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On 3/5/2022 at 2:45 PM, beerwolf said:

Oddly enough I had an weird Alien influenced dream last night. I was stood in darkness on a corner of a shelled out, apocalyptic strewn city corner, just like the original Escape From New York and there were plumes of green fog and beams of effervescent green light billowing and swooping around me. Then I heard the sound of helicopter rotor blades getting closer and closer until they were overhead and I could see the choppers lowering glass cages with something massive and thrashing about. Then a voice whispered in my ear the Xenomorphs are here….RUN!!!

Thankfully the running never happened because I thought the best thing all round to do was wake up and get the proper fuck out of there.


On 3/5/2022 at 7:42 PM, Amen Warrior said:

A lad in my primary school had a big long head like an alien out of alien. I've not thought about him for 25 years. I wonder what he's doing now and if his head looks any more normal as an adult.

Skimmed through the last couple of pages of this thread and just wanna say I love WATMM.:ok:

Re: Romulus, Alvarez's involvement is not encouraging — his pretty forgettable Evil Dead remake was 10 years ago, and he hasn't done shit since, nothing worth mentioning at least. I hope the rumor about Waller-Bridge is just that — a rumor. The only thing I've seen her in was that godawful Indiana Jones mess, and now everytime I get a glimpse of her it's like reliving some sort of childhood trauma. Okay, I guess that's a personal problem. But since every single movie in the franchise (not counting Prometheus) was worse than the last, I don't see how this of all things is supposed to break the curse. I mean, the title's kind of cool, but that alone won't save it. And yet, I desperately, irrationally want it to be good.

Please be good. 🙏

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6 minutes ago, IDEM said:

But since every single movie in the franchise (not counting Prometheus) was worse than the last

I, for one, do not appreciate this Alien 3 slander

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13 minutes ago, oscillik said:

I, for one, do not appreciate this Alien 3 slander

the premise was bad but the setting is proper and mood is right*





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39 minutes ago, IDEM said:

But since every single movie in the franchise (not counting Prometheus) was worse than the last,

Prometheus might be the worst one. it's about even with Covenant for my money. though the religious idiots are kinda tops at being bottom of the foodchain of stupidity and i find it totally baffling that people getting of a fcuking spaceship onto an unknown planet aren't at a minimum in hazmat suits.. instead of romping around the swamp and squashing poison mushroom dust. but prometheus has scientists that change personality.. going from being terrified of everything to "hey, that snake sucker thing looks cute. i'll pet it.. even though we're in an obviously ominous feeling space cargo ship full of weird death"

david is the only consistently good thing about the later movies. otherwise, every single character is so boring/conflicted w/themselves or a total trope.. it's just ass piss diarheehaw

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34 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

the premise was bad but the setting is proper and mood is right*





The Assembly Cut (despite the few, understandable, continuity errors) is much better than the theatrical cut. When I was younger I agreed with everyone else that it's bad, but back then I also preferred the second film.

I had some bad takes in my younger years.

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aLiEn 1 iS tEh bEsT nOmTteR wAt!!!11!!!!! tWh oTheRs SuX0rZ hARd tEH cHaRacTerZ iS s0 DuMb

also, Alien 1:




Edited by auxien
i didn't even watch that whole video & i'm mostly just being dumb
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Alien: Impeccable. You won't find anyone of sound mind willing to disagree that this is one the best movies of all time, period. (If you do, it's proof they're not of sound mind.) Even writing this down feels superfluous.

Aliens: Great for what it is: a bangin' sci-fi-actioner that still holds up. Mastered the near-impossible task of following up a one-of-a-kind movie by finding a fresh approach. Kudos!

Alien 3: Decent at the time, hasn't aged that well. Not a match for 1 & 2 and therefore, yes, the beginning of the downhill slope.

Alien Resurrection: Barely okay even at the time, has probably aged even worse, have hardly bothered to rewatch. Jeunet was an unfortunate choice, a fad, a directeur de jour hopelessly stuck in an aesthetic and sensibility that the sands of time have long since swallowed. (It's debatable if that is a good or a bad thing or just the natural course of life. It's not debatable that he was a poor match for this franchise.)

Prometheus: Loved it when I saw it in the theater; a gorgeous movie, absolutely spectacular visually.  Lapped it up like manna from the heavens and gladly never fell prey to the jaded view of all the "scientists dumb-dumb" naysayers for whom I feel truly sorry. A successful reboot of sorts as far as I'm concerned.

Alien: Covenant: I honest-to-God forgot that it even existed for a long stretch of time. I know I saw it in the theater, but I literally don't remember anything about it except maybe a vague image of some weaselly little aliens fleeing from gunfire on some planet's surface (was it some sort of jungle?) in the dark. That is literally all. The vibe I get from it is that it might also have been the worst production-wise in that it failed to inspire a sense of grandeur, that it was just lacking in the cinematic department; I think it felt like some direct-to-video/streaming flick to me, a sleazy little B-movie, indistinguishable from Aliens vs. Predator schlock. But that's just guessing because, well, I don't remember it.

As you were.


Edited by IDEM
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To me, REALLLY honestly, Alien 3, was also awesome. To me anyway. The backstage drama actually adds to it honestly, yes the film could of been better, but its still damn watchable.

The first 3 films all have a different style of presentation to them. Truckers, then Marines, now Convicts. You kinda get the pattern there yeah?

Alien3 in the end was meant to end the "trilogy", Ripley's impregnated with a new Queen (... somehow sure)... Bishop 2 is sad, but OOPS that's it basically, the end.

To this day I'm not sure which atmosphere and tone of the three Alien films I love more, the retro of Alien1, the...... I guess neon cinematics of Aliens, or the absolute dread of Alien3. I guess I love all 3.


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Fak alien 3!!!
I mean fincher was great as always but what kind of a moron kills newt and hicks?!  🤦‍♂️ sadistic fak decided to fak us all a I should play along?! no

“It wasn't until a script draft written by Vincent Ward that the idea of killing off Hicks and Newt was first introduced, although they were originally killed by Xenomorphs aboard the Sulaco. Ward later revealed that killing Newt was one of his first priorities, as the character had annoyed him. He also wanted Ripley to be suffering from intense loss and on a quest for redemption, which he felt necessitated getting her Aliens comrades out of the way. It seems Ward wasn't the only writer who disliked Newt, as the majority of unmade Alien 3 scripts find a way to either kill her or otherwise remove her from the plot.”


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When i wan to enjoy the universe i play alien:isolation


apparently the new aliens game is great; haven’t played it yet though 

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I LOVE the first 2 but the elephantien creature in the room that nobody mentions is.....

The end of aliens is a rip-off of the end of alien. the good ol airlock-suck-out (AvP whch i enjoy'd was the same except it was an Abyss suck-out or something)

Not sure how else they could have done it except  maybe show the queen detach herself before docking from the dropship to the Sulacco and hitch  a ride to Earth orbit - leaving alient3 to have an earth-based-fan-loving start... maybe... anyway its moot

Thats my only gripe

(alien 4 I liked the first hour  - then it goes to complete shite obvs)

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1 - great story, acting, atmosphere, everything's in its place

2 - marines are clowning around too much, bad acting, not enough atmosphere and character depth

3 - the way doc tells his life story suggests he should be one of the main characters, he's portrayed that way from the beginning of the film, instead he's killed at the stupidest moment, prisoners' characters are so weak their deaths have no weight, bad acting

4 - /

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Unfortunately the more turd these studios churn out they only make the greatest monster ever created more of a caricature of itself. It's testament to how great the first two films are that the Alien has any integrity whatsoever. By now it should be a joke.

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2 hours ago, phudoshin said:

The end of aliens is a rip-off of the end of alien. the good ol airlock-suck-out (AvP whch i enjoy'd was the same except it was an Abyss suck-out or something)


Sigourney Weaver in all 3 films is worth the price of admission alone. Hell, she even makes Alien: Resurrection watchable, as stupid as it it. 

Alien is almost perfect. I love Aliens, even if it is a little goofy. And Alien 3, warts and all, is enjoyable. I've got a soft spot of 3. Charles Dance puts in solid performance, shame he gets killed off too early. 

Edited by Scaramouche
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3 hours ago, phudoshin said:

leaving alient3 to have an earth-based-fan-loving start... maybe... anyway its moot

no alien should ever step on earth in my headcanon. it belongs in space. other planets, sure. but not earth. i think movie authors should explore the xenomorph's origins, but they should never come close to any definitive lore. only theories and some mysterious clues. introducing engineers was a huge mistake imo. no android should be able to understand alien tech and drive their ships. too deus-ex-machina. giger's pyramids and other ancient-looking space stuff of his design: fuck yes. colonial marines and goofy colonial marines: of course. remote old industrial prison with no weapons, and a xeno dog is a grand idea. weyland yutani's psychopats making genetic experiments on uss auriga with some space mercenaries keeping them company is good. but for all that you need really well-crafted story and horror. no predators.

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1 hour ago, cichlisuite said:

no alien should ever step on earth in my headcanon. it belongs in space. other planets, sure. but not earth


They did a good job of them going to earth in Nightmare Asylum imo though 


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3 hours ago, Scaramouche said:

Alien 3, warts and all, is enjoyable

But how the fuck did the Alien egg get stuck to the wall in the Silaco, when 1: The Alien queen never left the drop ship bay (except when it was blasted out into space by Ripley!) And 2: The Alien queen was detached from it's reproductive system by that point!!??

Bad script writing 

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My main problem with Alien 3 is the complete lack of tension. It's so fucking boring and predictable. 👍

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Odd bits are ok and some parts are mildly amusing

"No servallance cameras, no facking ice cream! No rubbers, no guns. All we've got here is shit!

Oh, why are we even talking to her for? She's the one who bought the facka! Why don't we get her head and shav it through the facking wall!!!"


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1 hour ago, Pirtek said:

But how the fuck did the Alien egg get stuck to the wall in the Silaco, when 1: The Alien queen never left the drop ship bay (except when it was blasted out into space by Ripley!) And 2: The Alien queen was detached from it's reproductive system by that point!!??

Bad script writing 

The Alien Queen did not act alone. There was a second Alien Queen on the grassy knoll. 

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