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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Friday the 13th (remake) - 1/10 fucking fucking fucking awful. the 1 is for Willa Ford's naked ass titties.


Valkyrie - 8/10 Tom Cruise is a crazy cultist, but seeing Nazis whoop Nazis is always a good time.

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i thought the same thing until believe it or not i saw the extended version of ROTK. so i went back and watched the entire trilogy back to back in a single day all extended editions. it was grueling but really entertaining at the same time.

I actually walked out of the theatre before ROTK was over because i was found it so anti climactic

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Guest zaphod

lol, what? it's like the very definition of climax, which is partially what makes it worse than the other two. it's so incredibly melodramatic and ridiculous. i used to love that film, but it's definitely the worst of the three. and i did the same thing you did, eleven hours of lotr or whatever it is. none of them hold up but that one fell apart.

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for me a climax is something that happens at a fast pace and is very exciting, return of the king has one of the most drawn out long and expected (you already know frodo destroys the ring , etc) endings of movie history. They do over 4 fadeouts through out the end of ROTK that make the audience perceive the movie is actually ending

but you also took issue with my usage of the word ambient describing a movie so maybe you will still not understand my extrapolation

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Guest zaphod

i guess i just don't agree with your opinions. it actually seems like you almost always hold the polar opposite opinion that i do, so much so that it just doesn't make sense to me, like you're arbitrarily saying these things. but i know it's just your opinion, which is fine, i just don't agree with it at all. you and lumpenprol.

as for the movie, i thought the endings of the film were fine, they were in the spirit of the novels and worked as, basically, one ending. what i absolutely hate about the movie, now, is the way it's filmed, the constant slow motion, the operatic action sequences that form the ending which just aren't really in the book, at least not in that style. there are some jaw dropping scenes in that movie but i just don't think it's in keeping with the spirit of the novels, where as the endings in the shire were very much in that kind of autumnal bittersweet kind of thing that lord of the rings is all about. i would have liked if they had included the scouring of the shire as well, but i can see why they left it out. and then there are things that simply don't hold up, like the arwen storyline, the design of the elf realms which is just really kitsch and retarded, some of the acting, especially from sean astin, the writing in general...there's a lot wrong with those films and return is the worst of the lot.

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Gran Torino - 4/10

Such a terrible film, in so many ways. Most of my amusement came from how ridiculous the whole thing was.


Finally someone agrees with me. It scores 8.4 on IMDB - wtf?

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the LOTR films are all one single 12-hour version for me, like the books. And there's no way I'll watch anything but the extended editions.


I don't see any problem with 30 minutes of ending when you're 11 hours and a half into something. I mean who cares about the stupid public ? "omg another fade to black my bad views and opinion of cinema is being shaken".




I'm not there : 9/10

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i'll admit i was a little drunk by the end of ROTK when i first saw in the theatre, otherwise i probably would have been able to handle post 2nd long fade out


anybody here seen 'in the loop' ? its rated quite high on rotten tomatoes and i was curious about it.

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Hard Target - 7.5/10 , forgotten action classic from my youth. i think it reaches at various points in the movie a transcendent 'Commando' like feel. The last 30 minutes are a non stop thrill ride , the motorcycle chase scene in the middle is quite good too

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Hard Target - 7.5/10 , forgotten action classic from my youth. i think it reaches at various points in the movie a transcendent 'Commando' like feel. The last 30 minutes are a non stop thrill ride , the motorcycle chase scene in the middle is quite good too


yeah I think that's John Woo's only "good" (and I use the term advisedly, as I think all his films are varying degrees of shite, just some are more entertaining than others) American-phase film. Plus Wilford Brimley's appearance was a lol, if you remember him from his Quaker Oats ads.

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i agree that the ending of rotk is fucking long and stupid, there's no suspense, the elf ships are fucking gay, it doesn't even end like in the book (they go back to the shire and find out it was destroyed by saroumane). but i like the movie though, i have more problems with the two towers, which is too schizophrenic (i mean in cut in 2 parts mixed together) and centered on gollum's psychology which we clearly don't give a fuck about.

really, the best lotr movie is the first, the only faithful to the spirit of the book imo

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the watchmen - snorefest sent me to sleep. complete and utter... zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

old joy - as above... but nice-ish yo la tengo soundtrack.

bigga than ben - russian 'trainspotter' in london, shit.

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Guest Mr Salads

GI Joe - 2/10


Save it from a 1 bc of an actually somewhat engrossing action scene in the middle of the movie Im ashamed to admit I liked.

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Hard Target - 7.5/10 , forgotten action classic from my youth. i think it reaches at various points in the movie a transcendent 'Commando' like feel. The last 30 minutes are a non stop thrill ride , the motorcycle chase scene in the middle is quite good too


yeah I think that's John Woo's only "good" (and I use the term advisedly, as I think all his films are varying degrees of shite, just some are more entertaining than others) American-phase film. Plus Wilford Brimley's appearance was a lol, if you remember him from his Quaker Oats ads.


yeah what the fuck happened to john woo? I perceive Hard Target as one of the last balls out over the top cartoonish american R rated films. yeah yeah face off is supposed ot be intentionally campy and all but it just feels like some american movie corporation shit it out with no creativity or style.

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Guest Alex C

The main thing that held ROTF back was those two fuckers who are on a par with Jar Jar fucking Binks. Jesus.


There isn't anything decent out this weekend is there? I don't think my local is showing Inglorious Basterds otherwise I'd probably hit that up.

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Guest zaphod

that tarantino movie looks so fucking trashy. it's too bad he slid into utter garbage after jackie brown, he had some serious talent.

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