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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Had to watch it again. Fucking long, slow-paced, but the cinematography makes up for it. Beautiful.


this is queued for re-watch here also. love the swamp scenes and the ending. don't like most of the monologue drivel, probably because my russian is not so good, but yeah good stuff.


i assume you watched it subtitled as well? feels like there's a lot lost imho.


here's an awesome poster:



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did you watch In the Name of the Father? Strangely all I remember about that is him walking down the street in some Austin Powers get up, and then the spittle flying from his mouth in some dramatic prison scene with his dad. Rest is a blank.


no i didn't fancy any more tales of IRA imprisonment after watching the boxer. but i read he lived in the prison cell on set for in the name of the father, telling everyone to hurl abuse at him and drench him with freezing cold water. he's been in character for abe lincoln for the last year or whatever. the guy's nuts. i love that about him.


In the Name of the Father is great, though.


Also, My Left Foot



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The Grey - 8.5/10 - I was enthralled from the very beginning of the film to the end, on the edge of my seat, literally. Survival films that are done well always get me in my empathy zone. This film will hopefully ruin camping for many people that are already afraid of nature, just as 'Jaws' ruined the ocean for many people. Amazingly shot. Liam Neeson's best role ever. Fucking wolf packs coming after your ass! The cgi wolves might bug you but I thought they looked great. GO SEE THIS AND WOLF THE FUCK OUT, just don't get caught. And there isn't anything sexy about this film so that might not work out well. BUT FUCKING GODDAMN THIS FILM IS METAL AS FUCK!!!!!!! WOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!666


We Need to Talk About Kevin - 8/10 - I love me some Tilda and this is one of her best films to date. So intense. All of hte actors that play Kevin are amazing, especially Ezra Miller. He reminds me of the Nightstalker, Richard Ramirez, whom always creeped me out just by looking at him. Data thinks that it could be impossible for persons to be this corrupted but I think differently. There have been many truly bad people in history and this is the story of what it might be like to raise one of them. I loved it. Beautifully shot and edited. I loved how the story hasn't any linear flow but still manages to make complete sense. It never is exploitative of the main centerpiece of the story, the reason why people know Kevin is truly awful. Creepy! An issue people should talk about is brought up in this film. What happens when a mother does not feel a connection to her child? How should this be approached by a family? Is the film a little over the top, maybe but I enjoyed the characterization of Kevin so much that it made up for any story flaws with his character. Great yet disturbing film.

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he steals the show in gangs of new york too... and the crucible - if you haven't already, watch it! my left foot isn't exactly a barrel of laughs but his acting is immense, another character he lived as for ages, for the role.


and like you say, he's the master of the stache...




i don't think most people will ever top (including himself) his performance in Gangs of New York. Unfortunately some other elements like Cameron Diaz take the movie down a couple notches where it should have been, apparently there is a 4 hour directors cut that Roger Ebert has seen which convinced him the intended version of the movie is Scorceses' masterpiece.


The Grey - 8.5/10 - I was enthralled from the very beginning of the film to the end, on the edge of my seat, literally. Survival films that are done well always get me in my empathy zone. This film will hopefully ruin camping for many people that are already afraid of nature, just as 'Jaws' ruined the ocean for many people. Amazingly shot. Liam Neeson's best role ever. Fucking wolf packs coming after your ass! The cgi wolves might bug you but I thought they looked great. GO SEE THIS AND WOLF THE FUCK OUT, just don't get caught. And there isn't anything sexy about this film so that might not work out well. BUT FUCKING GODDAMN THIS FILM IS METAL AS FUCK!!!!!!! WOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!666


im curious about this movie, but did you get the feeling ainitcoolnews was paid to promote it? I dont think ive seen a movie since 'attack of the block' they pushed as hard as the Grey, it's suspicious

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he steals the show in gangs of new york too... and the crucible - if you haven't already, watch it! my left foot isn't exactly a barrel of laughs but his acting is immense, another character he lived as for ages, for the role.


and like you say, he's the master of the stache...




One of the greatest pieces of acting .. skip the first 2 and a half minutes.


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Had to watch it again. Fucking long, slow-paced, but the cinematography makes up for it. Beautiful.


I need to watch this again too, first time was during a particularly rough patch where I necked a bottle of gin during the film, didn't know what was going on.

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saw the girl with the dragon tattoo. fincher's take. haven't read any, haven't seen the swedish ones.


it was allright. rooney mara was good. some parts were really bad though.

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i don't think most people will ever top (including himself) his performance in Gangs of New York. Unfortunately some other elements like Cameron Diaz take the movie down a couple notches where it should have been,


Cameron Diaz was not the only thing wrong with that movie. Scorcese is a really uneven director, the story (apart from the novel setting) was cliche from what I can recall, and last but not least DiCaprio was way out of his depth. I'm not a DiCaprio fan. You inspired me to rewatch clips of DDL as Bill the Butcher on youtube, which unfortunately meant I had to endure DiCaprio looking like a confused man-child as well - "If I just make a serious face for long enough and speak in a low voice maybe I'll get an oscar"

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demented old lady walking about her flat hallucinating with brief flashbacks to her glory days / 10


wtf? this film had so much potential. atleast meryl streeps performance was top notch.

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did you get the feeling ainitcoolnews was paid to promote it? I dont think ive seen a movie since 'attack of the block' they pushed as hard as the Grey, it's suspicious


I don't know. I guess if I thought about it really hard then yes I could make a guess at them being paid to promote it. I also saw it though and was into the film so much that I forgot I was in the theatre at times. That is why I love film. A film that can draw you out of your world. 'The Grey' did that for me. Some will hate it. Some will think it laced with poor cgi. I loved it. Can't wait to see it again, when it is released, so I can slow down the parts with wolves ripping and tearing bodies the fuck up! Nothing more heart warming than animals mauling/eating humans. Yay!.


I don't see anyone else hyping it up and it was number 1 in the theatres last weekend.


Maybe I saw too much into the film.


I felt it has massive amounts of subtext. Great character development. Is Liam Neeson's best film, most likely.


Check it out. It has a Spielberg feel to it. Jaws is its main influence.

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i don't think most people will ever top (including himself) his performance in Gangs of New York. Unfortunately some other elements like Cameron Diaz take the movie down a couple notches where it should have been,


Cameron Diaz was not the only thing wrong with that movie. Scorcese is a really uneven director, the story (apart from the novel setting) was cliche from what I can recall, and last but not least DiCaprio was way out of his depth. I'm not a DiCaprio fan. You inspired me to rewatch clips of DDL as Bill the Butcher on youtube, which unfortunately meant I had to endure DiCaprio looking like a confused man-child as well - "If I just make a serious face for long enough and speak in a low voice maybe I'll get an oscar"


yeah im with you on most of these points, its one fo the most frustrating movies ive ever seen because the potential is there for it to be great (more just the concept of showing pre 1900s big city street gangs). DDL steals the show, his clothing alone is terrifying to me. I liked there will be blood, but his performance in Gangs will be forever burned into my memory. The Aviator is another really frustrating one because there are moments where i think Leo really pulls it off and others where he totally sucks me out of the movie.

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The Grey - 8.5/10. Really good, scary at times (the sound of the wolves stalking the survivors is panic-inducing).



I loved the part where he calls god a "fuckface" and a fraud


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