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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Sprigg

i´m playing borderlands at the moment. bought it a week ago, rushed through the maingame and bought all DLCs. totally awesome game.



Easily one of my favourite 360 games. I don't even want to think about how much of my life that game sucked away.


Also, I got Enslaved. Only had time to play the first hour, but it's fucking epic so far. Character models are good, combat is fast and fun, the game is quite pretty, and the facial animations during the cutscenes-- wow!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

im debating getting halo reach... i was bummed out about it after playing the beta..

it seemed like they were trying to do the whole customization/class thing but they kind of only went 10% of the way with it, and there were a ton of annoying little things with the weapons and loadouts that bugged me.. for EXAMPLE the jetpack was really cool and fun and it was pointless to use any of the other loadouts because you are able to get the high ground advantage at any time, and then what does invisible or armor lock or sprint do for you. fuck all.

with the sprinting one, i just thought it was tedious as fuck the way it recharged with the little bar at the bottom.. i like the way it works in MW and battlefield, where you can just run forever or it recharges but you can still do little bursts..

having a visual thing representing the recharge is annoying because it makes you focus too much on the fact that youre sprinting and you have to look down all the time to make sure you are sprinting as much as you can..


i dont know if any of this stuff has been fixed.. these were my main concerns.. if anyone has the game and could shed some light on this that would be cool. maybe tell me ur opinions and the pros and cons of the game to help me decide, thanks!



First of all nearly all the good players use sprint. I every time my opposing team has used jet pack often it surprises me for a minute (because its its not that often that people constantly use jetpack in competitive play) and then they keep just flying up in the air and I fucking headshot them dead before they can reach the apex of their flights. I don't consider the sprint annoying at all and I think the armor abilities are quite balanced in general. I do get frustrated when I am lighting a kid up hardcore one shot away from murder and he armor locks, his buddy comes to the rescue at the last second and I have to bounce out for a hot minute buzz killed as fuck. Armor lock is literally the only thing in Reach that frustrates me but do I think its unfair or unbalanced?? Not really. I end up just getting really livid and getting more heated about pwning "those god damn fahgets crutchin armor lock" and is one of the few times were I have to talk shit after the match. It all probably just make things more interesting in the end.


I dunno man. I can't really complain about anything with Reach. I think it has massive improvements over the last few Halo titles. I will buy every map pack and custom nut sack Reach tries to sell me. I am more than happy with it.

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You are literally the first person I've seen that also knows of this game. I fucking loved B.O.B when I was a youngun, though I distinctly remember playing it when I got a bit older and found it nightmarishly difficult.


Toejam and Earl, what a fucking game. 1 & 2 were class, shame 3 was a pile of wank.

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im debating getting halo reach... i was bummed out about it after playing the beta..

it seemed like they were trying to do the whole customization/class thing but they kind of only went 10% of the way with it, and there were a ton of annoying little things with the weapons and loadouts that bugged me.. for EXAMPLE the jetpack was really cool and fun and it was pointless to use any of the other loadouts because you are able to get the high ground advantage at any time, and then what does invisible or armor lock or sprint do for you. fuck all.

with the sprinting one, i just thought it was tedious as fuck the way it recharged with the little bar at the bottom.. i like the way it works in MW and battlefield, where you can just run forever or it recharges but you can still do little bursts..

having a visual thing representing the recharge is annoying because it makes you focus too much on the fact that youre sprinting and you have to look down all the time to make sure you are sprinting as much as you can..


i dont know if any of this stuff has been fixed.. these were my main concerns.. if anyone has the game and could shed some light on this that would be cool. maybe tell me ur opinions and the pros and cons of the game to help me decide, thanks!



First of all nearly all the good players use sprint. I every time my opposing team has used jet pack often it surprises me for a minute (because its its not that often that people constantly use jetpack in competitive play) and then they keep just flying up in the air and I fucking headshot them dead before they can reach the apex of their flights. I don't consider the sprint annoying at all and I think the armor abilities are quite balanced in general. I do get frustrated when I am lighting a kid up hardcore one shot away from murder and he armor locks, his buddy comes to the rescue at the last second and I have to bounce out for a hot minute buzz killed as fuck. Armor lock is literally the only thing in Reach that frustrates me but do I think its unfair or unbalanced?? Not really. I end up just getting really livid and getting more heated about pwning "those god damn fahgets crutchin armor lock" and is one of the few times were I have to talk shit after the match. It all probably just make things more interesting in the end.


I dunno man. I can't really complain about anything with Reach. I think it has massive improvements over the last few Halo titles. I will buy every map pack and custom nut sack Reach tries to sell me. I am more than happy with it.


interesting i would like to see these competitive matches you speak of... what kind of moron would use the jetpack like that? my point about the jetpacks still stands 100%.. if you havent seen much of that you must be in a pretty low rank.


also i have decided i am buying it anyways.. i have played every halo game since the first one and i dont see any reason to miss out on bungies final installment. especially since they say its their best.

i found it didnt go in the directions i wanted from the beta.. but im sure the full game will be worth the 70 bucks

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Guest bitroast




You are literally the first person I've seen that also knows of this game. I fucking loved B.O.B when I was a youngun, though I distinctly remember playing it when I got a bit older and found it nightmarishly difficult.



i used to love b.o.b. wouldn't mind playing it again.


currently playing a lot of DS stuff again, mostly contra 4.



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

First of all nearly all the good players use sprint. I every time my opposing team has used jet pack often it surprises me for a minute (because its its not that often that people constantly use jetpack in competitive play) and then they keep just flying up in the air and I fucking headshot them dead before they can reach the apex of their flights. I don't consider the sprint annoying at all and I think the armor abilities are quite balanced in general. I do get frustrated when I am lighting a kid up hardcore one shot away from murder and he armor locks, his buddy comes to the rescue at the last second and I have to bounce out for a hot minute buzz killed as fuck. Armor lock is literally the only thing in Reach that frustrates me but do I think its unfair or unbalanced?? Not really. I end up just getting really livid and getting more heated about pwning "those god damn fahgets crutchin armor lock" and is one of the few times were I have to talk shit after the match. It all probably just make things more interesting in the end.


I dunno man. I can't really complain about anything with Reach. I think it has massive improvements over the last few Halo titles. I will buy every map pack and custom nut sack Reach tries to sell me. I am more than happy with it.


interesting i would like to see these competitive matches you speak of... what kind of moron would use the jetpack like that? my point about the jetpacks still stands 100%.. if you havent seen much of that you must be in a pretty low rank.


also i have decided i am buying it anyways.. i have played every halo game since the first one and i dont see any reason to miss out on bungies final installment. especially since they say its their best.

i found it didnt go in the directions i wanted from the beta.. but im sure the full game will be worth the 70 bucks


Exactly, I don't know why some morons use the jetpack like that but that's the only times I see it used that constantly often. I see good players use the jetpack smartly but rarely doesn't it ever give them super rocket snipe spot vantage point that makes it unfair or frustrating. I played the shit out of the beta but I have only had about 5 real game day experiences with Reach (so obviously I am not constantly playing MLG quality players all the time). I have played some damn good players though and rarely did I see them exploit anything to frustration. Oh yeah the only thing that I have seen that's down right unfair dumb is when mediocre twats go setup camp and start cooking smores in the anti gravity space top shelf on zealout? the second midship remake I don't remember if that's the name. It is pretty unfair getting tossed up the lifts to them sitting their sniping you out of the air. Luckily most of the time I have seen that done, the players were using it because they aren't that great and we still were able to kill them 60% of the time we had to fly boost up there. I think I mentioned that problem somewhere before but I am surprised I didn't mention that exploit in my above rant. Anyway yeah that's all my relevant commentary on the matter.

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Guest panda21

i fucking love armour lock, for the sole purpose of laying the smack down on someone charging me with a ghost.


its so satisfying i choose armour lock every time just in case i get a chance to do it. once i even got a double kill when two people tried to run me over simultaneously.


its pretty bad ass when you use it to wreck someones hog too.


just using it to hide for a bit when you are getting killed is kind of lame but usually that is just delaying the inevitable, i don't think its unfair though, just annoying.

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One last trophy to go on Space Invaders Infinity Gene - great game, challenging, and surprisingly good graphics considering the omage to the vector graphics style they're doing in it (although the original Space Invaders I don't believe used vector graphics - Asteroids did.

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I picked up Borderlands Game of the Year edition today. Next week I'll be picking up Fallout: New Vegas. The week after that I'll get Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2. This is gonna be a good winter for gaming.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

still playing through the monsters tropheys (7/10 so far). anyone got any other recommendations on the PSN?



i bought flow and racer but neither hooked me

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Games I've beaten in the past couple months:


Zelda Minish Cap

Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis 2

Call of Duty 6

Resident Evil

Resident Evil 2

Revident Evil 3



Code Veronica: X

Final Fantasy Tactics

Dead Rising 2

Tomb Raider: GoL

Resident Evil 4

Lost Planet


Metroid ZM

Yoshi's Island

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Still playing Fifa 11 , second season with Liverpool , Won league in my first season , lost both domestic cups because like in real life i don't give a fuck about those.


I'm almost done with the second season , quarter-finals champions league , and first in the league , Chelsea are three points behind me , but i have 3 games more than them still to play. jkdfjksdf.

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six days to fallout new vegas :wang:


you mean fallout 3: new vegas.


no, i don't


i think you're confused.


no, i see what you did there.

i'm just not entertaining it :emotawesomepm9:


how is new vegas anything other than a slightly longer expansion pack for fallout 3?


just take a look at this: http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/707998/fallout-new-vegas-the-white-glove-society-mission-exclusive-look---fallouts-darkest-quest-ever.html


same crappy voice acting and animations. but look, now you have special melee abilities. how exciting. and hardcore mode, which was already available through a fan mod...


i love fallout 3, but i want a true sequel to fallout 1&2. i don't like that everyone was toting new vegas as some kind of return to ye olde days of gaming. it's not. it's fallout 3: new vegas. i should have expected it though, obsidian managed to fuck up neverwinter nights 2.

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