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Why spoil a big set piece on the poster? Sure it's official?


the crashing alien ship set piece has been in at least one of the trailers, and i wanna say almost all of them since maybe even the very first 'full' trailer. not double checking, but it's been seen.


i kind of like the poster...it's definitely an 'artist interpretation of' the movie, not a specific scene. more akin to if it were novelized, that would be the cover; very reminiscent of sci-fi novel covers, "old school" as BCM says. if anything i'd say they should've made it more stylized and have more of that retro kitschy feel even.


i dunno if it's Scott or someone else attached to the project, but there's a LOT of fun being had in the marketing for this movie. it's staggering how much, really. i'm not sure i've seen any sci-fi movie promoted with this much vigor and in interesting ways.

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I saw a commercial last night - they're giving away almost the entire plot in the commercial! I personally don't mind as it's the journey that matters to me, but I could see how some people would get pissed.

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I went to the cinema to see Avengers last weekend and got pissed off when the Prometheus trailer came on. I wasn't going to put my fingers in my ears, close my eyes and go la-la-la-la-la like a fanny so I just had to sit there and take it. All over my face.


It really annoyed me. Fucking trailers give away the whole plot in every film now. Not even just this. There was a trailer for some fucking clichéd story about an unpopular runner overcoming the odds and getting along with her team. It showed her hating one particular girl, then them starting to get along, then them being best friends, then them winning a big race together! The whole fucking film!


Also the popcorn wasn't great and you're wildly overcharged. Why do I even bother going to the cinema anymore? It's tantamount to rape.

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i think it's safe to guess that if you've seen the prometheus trailer, you've seen pretty much every expensive money shot in the movie already


I mean not to 'spoil' anything, but one of the coolest scenes in the Avenger's trailer was literally the final action shot in the entire film

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I still have not seen the more recent Prometheus trailers, thank jeebus.


I've always felt this way but living in China and watching it transform into capitalist whoredom before my eyes has only confirmed: capitalism is basically just the continual rape of your senses and innocence. I'm not talking about the evils of child labor and class warfare, I'm talking about having every single one of your inner impulses categorized, appealed to, and porned out in the slickest of ways. Most of us know this is happening but it still affects us. Travel to a place like say, Cuba, and you'll suddenly get a wallop of what life without constant background brain-rape is like. It's totally alien and pretty nice. Not many places like that left on earth.

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i accidentally clicked on this thread after promising myself to not do it anymore and got bombed with another massive spoiler. goddamn.

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i think it's safe to guess that if you've seen the prometheus trailer, you've seen pretty much every expensive money shot in the movie already


I mean not to 'spoil' anything, but one of the coolest scenes in the Avenger's trailer was literally the final action shot in the entire film


if this:




spoils as much as this:




then I am really pissed. That avengers poster spoils pretty much the whole climax

Edited by o00o
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Guest zaphod

yuck, that poster stinks.


i was pissed at the avengers trailer for spoiling the hulk catch out of context since it's sort of an emotional spike in the actual film. no reason why that needed to be in the trailer.

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Love Sam Jackson just kind of hanging around in the background of the Avengers poster.


yeah what are his superpowers anyway? The "aways getting away with everything" superpower?

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Guest ruiagnelo

from everything i have seen, read, considered, Prometheus stinks of Hollywood. From the actors to the the poster, which pretty much confirms my belief. just look at it, what a fucking mess, it's like they are trying to put the whole story on one image, including your usual BOOM KABOOM SHHHLAM BWOOM, smoke, action, every possible character that it is possible to fit into one image, so that you can be sure you will going to have 2 hours of comfortable pop corn eating time while holding your girlfriend/boyfriend's hand


i will give it a chance, because Alien is the most impressive sci fi movie i have ever seen, and i have seen a lot, and i want to believe that the same director can bring something as good or at least close to it


edit: we are not living in the 70's and 80's anymore, but what a beast of a poster



Edited by ruiagnelo
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i think it's safe to guess that if you've seen the prometheus trailer, you've seen pretty much every expensive money shot in the movie already


I mean not to 'spoil' anything, but one of the coolest scenes in the Avenger's trailer was literally the final action shot in the entire film


if this:




spoils as much as this:




then I am really pissed. That avengers poster spoils pretty much the whole climax


Yeah, I would think the Prometheus blowing up would be a pivotal moment in the film, and not something they'd want to give away on the poster.

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i think it's safe to guess that if you've seen the prometheus trailer, you've seen pretty much every expensive money shot in the movie already


I mean not to 'spoil' anything, but one of the coolest scenes in the Avenger's trailer was literally the final action shot in the entire film


if this:




spoils as much as this:




then I am really pissed. That avengers poster spoils pretty much the whole climax


Yeah, I would think the Prometheus blowing up would be a pivotal moment in the film, and not something they'd want to give away on the poster.


I wonder if this kind of intentional leaking is just for the internet crowd as the prometheus promotion at my local cinema does not give away close as much. This is one of the LOST guys involved right? I always tried to avoid LOSTs new season promotional images as these spoiled who of the main characters was still alive for the season.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I agree this movies promotion has forced way too many spoilers down our throats for a movie with a plot that should be much more amazing having not been spoiled. That being said I think I will love this movie even though I have read and seen just about every possible spoiler.


That poster is fine, don't cry so much. It's okay, being super critical of everything on the internet is so 2008.

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Guest zaphod

actually, i wonder if the time dilation aspects of forever war were incorporated into prometheus. since the former was supposedly going to be ridley's "return to science fiction"...

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