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Your pointless thoughts & observations


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Once I was alerted to the concept of "hard fun" I began listening for it and heard it over and over. It is expressed in many different ways, all of which all boil down to the conclusion that everyone likes hard challenging things to do. But they have to be the right things matched to the individual and to the culture of the times. These rapidly changing times challenge educators to find areas of work that are hard in the right way: they must connect with the kids and also with the areas of knowledge, skills and (don't let us forget) ethic adults will need for the future world.


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I rarely go, but when I do go to a professional sporting event, I can't help but thinking that this is a massive scam. everything is incredibly overpriced. a decent seat costs in the hundreds. the cheap seats have horrible views, and you're mostly watching a screen from far away. you are crammed next to some undesirable group of loud obnoxious disgusting humans. most of them are starring at their phones anyway, barely paying attention. a beer costs $15. bad food. generic loud music. sitting in horrific traffic trying to exit. why tf did I do this? this is a miserable experience. I could've watched it on a decent sized screen at home and saved all this hassle. 


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every person i've met in america who's wearing a fedora at the time.. has seemed to be an annoying flake with a healthy dose of self centered personality type... 

so far.. anyways.. 

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I was in the Jardin des Plantes in Montpellier a few months back walking round before I got talking to an elderly lady who feeds the stray cats that live in the gardens. After we were done talking I could hear singing so I headed in that direction and down some steps I could hear three young people, two girls and one guy, harmonizing whilst singing without words and it sounded heavenly. I sat round the corner listening as did some others but I really do wish I had spoken to them as I saw that they were recording.

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what is wrong with people man. I haven't been going out in a good while now due to being hella depressed for a time but then I see people getting drunk having the most unhinged drunk drama I've seen in a good while and it's just so.. strange to me. are people really that impulsive? why scream at your girlfriend about your relationship insecurities. why shout at your ex lover 5 years after your relationship about some weird concept you had of him maybe having cheated on you in secret. screaming at the top of your lungs like a toddler. picking fights because someone looks at you funny. this can't be the baseline for human behavior can it? what the fuck? maybe all that overthinking my own psyche did more good than bad. oh chronical its so different to talk to you about my thoughts. no. stop. maybe people are just sporadic thinkers. how else do you get racists and the like. all this coming of age of a big ass magical universe only to end in pain hatred and frustration. get out of here. this cant be it. much love watmm

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On 11/5/2023 at 3:07 AM, chronical said:

screaming at the top of your lungs like a toddler. picking fights because someone looks at you funny.

it's on my bucket list... I've been stabbed, bottle in the nose, beat down by 10 random dudes, picking up fights with bar securities (yeah I'm always shorter than them so if they kick my ass I've nothing to be ashamed of 🤦) and all my friends think that's fun as hell and that's why my last 7 or 8 years living away from that town kinda helpped me in a way...


10 hour flight to Miami and I couldn't reserve a seat at the window... at least I got one in the aisle... gag me with a spoon ffs...


edit: do ppl call you@chronical irl?



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On 10/24/2023 at 7:47 PM, zero said:

I rarely go, but when I do go to a professional sporting event, I can't help but thinking that this is a massive scam. everything is incredibly overpriced. a decent seat costs in the hundreds. the cheap seats have horrible views, and you're mostly watching a screen from far away. you are crammed next to some undesirable group of loud obnoxious disgusting humans. most of them are starring at their phones anyway, barely paying attention. a beer costs $15. bad food. generic loud music. sitting in horrific traffic trying to exit. why tf did I do this? this is a miserable experience. I could've watched it on a decent sized screen at home and saved all this hassle. 


and everybody's poor and there's no free health insurance but that doesn't matter anyway on those days cause u know, 🏈 / ⚽ 

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On 11/4/2023 at 9:07 PM, chronical said:

all this coming of age of a big ass magical universe only to end in pain hatred and frustration. get out of here. this cant be it. 

nah, it's not. people who get drunk and yell at each other, pick fights, etc. are all unable to see that they are being pulled around by the voice in their head, which doesn't actually exist. you realizing that acting like this isn't the right way to be, is a step in the right direction. the only thing that makes sense as to the "it" (life) thing you mentioned, is humans co-exist as peacefully as possible, not circle down the drain of living with a mentality jam packed with hatred and anger...once you start really being able to look at emotions objectively and questioning things like why is this emotion even here, then you realize that it came from my own head, my own ego created this. if I created this, then I can stop it right now. and that to me is sorta a big key as to what life's all about. being able to have a very high level of self control over thoughts and emotions. this can lead to a higher degree of peace and calm, which we all need to live our lives on this planet. not yelling at the top of our lungs in drunken rages at bars lol.


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8 minutes ago, cruising for burgers said:

this is very hard, zero.

wrangle that shit in, Mr Tim J. don't let your mind control you. mind is like a monkey, jumping around constantly from thought to thought. gotta be able to slow that down so the mind is blank. takes effort. practice. 

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when I left my last ship the stolen hidden free wifi network wasn't working for a while cause the company inserted a password besides the network being hidden (some of the crew had this network cause they have connects up there on the hierarchy ladder)...

so, I thought, damn I'm fucked this next contract, no free internet (expensive af)...

turns out it's working again with no pass...:yeah:

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13 hours ago, cruising for burgers said:

anyway, the mind, how can u separate that from, yourself ? this should be in the AI thread...

ah c'mon man...let's just take some blue pills and go back to our day to day lives, then wake up the next day and do it all over again. no going down any rabbit holes...that leads to too many difficult to answer questions 🤔🫣😑🤪

I am no expert here. just another dude with random opinions on the internet... but if I were to try and explain in words how the mind is separate than the self, then I may try and use a movie analogy. the mind is like the scriptwriter/director, and the self is the actor. the self is an agent of the mind, can express outwardly what the mind wants it to through words and actions. the script is constantly being written by the mind (i.e., thoughts). whether or not the self acts on the thoughts generated by mind, is largely situational. the mind is the main driver of everything a person does. now the actor (self) can come and go, but mind is always there (unless one "loses" one's mind, ha!). the self changes based on the situation it is in. it is not a constant unchanging thing. therefore there is no permanent self, the permanent self does not exist. aaaand then you can go down the religious rabbit hole about people having souls and shit, and yeah...leave that for the AI thread 🙃

got it? lol idk man. this is nothing original here. this line of thinking has existed for thousands of years. Greek and Indian philosophers and all that. the key thing is to recognize this yourself, have some sorta a-ha moment where spiritual/philosophical teachings such as this all click into place. otherwise it's all just more text on a screen to read (or page, for those still reading books), and has no real impact whatsoever.

anyway, this reminds me that there used to be some really great philosophical discussions on this forum a long time ago. now we old and just post memes, talk politics and shit haha

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21 hours ago, zero said:

ah c'mon man...let's just take some blue pills and go back to our day to day lives, then wake up the next day and do it all over again. no going down any rabbit holes...that leads to too many difficult to answer questions 🤔🫣😑🤪

I am no expert here. just another dude with random opinions on the internet... but if I were to try and explain in words how the mind is separate than the self, then I may try and use a movie analogy. the mind is like the scriptwriter/director, and the self is the actor. the self is an agent of the mind, can express outwardly what the mind wants it to through words and actions. the script is constantly being written by the mind (i.e., thoughts). whether or not the self acts on the thoughts generated by mind, is largely situational. the mind is the main driver of everything a person does. now the actor (self) can come and go, but mind is always there (unless one "loses" one's mind, ha!). the self changes based on the situation it is in. it is not a constant unchanging thing. therefore there is no permanent self, the permanent self does not exist. aaaand then you can go down the religious rabbit hole about people having souls and shit, and yeah...leave that for the AI thread 🙃

got it? lol idk man. this is nothing original here. this line of thinking has existed for thousands of years. Greek and Indian philosophers and all that. the key thing is to recognize this yourself, have some sorta a-ha moment where spiritual/philosophical teachings such as this all click into place. otherwise it's all just more text on a screen to read (or page, for those still reading books), and has no real impact whatsoever.

anyway, this reminds me that there used to be some really great philosophical discussions on this forum a long time ago. now we old and just post memes, talk politics and shit haha


it's gonna take a while to digest all of that... 🫀


in the meantime I'm gonna adopt a tree (cause paper u know)... or maybe a highway? :trollface:

this roommate snores like an horse 🐴 he wakes himself up with his own snoring... and he also whistles when he exhales...

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On 10/24/2023 at 1:47 PM, zero said:

I rarely go, but when I do go to a professional sporting event, I can't help but thinking that this is a massive scam. everything is incredibly overpriced. a decent seat costs in the hundreds. the cheap seats have horrible views, and you're mostly watching a screen from far away. you are crammed next to some undesirable group of loud obnoxious disgusting humans. most of them are starring at their phones anyway, barely paying attention. a beer costs $15. bad food. generic loud music. sitting in horrific traffic trying to exit. why tf did I do this? this is a miserable experience. I could've watched it on a decent sized screen at home and saved all this hassle. 


Maybe try a hockey game? I don't go to any sporting events except an occasional hockey game, the crowds are pretty chill. The overpriced food/beer/tickets sucks, but weekday game tickets aren't too bad. Pregame a few drinks with dinner and it's overall a pretty fun experience. 

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I went to the gym today and walked/ran 30 minutes on a treadmill...


anyway, didn't know that nothing compares to u was written by Prince...

both of these came way before Sinéad O'Connor's cover and they're stunning, notice the dissonant chords... it's almost microtonal....


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