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1 minute ago, brian trageskin said:

i did. was not aware that joking around was forbidden though. i want my lawyer


Sorry, we got rid of all lawyers because there was no one to enforce contracts. 

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4 chan is the barrel if you want to be a fish in a barrel for manipulation, troll lord

welcome to the late teenage years of the internet, in which the people who thought they were cool realize they've been being idiotic jackasses

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20 hours ago, beerwolf said:


Then I travelled across Africa, India and lots of other countries and learnt about the British and what we did. In fact I would actually ask people what they thought of the British as I became fascinated with the picture I had as a kid and the picture that was slowly appearing before me. Actually I did meet a fair few people (maybe half) who thought the British were great lol. Whatever that's another story.


that's some serious travel! good on you. What do you eat in Africa? I'd be like idiot abroad. I am not an adventurous eater. A little but not really

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19 hours ago, Braintree said:

1. We're blaming the police primarily because they're the ones doing the killing. We're ALSO pissed off at the politicians (just look up all of the public hearings currently happening) but their job doesn't require a pistol. As previously stated, this is an intersectional subject. Most people are on board with defunding the police to reinvest in social services.

2a. When someone says "all cops are bastards" and you say "well, not all cops," you've committed a flaw in reasoning. If there are some bad cops that aren't held accountable by their fellow officers, and are even forced out of their job by holding bad cops accountable, then what you get are complacent cops and bad cops. That is not a system where goodness is rewarded.

2b. You've also conflated an individual's values or views for the views of their JOB. The job is what we're talking about, not the person. If you're otherwise a decent person but your job is to uphold a clearly racist system, then your job is a bad one.

3. I can't believe we're still on this shit.

The ones primarily doing the killing are other black people, not police. I can’t believe we’re still on this shit either. 

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46 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

will i get a trial or am i going straight to gulag?

Trial and then straight to the gulag. We have justice after all comrade. 

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17 minutes ago, marf said:

that's some serious travel! good on you. What do you eat in Africa? I'd be like idiot abroad. I am not an adventurous eater. A little but not really

Just the usual stuff. I did not drink blood straight from the the cattle's neck or anything like that lol. I think adventurous food tourism has become more popular since youtube, Parts Unknown etc and I finished my serious travelling about 14 years ago which was before all that. Also think it depends on the countries you visit. I never visited the west, where I'm sure monkey brains poached in voodoo liquor is run of the mill.

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42 minutes ago, Candiru said:

The ones primarily doing the killing are other black people, not police.

Wait ... what? What did I miss?

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1 hour ago, Candiru said:

The ones primarily doing the killing are other black people, not police. I can’t believe we’re still on this shit either. 

:::puts on a pot of coffee:::

So I guess I proved my point pretty well since you're not addressing my argument and instead making another one.

You'll want to get familiar with this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies

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1 hour ago, beerwolf said:

Just the usual stuff. I did not drink blood straight from the the cattle's neck or anything like that lol. I think adventurous food tourism has become more popular since youtube, Parts Unknown etc and I finished my serious travelling about 14 years ago which was before all that. Also think it depends on the countries you visit. I never visited the west, where I'm sure monkey brains poached in voodoo liquor is run of the mill.


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4 hours ago, chenGOD said:

Sorry, we got rid of all lawyers because there was no one to enforce contracts. 

contracts are for the rich, abolish them

3 hours ago, Candiru said:

The ones primarily doing the killing are other black people, not police. I can’t believe we’re still on this shit either. 

absolutely haram

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7 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:
4 hours ago, chenGOD said:

Sorry, we got rid of all lawyers because there was no one to enforce contracts. 

contracts are for the rich, abolish them

Social contract is for everyone. Police enforce the social contract otherwise you get the Hobbesian end. 

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8 minutes ago, dingformung said:

Ignore my trolling attempt above and I'm gonna be honest with you. Genuine talk. I think you are a clever guy but paroles like "abolish contracts" or "abolish power" make no sense at all and sound pretty simple minded. I appreciate your critique of capitalism and you often bring up good points and then you ruin everything with shit like this. It doesn't help your cause at all. If you make a bold statement like this you really need to undergrid it with reasoning and explanations. If you want an anarchist society you need to paint a picture of your vision in order for people to understand you and not just say "abolish contracts". What are you trying to achieve with that, seriously? Not gonna jump on the "bash zeff whenever possible" train, which is stupid, too, but you need to fix this, erm, communication error.

how many contracts apply to the average low level workers which genuinely benefit them? any contract they sign is a tome written by bourgeois lawyers to be 1000 pages long

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24 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

how many contracts apply to the average low level workers which genuinely benefit them? any contract they sign is a tome written by bourgeois lawyers to be 1000 pages long

I agree that often lawyers use a language a lot of people don't understand even when it's not necessary and make it inaccessible for regular folks so they have to depend on lawyers at court or not understand or even read their working contracts. But contracts are more than working contracts. They are everywhere in society and I'm not even talking about unwritten social contracts. It's a way to legally come to an agreement that you can, if any terms of the agreement are broken, bring to court and have it sorted out by legal professionals, which is an achievement of modernity and makes a lot of things easier.

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9 minutes ago, dingformung said:

I agree that often lawyers use a language a lot of people don't understand even when it's not necessary and make it inaccessible for regular folks so they have to depend on lawyers at court or not understand or even read their working contracts. But contracts are more than working contracts. They are everywhere in society and I'm not even talking about unwritten social contracts. It's a way of legally come to an agreement that you can, if any terms of the agreement are broken, bring to court and have it sorted out by legal professionals, which is an achievement of modernity and makes a lot of things easier.

the abolition of private property makes the vast majority of all contracts irrelevant and nonsensical.  there can be no contracts regarding exchange of goods or services, transfer of private property rights, the selling of wage labor.  there can be dignified work for humanity, gifts to a person or community, or favors for a friend, no contracts are required

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53 minutes ago, dingformung said:

Okay, but that would require a lot of social/societal innovation to work and a complete change of the way we all treat other beings. We'd need to leave violence behind us. But that's rather unrealistic as for now so for non-psychopaths who don't want to be ruthless and violent to enforce the law of the strongest, contracts and courts are actually very helpful and protective, ideally. Of course the state of law can be abused and perverted, like a lot of convoluted non-transparent working contracts and the way some lawyers seem to be able to bend the law just through eloquence show. But that's how far we have progressed for now, going back makes no sense and would make things worse. There are a lot of bad people that aren't only corrupted by the system they live in but that would probably be bad in any system. Contracts and laws protect us from them at least within the frame of said contract's suitability. Maybe we need laws regarding contracts that make exploitative contracts impossible.

contracts have nothing to do with violence, nobody signs contracts to not commit violence, it's both a social norm and legally banned

courts are unrelated to contracts apart from that courts enforce contracts, they also do other things

"contracts and laws" is very different from "contracts"

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1 hour ago, cyanobacteria said:

the abolition of private property makes the vast majority of all contracts irrelevant and nonsensical.  there can be no contracts regarding exchange of goods or services, transfer of private property rights, the selling of wage labor.  there can be dignified work for humanity, gifts to a person or community, or favors for a friend, no contracts are required

So no choice in the matter eh? Who’s the fascist now. 

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Don't want to interrupt anything but did anyone see RA's new policies? https://www.residentadvisor.net/features/3716

• We will publish work by at least six new Black writers on RA across July and August, across reviews and features
• At least 30% of individual bylines in RA features in 2020 will come from BIPOC writers
• At least 50% of RA Podcasts in 2020 will come from BIPOC artists
• At least 70% of Rewind reviews for the rest of 2020 to focus on Black electronic music records
• Deeper and more frequent coverage of predominantly Black genres
• A feature series dedicated to telling the underrepresented histories of electronic music
• A major, ongoing historical series dedicated to exploring the origins of key electronic music genres
• Changes to our Style Guide—for instance, capitalising Black when used in a racial, ethnic or cultural context, and ensuring writers do not give undue emphasis to an artist's nationality or ethnicity
• We will publish RA's editorial integrity guidelines by end of August

They try really hard, it's something. Always considered them to be as much as possible a "woke" site with already a big emphasis on black (Black?) musicians and non-male people etc. The difference with their thinkpieces and end of year lists is kinda in your face from that perspective even... at least compared to most other outlets, but maybe that's the point. They just sound so apologetic while they're THE site of their topic and size that have been pushing that "narrative" for ages, man. Don't know what to think of it...

Sent from my SM-A515F using Tapatalk

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