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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I saw a mole rat the other day. Horrible creatures. After Fallout 3 I'm not really bothered about this. Could be a bit better because of Chris A. More worried about how STALKER 2 will fair now that they're going multiplatform with it.

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six days to fallout new vegas :wang:


you mean fallout 3: new vegas.


no, i don't


i think you're confused.


no, i see what you did there.

i'm just not entertaining it :emotawesomepm9:


how is new vegas anything other than a slightly longer expansion pack for fallout 3?


just take a look at this: http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/707998/fallout-new-vegas-the-white-glove-society-mission-exclusive-look---fallouts-darkest-quest-ever.html


same crappy voice acting and animations. but look, now you have special melee abilities. how exciting. and hardcore mode, which was already available through a fan mod...


i love fallout 3, but i want a true sequel to fallout 1&2. i don't like that everyone was toting new vegas as some kind of return to ye olde days of gaming. it's not. it's fallout 3: new vegas. i should have expected it though, obsidian managed to fuck up neverwinter nights 2.


yeah... i kinda had high hopes for this one since its from a different dev team, but that vid was highly disappoint.

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six days to fallout new vegas :wang:


you mean fallout 3: new vegas.


no, i don't


i think you're confused.


no, i see what you did there.

i'm just not entertaining it :emotawesomepm9:


how is new vegas anything other than a slightly longer expansion pack for fallout 3?


just take a look at this: http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/707998/fallout-new-vegas-the-white-glove-society-mission-exclusive-look---fallouts-darkest-quest-ever.html


same crappy voice acting and animations. but look, now you have special melee abilities. how exciting. and hardcore mode, which was already available through a fan mod...


i love fallout 3, but i want a true sequel to fallout 1&2. i don't like that everyone was toting new vegas as some kind of return to ye olde days of gaming. it's not. it's fallout 3: new vegas. i should have expected it though, obsidian managed to fuck up neverwinter nights 2.


it might just be because i recently replayed fallout 3 and all the DLC and maxed out the level cap, and i need my XP :)

but there is new shit... remotely controlled orbital laser, a new more detailed method of ordering your companions, hardcore mode (yeah nm), MUCH more skills-based conversation trees (which is pretty fallout 1/2, i think). and i too would give fuckin ANYTHING for a proper sequel to fallout 1/2. but there's a lot of black isle/obsidian guys involved in this, so i have hope that it won't be more oblivion painted brown - which there is an element of truth to, even as much as i loved the shit out of fallout 3.


edit: wow, morgan webb is kinda cute.

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fallout 1 and 2 shared the same engine too. also, fallout: new vegas takes place on the westcoast, and as far as i know neither the story nor the characters are related in any way to fallout 3.


but yeah, i guess it's a sequel to fallout 3 as much as vice city and san andreas were sequels to gta 3.

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Guest Fishtank

I beat Metroid Other M in 9 hours

in Prime 3 I've logged 23

Other M sucks monkey balls


Sonic 4 sucks balls too, I'm done with sonic games

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been playin halo reach. they have definitely fixed the majority of the things i had problems with in the beta... the armor abilities are balanced and work a lot better on the new maps and gametypes

still the whole custom map thing is still a bummer.. forge world is by far the coolest part of this game but what is the point in making maps if no one is ever going to play them.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

If you have a lot a lot of active Reach players on your friends list whats to stop you from playing days worth of custom games on custom maps?


Bungie has said that they are working on how they are going to make it more popular to play custom maps.


Glad you are enjoying Reach by the way. I was pretty confident you would agree that the armor abilities are quite balanced.

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Gran Turismo 5 now delayed (again) to "Holiday 2010" which could include early 2011...


Where's that "FFFFFUUUUUUU" picture when you need it! :angry:


I know, right!? I'm sure the game has got to be superbly polished though. It's sure taken long enough. I think it'll still come out this year though.

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Gran Turismo 5 now delayed (again) to "Holiday 2010" which could include early 2011...


Where's that "FFFFFUUUUUUU" picture when you need it! :angry:


I know, right!? I'm sure the game has got to be superbly polished though. It's sure taken long enough. I think it'll still come out this year though.



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Guest Calx Sherbet

im debating getting halo reach... i was bummed out about it after playing the beta..

it seemed like they were trying to do the whole customization/class thing but they kind of only went 10% of the way with it, and there were a ton of annoying little things with the weapons and loadouts that bugged me.. for EXAMPLE the jetpack was really cool and fun and it was pointless to use any of the other loadouts because you are able to get the high ground advantage at any time, and then what does invisible or armor lock or sprint do for you. fuck all.

with the sprinting one, i just thought it was tedious as fuck the way it recharged with the little bar at the bottom.. i like the way it works in MW and battlefield, where you can just run forever or it recharges but you can still do little bursts..

having a visual thing representing the recharge is annoying because it makes you focus too much on the fact that youre sprinting and you have to look down all the time to make sure you are sprinting as much as you can..


i dont know if any of this stuff has been fixed.. these were my main concerns.. if anyone has the game and could shed some light on this that would be cool. maybe tell me ur opinions and the pros and cons of the game to help me decide, thanks!



First of all nearly all the good players use sprint. I every time my opposing team has used jet pack often it surprises me for a minute (because its its not that often that people constantly use jetpack in competitive play) and then they keep just flying up in the air and I fucking headshot them dead before they can reach the apex of their flights. I don't consider the sprint annoying at all and I think the armor abilities are quite balanced in general. I do get frustrated when I am lighting a kid up hardcore one shot away from murder and he armor locks, his buddy comes to the rescue at the last second and I have to bounce out for a hot minute buzz killed as fuck. Armor lock is literally the only thing in Reach that frustrates me but do I think its unfair or unbalanced?? Not really. I end up just getting really livid and getting more heated about pwning "those god damn fahgets crutchin armor lock" and is one of the few times were I have to talk shit after the match. It all probably just make things more interesting in the end.


I dunno man. I can't really complain about anything with Reach. I think it has massive improvements over the last few Halo titles. I will buy every map pack and custom nut sack Reach tries to sell me. I am more than happy with it.


i abuse sprint

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Guest Pennywise

i'm currently playing this open-ended sandbox game called minecraft

it's pretty good. :emotawesomepm9:

yeh, although i don't think the thread title is called 'What game has absorbed your life completely and possessed you to create post-war architectural style German banks?'

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i've played the first 3 missions of MOH, and i must say it's pretty shite so far, extremely generic, no alternative paths or anything anywhere, i.e. boring level design, crappy textures and so on. the only thing that managed to impress me was the sound, but that's it. the reason i've only played 3 missions though is that i encountered a bug that prevents me from going any further unless i replay the entire mission, which i couldn't be arsed to do.

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