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VHS Head - Trademark Ribbons of Gold

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Erm, hasn't the LP version been out for ages now. Or is that the fixed version ?

the first pressing was a bad press, which Skam recalled.


this is the repress, that is going to be all sorted. also, sleeve had some weird artefact on it, which i'm sure shall be fixed for the repress

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VHS Head album Skalp025 – Vinyl should be available in 2-3 weeks

Skam News


this confirms what VHS Head's brother, Kris, told me on Saturday about it coming soon.


Way to wave your VIP-pass in everyone's face



did i mention that i have a 24 carat gold 303, and i have an actual physical manifestion of the amen break on my wall?


also, i have RDJ as my flatmate, and Tom Jenkinson makes my tea.

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wish people would stop with all this Jackson bullshit...


from what i've heard, Jackson And His Computer Band sounds way too polished and "slick" compared to VHS Head, which has a rawer sound and (in my opinion) way more character and balls.


They're both good, for what it's worth. I must say I enjoy VHS Head much more though. Jackson has some songs I like. The only thing I find similar is that it's cut so much, other than that they don't structure things nearly the same and the qualities of it all are very different.


VHS Head album Skalp025 – Vinyl should be available in 2-3 weeks

Skam News


this confirms what VHS Head's brother, Kris, told me on Saturday about it coming soon.


Way to wave your VIP-pass in everyone's face



did i mention that i have a 24 carat gold 303, and i have an actual physical manifestion of the amen break on my wall?


also, i have RDJ as my flatmate, and Tom Jenkinson makes my tea.



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I really don't understand the hype about this at all, sounds pretty ordinary to me


it's not "hype". it's just a real right excitement about something that's very fresh and beautiful and much needed in the IDM world..

respect to you as a person, but, you think 'Further Vexations' is the best Black Dog album..

so your taste is obviously quite a bit 'squ-iff' here, shall we say.. ? ;)

a Skam album of musical tracks made out of cuts of VHS video tapes, to me is not a "pretty ordinary" thing.

i find the tracks have quite a nice nostalgic warmth to them too.

imo we need more new artists like VHS Head.

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VHS Head album Skalp025 – Vinyl should be available in 2-3 weeks

Skam News


this confirms what VHS Head's brother, Kris, told me on Saturday about it coming soon.


Way to wave your VIP-pass in everyone's face


LOL. way to kick ocey in the balls. nice one. ;)

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VHS Head album Skalp025 – Vinyl should be available in 2-3 weeks

Skam News


this confirms what VHS Head's brother, Kris, told me on Saturday about it coming soon.


Way to wave your VIP-pass in everyone's face



did i mention that i have a 24 carat gold 303, and i have an actual physical manifestion of the amen break on my wall?


also, i have RDJ as my flatmate, and Tom Jenkinson makes my tea.


so really you're Cylob then?

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Guest Backson

Why hasn't Pitchfork reviewed this?

why do you even want those hipster fucks to even give an "opinion" on this?

they'll give it a 3 for not being a BOC side project. Or a 10 because no one's heard of him before.

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Why hasn't Pitchfork reviewed this?

why do you even want those hipster fucks to even give an "opinion" on this?

they'll give it a 3 for not being a BOC side project. Or a 10 because no one's heard of him before.

exactly, so their opinion means....fuck all, unless you're one of the hipsters that actually check it on an hourly basis

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Had a short break from the album, about a week or so, then I got hooked again today. Much fun!

Not dipped into it for a bit now either (so many other releases lately), looking forward to getting back to it again. And let's not all forget 'Video Club' either.

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