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are burgers bad?


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The burger reaction? It's good. I use it variously as a step-up from "like" (as in "I like this and it's tasty"), as a form of "cheers", as an approval of something that's funny, or as just a general nonstandard or weird form of approval. 

While we're on the subject I also consider the Farnsworth to be a positive reaction. To me it means "this is smart/interesting on a scientific or intellectual level", or just to say "good point", or to express amusement for a brainy joke. 

I think the only truly negative reaction is the facepalm. Even the sad/crying reaction can be sympathetic or expressing "appreciation" for a cringey joke or story.

Edited by toaoaoad
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I've asked about this before.  Didn't it originate from the burger tags always messing up and "I'm not even going to fix that burger"... or am I wrong about that?

So sometimes I use it as a positive reaction as burgers are a positive thing in my life, and sometimes I use it as "I'm not even going to fix that burger" to a bad / misguided post.

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I use the burger for things I view as shitposts. That doesn't mean I think they're good or bad, but usually funny in a way where I'm definitely thinking, "ahaha, what a shitpost, Mark!"


Where is the jazzband react?

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Burgers are the lifeblood of the Dank Memes thread (which I've been falling way behind on lately...gotta step up my game). I'd consider a Burger to be the Dank equivalent of being knighted.

As for Farnsworth, that's confused me for the longest time. But I am relieved to hear that it has a positive connotation.

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19 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

bro i am worried. did that mofo set up his monitors so fucked up that it changed his personality?

reading back through his last few posts I see he finally got fed up of the shit as well. did tec quit over an argument about Gary Numan?? fuck me.

16 minutes ago, auxien said:

i burger for good posts and for bad posts. interpretation is left as an exercise to the reader.

yes, this. it's a feel that cannot be transcribed.

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2 hours ago, jules said:

Speaking of burgers, where the f is BCM? 

Judging from his style of clothing he has entered midlife crisis and may never be the same again. Physical changes that commonly occur during these years are weight gain, wrinkles, sagging skin and hair loss. Regular exercise and maintenance of a nutritious diet may help to sustain one’s physical and mental health during these years of transition. Good luck!

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1 hour ago, usagi said:

reading back through his last few posts I see he finally got fed up of the shit as well. did tec quit over an argument about Gary Numan?? fuck me.

yes, this. it's a feel that cannot be transcribed.

i mean, i've quit this place before so i completely understand. miss him just want him back

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38 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

I honestly thought the Farnsworth was the i don't want to live on this planet anymore vibe

I suppose the Picard facepalm cover that though

I have no clue what the farnsworth indicates. whenever people use it on my posts I assume they are attempting to own me bc they are too powerless to defeat my impeccable facts and logic with their own words. this is the fate of a true poster, I endure it bc I have no choice. 

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i had thought that possibly the emojis were ranked left to right as good to bad, with the facepalm starting off the bad section.  the urban dictionary defines a burger as


A person who royally sucks at simple tasks

with alternate definitions being


Not to be confused with the food substance, a burger is a slang word that is said for the purpose of being insultive, many of its meanings include -

slow to respond

example usages:


"Fuck me, what a burger, he's fucking disgusting"
"This fuckin burger is an annoying prick"
"That fucking burger smelt so bad I had to leave"
"Burgers a fucking meathead"

so i feel like it was worth asking. i didn't attempt to harvest burgers, though that seems to have been the result. i guess what i've learned is that the meaning of the burger is fluid and depends on the context in which it was placed.


thanks to you all and i hope you find your missing friend.



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