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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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I don't think an artists amount of effort should be defined by how much work was done by manual input or automatic choices made by a computer. All that matters in the end is how its going to effect you on a base level


also, word up awepittance.

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Most of it is utter wank.


go fuck urself


It's not that I don't respect your opinion, sir. I just found most of Quaristice (with the main exceptions of Altibzz and some of the other ambient numbers) immensely half-baked and underwhelming. I thought tracks like The Plc chenc9 would eventually grow on me, but they just haven't... to me, the album is merely a sketchbook. So many tracks just seem to reflect a single undeveloped idea that materialised out of boredom on a long Saturday afternoon. :shrug:

Edited by Jacck
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I think it's boring alone and boring AND a horrible fit for the music when paired with the actual album.


I actually like the cover, but only the version on the outer shell of the vinyl release without the chopped off oversized text.

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Most of it is utter wank.


go fuck urself


Quaristice is f%^@##@ brilliant.


....and the cover art it untouchable.





x2 I remember I could barely function waiting for that thing in the mail. When it finally came, I took a massive dump :whistling:

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re. jack



i'd agree. i prefer oversteps. looser algorithmic stuff does it for me- great to have them back on my fav turf. hope the live shows are more like the 2001 confield tour flavour than elektron loops.

Edited by lupus yonderboy
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Most of it is utter wank.


go fuck urself


Quaristice is f%^@##@ brilliant.


....and the cover art it untouchable.





You're really using fonts with shit kerning as the crux of your argument as to why the music is brillant? LOL.

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i think the whole album is brilliant as well as 'versions' and 'quadrange versions'.


i have 2 words for Quaristice haters:

















I find Quaristice to be moistly pretty great. moistly.

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Oversteps is moistly dry


To be honest, it's really grown on me. I think the direction they've gone in is totally weird, but pretty wonderful. Even if I prefer the sound design in stuff like Draft or Confield, they've done that already - granted, I wouldn't want any more albums like Overtsteps, but it's a beautiful oddity to have in light of all else they've done. I didn't force myself to like it - I'm just ignoring the moments that piss me off ( like known(1) ) and enjoying the rest.

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known 1 aside, i like this album. a good bit.


after draft i sorta fell off the wagon...untilted was cool but i only listened to it a handful of times, quaristice to me was horrible...it did sound like sketches, i didnt get any prolonged involvement or feel for the development of a track, which to me is why i listened to autechre in the first place.


i think i shall order this in vinyl....is there a US distro?

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what makes people feel like the songs on oversteps are not 'sketchy' but tracks on quaristice are? is it the amount of actual notes taking place ? i just want someone to enlighten me because frankly both of the albums have a very sketchish /immediate feel to them just in different ways.

Edited by Awepittance
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known 1 aside, i like this album. a good bit.


after draft i sorta fell off the wagon...untilted was cool but i only listened to it a handful of times, quaristice to me was horrible...it did sound like sketches, i didnt get any prolonged involvement or feel for the development of a track, which to me is why i listened to autechre in the first place.


i think i shall order this in vinyl....is there a US distro?


i feel the same way

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if you mean the track selection and the way each tracks sounds significantly different from each other, that makes sense. the flow of Oversteps from track to track seems to have a very encapsulated and specific flow


but if you mean the individual tracks on Oversteps build up and develop a lot. i'm not hearing very much build up and disassembling on Oversteps, maybe im missing something. Most of the transitions seem to almost 'burst' into the mix and the album has almost an anti ambient quality to me where things seem very immediate and brisk. There are a lot of atmospheric more silent sections on this album but they don't really build up or slowly develop into something more dense like the stuff on for example Amber.

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if you mean the track selection and the way each tracks sounds significantly different from each other, that makes sense. the flow of Oversteps from track to track seems to have a very encapsulated and specific flow


but if you mean the individual tracks on Oversteps build up and develop a lot. i'm not hearing very much build up and disassembling on Oversteps, maybe im missing something. Most of the transitions seem to almost 'burst' into the mix and the album has almost an anti ambient quality to me where things seem very immediate and brisk. There are a lot of atmospheric more silent sections on this album but they don't really build up or slowly develop into something more dense like the stuff on for example Amber.


Okay, now I think we're getting somewhere here...


Cohesion. Its that simple. The reason why *I* for one appreciate this album is because one has to reflect on this album cohesively. Robbie, you remember when Queersauce came out and what my reaction was... about how Warp post-scripted their stance on the album, making these shortened bursts of ideas sound like some grand revelation for the band, and subsequently us as listeners. Remember how I said that if Autechre was "brilliant" or "hard core," instead of releasing 20+ songs on one album, they would release one album that was ONE song? IMHO, Oversteps is the closest we've gotten across an entire album, to it being a single body of work. For that alone, I appreciate this on another level. Given that, I cant help but look at this m4a file in a different light.


Is it less beats? Sure. Does it cast less of a, dare I say, typical Autechre feel? Absolutely not. It actually is the opposite. To me, this album summarizes the disorienting mood at the heart of most of their songs, while cutting out the stuff that makes them "cool" and progressive. To that, I have to give them TONS of credit. They've retained their signature by evacuating their penmanship.

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if you mean the track selection and the way each tracks sounds significantly different from each other, that makes sense. the flow of Oversteps from track to track seems to have a very encapsulated and specific flow


but if you mean the individual tracks on Oversteps build up and develop a lot. i'm not hearing very much build up and disassembling on Oversteps, maybe im missing something. Most of the transitions seem to almost 'burst' into the mix and the album has almost an anti ambient quality to me where things seem very immediate and brisk. There are a lot of atmospheric more silent sections on this album but they don't really build up or slowly develop into something more dense like the stuff on for example Amber.


Okay, now I think we're getting somewhere here...


Cohesion. Its that simple. The reason why *I* for one appreciate this album is because one has to reflect on this album cohesively. Robbie, you remember when Queersauce came out and what my reaction was... about how Warp post-scripted their stance on the album, making these shortened bursts of ideas sound like some grand revelation for the band, and subsequently us as listeners. Remember how I said that if Autechre was "brilliant" or "hard core," instead of releasing 20+ songs on one album, they would release one album that was ONE song? IMHO, Oversteps is the closest we've gotten across an entire album, to it being a single body of work. For that alone, I appreciate this on another level. Given that, I cant help but look at this m4a file in a different light.


Is it less beats? Sure. Does it cast less of a, dare I say, typical Autechre feel? Absolutely not. It actually is the opposite. To me, this album summarizes the disorienting mood at the heart of most of their songs, while cutting out the stuff that makes them "cool" and progressive. To that, I have to give them TONS of credit. They've retained their signature by evacuating their penmanship.


well said. couldn't say it better myself.


i guess i prefer oversteps due to its somewhat thematic presence...


IMHO quaristice is like listening to drops of water, whereas untilted, draft, confield, etc are more like rivers or puddles

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