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On a Bill Burr/Joe Rogan episode, they were joking about Justin Bieber's pastor having his "dick root" out and how it's a surefire way not to trust a man's intentions. The pastor recently got tangled in a sex scandal. I feel like we're on a countdown until we get similar events on Burning Man patriot. He's not as flagrant as that pastor but it's enough root showing to be in the danger zone.

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33 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

Not as rare as you might think.

and the Qanon shit got picked up by "essential oils" anti-vax moms in the suburbs and karens. 

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There's a pretty direct continuity from 60s hippies through Right Libertarianism to the Tea Party and Qanon. Not all of them of course, but it's there, I've met more than one 70-something hippie who is now deep into Alex Jones.



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14 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

There's a pretty direct continuity from 60s hippies through Right Libertarianism to the Tea Party and Qanon. Not all of them of course, but it's there, I've met more than one 70-something hippie who is now deep into Alex Jones.

another overlap - there's always been a strain of this in new age / eastern spiritualism, all the way back to 1800s era Theosophy founded by Helena_Blavatsky




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Fascism and white supremacy deal heavily in pagan and ancient symbol appropriation which overlaps heavily with conspiracy theories like ancient aliens and lost civilizations and pseudoscience. these are the kind of things crystal and alternative medicine people and big brain alex jones and [insert other YT dipshit here] fans stumble into. On top of all of this is 4chan and 8chan and QAnon and it's a perfect goddamn storm of both disturbingly dangerous and absurdly hilarious. The former needs to be stressed though: I'm sure so many other clusterfuck cults and fringe movements that killed innocent people and/or naive followers where understandably dismissed and derided. It was only really after the fact that they went from weird to notorious. Aum Shinrikyo, Peoples Temple, Heaven's Gate. Plenty of white supremacist and far-right ones to list.

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22 hours ago, very honest said:

the valknot tattoo on q shaman's chest, coincidentally shielded by his Davy Crockett hat, is a white supremicist symbol


Apparently it's one of those ones that has been appropriated, but I don't think historically it had those white supremacist origins.

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3 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Apparently it's one of those ones that has been appropriated, but I don't think historically it had those white supremacist origins.

Right, but nazis have a long history of stealing benign symbols and infusing them with hate.

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Yeah offhand there's been a lot of formally untainted and apolitical pagan symbols that have been appropriated in the last 5-10s years and perhaps more broadly since the 1990s in the iffier parts of neofolk or black metal communities (just look up Death In June's various outfits, album covers, etc) and those kind of groups in general. It's accelerated so much that there are def people out there with pagan, celtic, viking, etc. tattoos who are totally not right-wing and perhaps even leftists who now have symbols on their body affiliated with alt right goons.

That said from the late 1800s through the Third Reich era a fuckload of pagan and/or traditional symbols in Europe were incorporated into their emblems and symbols. It had a start even earlier than that among Prussians and other armies. Not just the swatizka nor the totenkopf but the black sun, ss runes, wolfsangel (which is rampant in Ukraine nationalist circles), etc. Considering the far right has appropriated Pepe and the ok symbol they likely have tainted just about any Western ancient symbol in some way.

I have paperweight with the Basque Lauburu on it at my desk and I feel kind of iffy about keeping it. It's fine but it's just too goddamn close. I received it and a shirt as a gift and the person who gave it to me was too tone-deaf to think that it in black and white would look way too sketchy. I wore a couple times but haven't since 2016. 

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49 minutes ago, Squee said:

Right, but nazis have a long history of stealing benign symbols and infusing them with hate.

Agreed - are we (general we, not the secret elite mod team at WATMM) powerless to change that though?

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Yeah I have a postcard print of St. Francis Contemplates a Skull that I got at the St. Louis art museum when I was 16 or 17, and it just occurred to me that he maybe looks like a Klansman. Moved it out of view of my Zoom background, heh.

Edited by sweepstakes
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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

Apparently it's one of those ones that has been appropriated, but I don't think historically it had those white supremacist origins.

yeah it's "odinist." if you search for odinism what you get is articles about white supremacy's adoption of it. dude's covered in odinist symbols. 

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1 hour ago, joshuatxuk said:

It's accelerated so much that there are def people out there with pagan, celtic, viking, etc. tattoos who are totally not right-wing and perhaps even leftists who now have symbols on their body affiliated with alt right goons.

thank god all those people out there with butterflies tattooed above their ass and tribal bands around their ankles are still safe here.

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2 hours ago, joshuatxuk said:

another overlap - there's always been a strain of this in new age / eastern spiritualism, all the way back to 1800s era Theosophy founded by Helena_Blavatsky




Oh definitely.

Thanks for the articles!


A lot of countercultural figures had gone into some pretty dark places that way by the 80s even if they didn't start there, Abbie Hoffman and Robert Anton Wilson come to mind.


I finally found a copy of Mindfuckers: A Source Book on the Rise of Acid Fascism that I could actually afford a couple years ago, maybe the time is right to finally make an audiobook of it.


I'd scan it but the binding is too sketchy for that, and even a cheap copy was still close to $80, which is probably more than I've spent on half of the books I own combined but I'd been after it for over a decade.

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