrolls his phones for headlines involving him, is obsessed with twitter and has literally been keeping White House archivists busy taping together documents he tears up like a toddler when he's done reading them.

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