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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Splinter Cell: Conviction - fuck me, this is hardcore. When I play stealth games I try to be as stealthy as possible and try to kill as few as possible. This isn't exactly working for me this time around - instead I'm a fucking panther just waiting to bite my victim in the throat.

Also, the interactive interrogations are brutal and very well executed!


Yeah this is one of the better games in awhile in my opinion. It certainly has its flaws but when everything is working its one of the more intense powerful feeling games

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I tried to get my torrented copy of STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl to work, but it sucks so I gave up.


it actually doesn't, it just has a really steep learning curve

also it rewards stealth. it's like a stealth stealth game.


edit: and it's fucking buggy as you like.

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Guest Rabid

Replaying Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ((For PC) , nostalgia is the best drug.

lol, i might have played that one. a very long time ago, that was.

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Finally finished off GoW II, went out the next day and got GoW III. Fucking epic. Just


ripped Hermes' fag legs off to steal his speed boots. Aw fuck. Shit just got real.


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Guest BeatJunky

Just Cause 2, its brilliantly ridiculous. Tying soldiers to the back of a bike and driving up the street with them, never gets old.

Just picked this up yesterday. Try hooking a guy to a red gas canister and shootin it :)

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Just Cause 2, its brilliantly ridiculous. Tying soldiers to the back of a bike and driving up the street with them, never gets old.


Maybe you're not playing on the PC, but if you are try this http://m0.to/BOLOPatch/


With the multiple unbreakable ropes you can hoist scores of soldiers up in the air over roads between buildings or take a pile of motorcyclists for the ride of their lives by attaching them to the back of a garbage truck.

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Just Cause 2 -

Believe the hype. This game isn't GOW3 good but its a riot and I've had more LOL moments 'literally out loud' with this one then any other game in a while. Takes all the stuff you like about GTA and removes all the stuff you hate about it. Great if you don't have all the time in the world. Between the grappling hook and the parachute I think it has one of the best physics engines out there, or at least does the best with it.


Wipeout Fury -

I have no idea why it took me so long to get this DLC addon for my favorite game on PSN. I love Wipeout and am ashamed with myself that I managed to forget that.


Sam and Max: Penal Zone -

I've played thru the first 2 seasons on the PC. I was glad to see this made it to PSN. Good lol's as usual, this one seemed less tricky the some of the other epi's I've played.




Patiently waiting for 3D Dot Game Heroes and Red Dead Redemption.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

none at all, feel like I don't deserve to play video games with all the albums I'm trying to finish but I still somehow think its fine to waste time on the internet?? I should seriously turn off my cable for a few weeks and finish shit in preparation for ruse (amazing RTS, for those who didn't play the beta and like good tactically dynamic RTS's look out) beat mass effect 2, start up dead space, play the shit of battlefield 2 online, murder hella fools on alien versus predator omgz I miss games

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Demon's Souls (fucking hard!)

MW2 (still play it, don't know why, I just like running around throwing grenades and blastin people with my AA-12)

Fallout 3(haven't played it yet, I will once i get the hang of demons souls)

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Guest iamabe

MW2 (makes me never want to make music)

"Greed Corp" <-great turn based strategy game on xbl arcade and shiet.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Episodes from Liberty City and Burnout Ultimate came today. Along with Just Cause, Unleashed and all the work which is impending, I dont know where im getting the hours from.


Anyone still play Carom 3D? I wouldnt mind playing someone who isnt a twatty Brazilian, FDP and all that shite.

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had a quick look at The Whispered World, a point-and-click adventure that looked pretty neat

but i uninstalled it after a few screens, cringe-count thru the roof..





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