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His "definitely" was in response to the question of having other stuff that he would want included in the movie that didn't make it in. Could just mean there will be additional scenes with the DVD or whatever.



But we all know it will be another cut...


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The director's cut will be called Drometheus. The main differences will be a Rastafarian hat with fake dreds photoshopped onto the Engineer, who is in possession of a magical green goo, & people will be all like



have you ever got so high

your brain made aliens


edit: also instead of sports music the soundtrack will be ska

Edited by Cryptowen
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The director's cut will be called Dronetheus. The main differences will be very extended establishing shots, and the removal of any scene with dialogue.

edit: also instead of sports music the soundtrack will be sunn 0)))



This is what I want.

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This was pretty interesting to me.



yeah, i read that last night and forgot to put a link up here. it was definitely an interesting read.


i'd love to buy a copy of that book that keeps getting referenced, but i'm sure it's expensive and i never will. probably just drool over it next time i'm in a Barnes & Noble.

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a nitpick to most probably in this thread, but in the original Alien movie the Space Jockey is at least 25 feet tall. They filmed children doubles walking in front of the space jockey fossil set in the original movie. In Prometheus they appear to be 12 feet tall creatures at the most. I do believe that Ridley scott 'retconned' them so that he could write a back story about them being proto humans, and probably decreased their size to make it more likely we came from them

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a nitpick to most probably in this thread, but in the original Alien movie the Space Jockey is at least 25 feet tall. They filmed children doubles walking in front of the space jockey fossil set in the original movie. In Prometheus they appear to be 12 feet tall creatures at the most. I do believe that Ridley scott 'retconned' them so that he could write a back story about them being proto humans, and probably decreased their size to make it more likely we came from them


Yes I think Ridley Scotts 8 year old son is one of the children dressed up in a spacesuit as they climb up onto the Space Jockey chair.

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in case anyone had doubts.



and here's one from prometheus (in the background)




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yeah, idk why he bothered incorporating the space jockey into this film. way to ruin the mystique. the whole part with "oh it's not an exoskeleton, just a mask!" and david immediately knowing how to open it was totally facepalm.

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a nitpick to most probably in this thread, but in the original Alien movie the Space Jockey is at least 25 feet tall. They filmed children doubles walking in front of the space jockey fossil set in the original movie. In Prometheus they appear to be 12 feet tall creatures at the most. I do believe that Ridley scott 'retconned' them so that he could write a back story about them being proto humans, and probably decreased their size to make it more likely we came from them


yeah, he definitely twisted what was to fit what he wanted it to be now. but it's not surprising to me....the first thing i thought when this prequel was announced a couple years ago or whatever was 'how the hell are they gonna have characters that are 20 foot tall elephant looking motherfuckers be truly characters and not just weird looking awkward aliens?' because that WOULD have been a serious issue to deal with, had he followed the space jockey from the original. just in making a movie watchable with characters so oddly non-human and strangely sized/proportioned...we would've ended up with some Thaarks or whatever from John Carter; pure CG, impossible to communicate with (until you drink a magic potion!) and kind of silly. wait, that's kinda what happened anyway. damn it.


i just watched the original clip and it's pretty clear that it's a basic ribcage that is exploded outward, not anything resembling a 'suit.' creative license was definitely taken. but screw it, i enjoyed Prometheus despite its faults. still a good movie. i could go on about 'what if _______ had been different' all day.

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Guest Wall Bird

Can we take a moment to reflect on just how truly awesome it was for such a significant amount of practical effects to be used in this film?


I'm so impressed with Ridley and the production staff for their reliance on puppets, robots and costumes. I can't remember the last time I saw such a usage of practical creature effects. I really can't. It all looked amazing, too.


Is it cost prohibitive to do practical creature effects today? I just can't imagine it being more expensive than hiring an entire company of computer animators to slave away for a year.

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I swear, this movie is mocking fanboys. Like, to the point where it literally has an alien stick its tongue out at the end. This is Ridley having a go at people who take this shit so seriously.


We are Holloway. We're the ones who looked for the origin to Alien and are now being all upset about it. Ridley's saying it doesn't matter - it's all fake bs anyway, similar to religion.



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forgive me if this has been answered already..but the recent films watched thread reminded me....



is there a cat in this film?

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The space jockey is a cat. Actually sort of a cat human. Complete with Zoe Saldana's cgi tits. You're gonna cum so hard and feel awkward about it later, but that scene where cgi Zoe Saldana fucks the main character with her tail is so hot.

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I get some of the confusion and issues with the film, but I thought a few things were pretty straight forward


-Goop on walls was a bio-electronic that allowed input


-David was acting on Weylands orders to discover the meaning of the black goop, thus he infects Charlie. Further, David likely had a basic understanding of what would happen as he clearly could read the language the engineers used. Just because he didn't proclaim this doesnt make it an issue, he clearly had a different agenda than Shaw.


-Vickers is not an android, plain and simple, it was a pick up line from the captain, to prove it further they have sex.


-Medstation was calibrated for males as it was actually Welands not Vickers.


-Fiefield was high and freaking out, thus he got lost, Milburn was along for the ride.


-Shaw questions why Weyland is alive, we get answers. Just because they didn't spend the time showing this happen with everyone else doesn't make it a flaw, it cuts forward to after this likely happened.



As for some of the other issues, they are the result of sloppy writing and other are purposely left open and ambiguous. There were definitely issued throughout, but people are really just trying to discredit every little things this movie does.



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The flute + the control-buttons, the wtf holograms activated for what cause (and david interacting with it...), the occasional fifield zombie, the lack of use of the life engineering-(intro)-theory, the cutting, rapace's english/character malplacement , the size of the creators, showing armageddon good-bye lines between characters I could not care less about, rapace's alien extraction scene (the lol-fix stitching up and how she runs away straight afterwards, just wow)... Not hating, just giving it a 5/10. Sorry Riddeleye, tho the intro and kind of the first 20 mins was close to epic.


oh, shaw's religious thing too. why oh why. Left the cinema with a feeling they rushed the "final" product.

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I didn't realize Scott is 74 or something...my vote is for encroaching senility, as to why he wants to revisit past glories. Better to leave well enough alone (although I haven't seen the flick yet).

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