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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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there is a long and consistent pattern of the president steering toward a civil war and/or authoritarian coup. he said if he loses then the election is rigged. dan carlin, the masterful history podcaster, did a whole episode on it. 



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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

it's cruel to use this as some kind leverage and hold hostage the relief people and businesses need. it's plainly obvious to anyone w/a brain that he doesn't care about helping people.

exactly. dangling a stimulus package carrot in front of people who actually need it. "you'll only get help if you vote for me" bullshit. 

I was actually thinking he was going to try and swoop in to claim victory if the R's & dem's had of been able to come to a package deal before the election. use that as the leverage to try and sway people to vote for him - "you see what I did for you, I'm getting you paid again."

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On 7/26/2019 at 2:40 PM, very honest said:

putin's goal is to weaken america. the strategy has been to increase and exploit internal division. a contested election is not necessarily the one goal, but it would be a huge prize along the trajectory he's on, because it could precipitate the actual fall of america. him and the fsb, sitting around thinking about how to fuck america, are certainly aware of this potential. comey was apparently so concerned that he risked tipping the election trump's way. 


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never seen a photo of stephen miller where he didn't look like an x-files creature of the week. pretty sure he navigates the white house through the air ducts. no wonder he caught it.


i'm worried that if he gets close to dying that he'll cough up a tiny stephen miller that will scurry away and hide for 100 years until it's ready.

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30 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

Is it just me or is the tone from the fanboys changing? Like they know he is going to lose, die, or both, and they're mourning those 4 sweet years they enjoyed having a fellow dumbfuck in the oval office?

I’m trying not to be too optimistic at that being a possibility. I won’t let myself, yet. 

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1 hour ago, Nebraska said:

republican congressman so moved by trump he cannot love another president EVER again


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What's up with his voice? Sounds like he's got Kermit the Frog and Gomer Pyle stuck in his throat.

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1 hour ago, sweepstakes said:

Is it just me or is the tone from the fanboys changing? Like they know he is going to lose, die, or both, and they're mourning those 4 sweet years they enjoyed having a fellow dumbfuck in the oval office?

the cultish / religious undertones in the way trump addresses his base have increased tenfold since this whole corona episode..

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In lots of places that wouldn't even be enough for paying rent.

But that doesn't matter. The SS followed hitler like the proud boys do follow trump. So many similarities. People voted for hitler here in germany because they were in a desperate depressed situation. He changed stuff. It looked like it was getting better, bigger and one Reich again. What came next was written all over the walls in his book and everywhere, but people willingly ignored it, fled to other countries or actively sympathized with it.

Will Antifa people form the new White Rose?

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1 hour ago, Psychotronic said:

In lots of places that wouldn't even be enough for paying rent.

But that doesn't matter. The SS followed hitler like the proud boys do follow trump. So many similarities. People voted for hitler here in germany because they were in a desperate depressed situation. He changed stuff. It looked like it was getting better, bigger and one Reich again. What came next was written all over the walls in his book and everywhere, but people willingly ignored it, fled to other countries or actively sympathized with it.

Will Antifa people form the new White Rose?

I get that comparison to the Third Reich and Hitler but I disagree with it. Germany was in a very different situation at that time than the US is now. It was at an economical low point while having to pay huge reparations and basically was locked in the Treaty of Versailles so had no chance to ever overcome this low point and work itself out of it. That was fertile soil for nationalism. The US is now the most influential place on the planet with the largest military apparatus that's active all around the globe and has enough means to tackle most crises (if it wanted to), Germany wasn't even allowed to have any military after WW1 nor was there any thinkable positive future scenario. Years of poverty were to come. Americans haven't gone through any major war or real crisis for generations (well, except black ones). Germany was much more vulnerable to fascism than the modern US is now and I can't imagine that it will go fully ballistic polka style. Also, Trump isn't like Hitler. The main difference is Trump's lack of ideology, he doesn't even understand what he is saying and uses right-wing ideology as a power tool while Hitler was highly ideological and believed the stuff he wrote in his boring book "Mein Kampf". History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes (Twain ?).

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Well, the real crisis is just really starting off in the US. Sure his ideological background is lacking, but he feeds the evangelicals and nationalists. If you wire yourself into these structures the wires can drag you deep down, even if you are a non believer. A anti social motherfucker with a lack of vision is still a antisocial motherfucker.

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I agree that there is a dangerous possibility that things get worse. Still, the comparison doesn't really help to understand the problem, it's more a way of discrediting Trump, which is a good thing, actually. So yes, fucker is like Hitler

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22 minutes ago, Psychotronic said:
8 minutes ago, dingformung said:

I agree that there is a dangerous possibility that things get worse. Still, the comparison doesn't really help to understand the problem, it's more a way of discrediting Trump, which is a good thing, actually. So yes, fucker is like Hitler


I also think he lacks a Lederhose. I have one left over from my undercover time in munich but don't think his fat ass would fit in it. :cisfor:

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