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Uri Geller promises to stop Brexit using telepathy





In an open letter to the prime minister, the Israeli-British TV personality said he felt “psychically and very strongly” that most Britons were anti-Brexit and promised to stop the process telepathically. He wrote: “I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit. I love you very much but I will not allow you to lead Britain into Brexit. As much as I admire you, I will stop you telepathically from doing this – and believe me I am capable of executing it. Before I take this drastic course of action, I appeal to you to stop the process immediately while you still have a chance.”

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Hard to find a good balance between centralized power and regional power though. Small governments can be kicked around by businesses easily whereas a big central government can't to the same extend but is on the downside more out of touch with the people. And when such a government is trapped in control of banks and businesses not only partially but completely the fuck-up is huge. Still, as a self-declared socialist, Corbyn should support internationalism and therefore the EU because it is one of the most successful projects of internationalism that we have today. I understand the left critique on the EU but all the things criticized won't be solved by destroying or damaging the EU but instead by reforming it. The UK won't get more social without the EU. Instead the EU should become more social with the help of Britain. I don't understand how a politician with a self-image like Corbyn can be so fearful about this. With a pro-European Labour party governing the UK the country could become an important factor in pushing social reforms in the EU. Corbyn's lukewarm attitude toward the EU might be in a way understandable but at the same not pragmatic and too ideological

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Raaab has to be one of the more shameless & narcissistic Tory cunts in recent memory, be a shame if someone physically clattered him live on camera at some point in this shitstorm of false consciousness

Edited by cwmbrancity
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I listened to a profile on raab on r4 a while back, when he became brexit secretary. Allegedly cunt's a hardcore martial artist, trains every day, could compete professionally according to his judo teacher or whoever they got on. Psychopath.

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brilliant stuff! :)


should have stopped after 5 mins though. and why the hell does the youtube not embed properly? grrrr immigrants...

Edited by goDel
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so theresa may says she will resign to get her deal through, but i cant think of a single reason that would benefit anyone apart from other high ranking tory politicians? who gives a shit who is leading the tory party if the deal hasnt changed?

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yeah, Boris will be licking his lips and so will vote for the deal now, as will a bunch more of them. I doubt that'll be enough for the DUP though, and a core group of the more deluded brexiteers. In order to get it through they'll still need Labour votes, and I can't see them getting enough of them.

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