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11 minutes ago, cern said:

The court, gossips and Family drama etc.. It is just like a fucking regular TV-Show. 


me and my partner* right now, multiscreen pundits and liveblogs, twitterfeeds, facebook groups, and whatsapp politicos group chats all up ready for it all

1 hour to go, almost ready. so super amazed to be learning who might get my vote!


*lol i mean me and my cats & waifu pillows :cat:


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1 hour ago, cern said:

Meanwhile it is getting more and more difficult for the average Joe to make ends meet while the top gets it all. 
Everything goes straight to the top while the bottom gets to suffer. 

this has been the trend since the 80s.. it's just worse now. slowly they have chipped away everything. the left has continuously lost on all the things that matter. they've done a shit job of being in the game.. gerrymandering, the courts, taxes, schools, guns, abortion... they've been taking the highroad and the right has been in the mud since day one playing a different game. the left has many of its own problems and hasn't been united in a long time. 

this debate is going to be a full adult diaper of bullshit.. even though biden does have some policy wins and bills passed to stand on... it's pretty easy to take him to task on gaza and israel... but no one will be doing that tonight. meanwhile.. the band plays on. 

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2 minutes ago, auxien said:

my god it's hard watching Biden try and complete a thought, hell he's so fucking old.

i watched about 30 seconds on youtube of trump going on and on while biden stared at him sideways.. couldn't take it..  trump is in full dick mode.. throwing the age and dementia jabs like a real prick. i hope he reaps what he sows one day.. soon. 

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my god it's hard watching Biden try and complete a thought, hell he's so fucking old.

that's the extent of my watching this debate

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fuck Trump for sure

but goddamn...

a pundit ain't worth a shit, don't get me wrong...but the CNN pundits are absolutely ripping Biden apart rn. even the supposed Biden/blue supporters? weird. i've been out of the loop on the punditry/media bs and all, this is kinda crazy tho.

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19 minutes ago, exitonly said:

i skipped it, think i’m glad

Same. Given the first reviews, I’m more interested in a presidential debate with a chatbot. ChatGPT is always polite. It tries its best to answer the question. And giving hallucinatory bs answers is a presidential feature nowadays. Technology can be fixed and improved. The current candidates can not.


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5 hours ago, ignatius said:

trump is in full dick mode.. throwing the age and dementia jabs like a real prick. i hope he reaps what he sows one day.. soon. 

Can you blame him though, Biden is genuinely not of sound mind anymore. This debate was a hard watch. 

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Even if the debate leans in one direction, Trump's behaviour will hopefully make things lean in the different direction.

If you guys fuck this up, I will be so pissed. I'll be watching.

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Theory: I had an elderly neighbour (94!) he was living independently quite well for a while, it was kindof amazing, but then started to go downhill. Stubborn though, didn't want to be moved into a home, his daughters couldn't persuade him. So in that situation everyone has to let the process play out - he had a couple of falls, then spent a bit of time in hospital, came home again, fell over again etc. Eventually the old guy had to admit that it was time to move on to an old people's home. I think this happens a lot with old people, they have to go through a chaotic stage.

I think maybe the people around Biden asked for this early head-to-head debate so that (a) either it would be OK or (b) it would be so bad that they then had impetus to do something about it.

edit:In the UK we're doing an election from start to finish in six weeks. Surely you've got time to swap someone in instead of Biden when November is six months away?


Edited by zazen
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2 hours ago, thumbass said:

Can you blame him though, Biden is genuinely not of sound mind anymore. This debate was a hard watch. 

he has typical things going on for his age but i think the "not of sound mind" characterization is overdone. his stammer/stutter is ever present and he's old. 

the videos of him wandering off or staring at nothing are all cropped.  if you look for the actual footage of the situations you can see he's talking to someone off screen or just on the edge of frame. 

that being said i'm not saying he isn't old af w/some issues. i was surprised the debate was at 9pm since it's passed his bed time probably and he was going to be low energy.. but i watched a highlight or two and with my low expectations he seemed to do better than i thought he would. but that's how highlight videos work. out of context etc. 

bit of word salad from both of them and trump just yammering on with his sour face. 

whatever happens.. i hope we survive. 

biden calling trump out on the rape and saying "you have the morals of an alley cat" is ripe old man stuff. 

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Im about as opposed to Trump and the Republicans as its possible to be, but Ive seen dementia first hand and Ive watched a lot of footage of Biden over the last few years. He is very ill, and there's been no question about that for quite some time. He shouldn't be allowed drive let alone be president.

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8 minutes ago, droid said:

Im about as opposed to Trump and the Republicans as its possible to be, but Ive seen dementia first hand and Ive watched a lot of footage of Biden over the last few years. He is very ill, and there's been no question about that for quite some time. He shouldn't be allowed drive let alone be president.

being president is mostly handling 500 advisors. biden being generally good natured will be better in office than trump. but i agree this situation sucks and it'll be interesting when we move on from this current bunch of old af power brokers and the torch gets passed to the next generation. 

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2 hours ago, Squee said:

If you guys fuck this up, I will be so pissed. I'll be watching.

icegif-731.thumb.gif.fbf4183633ea977bc6f t  h  r  e  a  t  e  n  i  n  g

1 hour ago, zazen said:

I think maybe the people around Biden asked for this early head-to-head debate so that (a) either it would be OK or (b) it would be so bad that they then had impetus to do something about it.

edit:In the UK we're doing an election from start to finish in six weeks. Surely you've got time to swap someone in instead of Biden when November is six months away?

yeah...our election cycles really should be MUCH shorter but the pomp has become a huge thing here unfortunately. it's hard to imagine that changing without defined regulations...even our local very small elections are campaigning for far longer than 6 weeks.

1 hour ago, ignatius said:

he has typical things going on for his age but i think the "not of sound mind" characterization is overdone. his stammer/stutter is ever present and he's old. 

his stutter is becoming more prominent as his aging issues become more severe, because his cognition/training to control that stutter isn't as good as it was for a long time...because he's so old, and he's obviously undergoing pretty serious mental decline. he's still cognizant to some extent, sure, but compare last night's debate to the 2020 debate to 2008/2012 VP debates and you can see just how stark the decline is.

1 hour ago, droid said:

Im about as opposed to Trump and the Republicans as its possible to be, but Ive seen dementia first hand and Ive watched a lot of footage of Biden over the last few years. He is very ill, and there's been no question about that for quite some time. He shouldn't be allowed drive let alone be president.

perhaps dementia who knows.... he's definitely not fit to be the president. that said, i'd vote for 'him' serving from a nursing home bed before Trump.

1 hour ago, ignatius said:

being president is mostly handling 500 advisors. biden being generally good natured will be better in office than trump.

yeah, this. and it's been a bit unclear with the numerous times Biden said one thing publicly then the 'Biden administration' comes out later to clarify later that oh, he didn't mean that, it's another thing...Biden's just the figurehead half the time. i imagine most of his team is doing 'good' and self-checking, but that's a worrying trend overall.

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I still don't understand how a country of this magnitude can only drum up shriveled old assholes. I guess this is truly the best we can do.

I also don't think it's a good thing to only have two big parties


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can anyone explain to me how it biden capable of going through a workday of being the president, handling all the meetings, organization and decisions, passing on orders, etc? he can't even form a coherent thought. this is distressing. how is running this country, really?

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Biden stammered and bumbled into the weeds which was like holy shit it really IS worse than it seems. He made a few good points. Got in some nice quotable jabs. Biden saying trump was a whiner and that something in him had snapped after he lost was gold. That he molested a woman and had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and had the morals of an alley cat. Good. But it all came off so pathetic.

And trump lied repeatedly, unchecked, and with great confidence. This is truly some distressing shit. 

There is nothing stopping trump from his lies.

i think America is prepping itself for fascism 

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fuckin hell...the one thing Biden had to do was show that he is still mentally fit, and he totally blew it. I saw this AM on some news site that his aides said he was getting over a cold (which could be total BS), but it would explain the hoarse voice thing he had going on. but damn, that was embarrassing. him trailing off, looking confused, displaying incoherence, and why tf does he keep flashing those wild starring eyes! this all doesn't exactly bring confidence that he is in fact mentally fit to be in a very important leadership role. he is only going to keep declining physically and mentally, and this is not what any country wants as their leader.

T on the other hand was far worse than Biden. there's a line from a Modest Mouse song "sometimes I'm so full of shit that it should be a crime" and this exactly nails everything donnie boy is. he can't answer a damn question at all. lies constantly. so much BS comes from him it's actually hilarious. I was laughing my ass off at most everything that he said. he's a total clown. he talks in circles and makes absolutely no sense most of the time. a vulgar display of narcissism is how I'd describe him. never admit you're wrong, don't tell the truth, make up anything on the spot you want to say. he even rambled at one point about not even wanting to be president, he could be doing something that he wanted to actually do more like play golf. like wtf.

this totally sucks. 2 sad choices we got. I hope the dems can replace Biden with someone else. just incredible that there is no one else in the whole party that they can get. 


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