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lol I don't think there's any reason not to take job offers, or react with incredulity if they are offered - sure things will all work out one way or the other. we (the british) just like to moan a lot... ignore it.

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On 10/18/2019 at 10:08 AM, BCM said:

this country is, and always has been full of really quite stupid people who are racist and bigoted because they're thickos. cameron massively misjudged this and thought that everyone was nice and middle-class (or higher) just like him and samantha. unfortunately this is not the case, and of course if you gave "the people" of the UK a say ("the people" being defined by reading the sun, daily mail or express newspapers) they would obviously vote leave. because thick racist, insecure and brainwashed by 30+ years of anti europe propaganda. referendum should absolutely never have happened or been offered as an awful lot of the people given this huge responsibility did not have the intellect or judgement to deal with it.

You sound like a top cunt here, nice work.

I voted remain but I understand why people voted leave, the same reason I understand why people voted for Trump. The levels of inequality are sickening and people wanted a change. This was the first chance they’ve had to potentially have one in years rather than more of the same. The media say they are doing further damage to themselves and will lose money but when you haven’t got a lot anyway this isn’t much of a threat. Maybe they voted leave so you’d have nothing too.

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lol I don't think there's any reason not to take job offers, or react with incredulity if they are offered - sure things will all work out one way or the other. we (the british) just like to moan a lot... ignore it.
Well, I'm not going to move somewhere if it's unsure if I can actually stay there more than a few weeks..
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Maybe they voted leave so you’d have nothing too.

and you say I sound like a cunt...I've had nothing, been dirt poor, not eaten for close to 3 weeks because I had literally nothing, no electricity, heating or light. I lived like this for many years in my twenties and finally got my shit together when I was about 35. I've worked fucking hard for what i have now, and despite what people might think, I'm not from a privileged background or anything like that. I'm not going to let some fucking idiots jeopardise that because they're jealous or some other stupid shit.
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^ @BCM now can you work hard on fixing the massive amount of blank space in your signature :emotawesomepm9:

2 hours ago, zkom said:
3 hours ago, BCM said:
lol I don't think there's any reason not to take job offers, or react with incredulity if they are offered - sure things will all work out one way or the other. we (the british) just like to moan a lot... ignore it.

Well, I'm not going to move somewhere if it's unsure if I can actually stay there more than a few weeks..

couldn't blame anyone for being hesitant about moving to a country with possible serious issues currently happening. if things get fixed then great, country seems lovely in general....but if things don't get fixed, it could be really difficult for the foreseeable future if not long term (especially for someone without roots there). 

3 hours ago, BCM said:

lol I don't think there's any reason not to take job offers, or react with incredulity if they are offered - sure things will all work out one way or the other. we (the british) just like to moan a lot... ignore it.

don't think i've seen anyone describe Brexit as just a lot of moaning. hope you're right.

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Yes, what I mean I won't be moving to UK until this issue is solved. I might consider to move there after the Brexit and when the status of EU citizens living in the country is clear.

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Lol at the whole thing again. Every time I think it can't get more absurd it somehow manages to do it.



Boris Johnson has sent a request to the EU for a delay to Brexit - but without his signature.

The request was accompanied by a second letter, signed by Mr Johnson, saying he believes a delay would be a mistake.

The PM was required by law to ask the EU for an extension to the 31 October deadline after losing a Commons vote.

EU Council President Donald Tusk tweeted that he had received the extension request and would consult EU leaders "on how to react".

Opposition MPs have warned the PM that if he tries to circumvent Parliament's instructions to seek a delay, then he may find himself in the law courts.

Mr Johnson previously said he would "rather be dead in a ditch" than ask the EU to delay Brexit, and the UK would leave on 31 October "do or die".

Hours after losing a crunch vote in a historic Saturday session in the House of Commons, the prime minister ordered a senior diplomat to send an unsigned photocopy of the request for a delay, which was forced on him by MPs last month.

I bet half of the EU leaders have been facepalming the whole night and the other half getting drunk.

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42 minutes ago, zkom said:

I bet half of the EU leaders have been facepalming the whole night and the other half getting drunk.

I bet the general feeling is to get this done as soon as possible. "You want your Brexit? Fine, have at it!"  

I must admit I was hoping for things to normalise once people got closer to an actual brexit. But there's no indication of this whatsoever. The brexiteers have become even more hell bent, it seems. The ukip-ers want to blow off this deal and prefer a no deal instead. Which basically forces other (softer) brexiteers to take this deal instead, as alternatives shrink by the minute.

So yeah, can't wait for this nonsense to be over. The Johnson(May)-deal is the quick fix at this point.

Sorry, Brits. This marriage is ending.

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i have no idea what is happening. we've asked for an extension (unsigned letter lol, as if that somehow makes it void) but we're still definitely leaving this month. wtf?

this deal wasn't brilliant but i kinda wish it'd got through and we could finally have moved on. so now who knows what will happen - prob second ref? general election? but both of those will probably just come out a confused mess with still no clear direction one way or the other. it's fucked man, totally fucked - never going to be resolved ever. like, even if we do come out, there'll be a campaign to take us back in. it's fucking never ending...

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On the upside of all of this, the whole Brexit-thing might make for a great British comedy show / self-mockumentary sitcom in a few years. 
I can already imagine the dark sarcastic eccentric surreal humor and (in)competent naive absurd over-excited strong-willed characters. 
Honestly can't wait for it. 
It's gonna be so good. 

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On the upside of all of this, the whole Brexit-thing might make for a great British comedy show / self-mockumentary sitcom in a few years. 
I can already imagine the dark sarcastic eccentric surreal humor and (in)competent naive absurd over-excited strong-willed characters. 
Honestly can't wait for it. 
It's gonna be so good. 
It's just.. how the fuck are they gonna top the reality? This is beyond parody already.
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On 10/18/2019 at 12:18 AM, auxien said:

isn't Brexit supposed to happen at the end of the month, no matter what? the fuck y'all gonna do?

It's the Great British closing down sale that never ends. 

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