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The same here, but put that graphic starting under a dollar. (so you can can imagine it's not the same, it's actually a lot more tragic, but then again even that can get lost in the purposeless vibration that surrounds every other aspect of me. ;-] heh)

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I have decided that clearly bitcoin was just not for me to clear my conscience of the fact that I was well aware of it and how to access it since 2011..."it's just not for me"..."The reason I didn't become bitcoin rich is because I knew it wasn't for me"...

Ah fuck it I'm an idiot!!!

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So has anyone cashed in their internet funbux for some real money yet or are everyone hanging on to them and waiting for what exactly? As I see it, bitcoins are still fairly limited on what you can actually do with them so this rise in value isn't really that useful in buying goods or services. Also how are goods priced in BTC with this fluctuating value? It all seems very precarious.

Edited by azatoth
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I'm currently rolling in it. 100% profit in 10 days. Currently building a rPi based LED Matrix to go on my wall and tell me my riches, possibly get it to play some AFX tune every time I 'make' another 50£. It will play Gwely Mernans when the value is going down and 'Come On My Selector' in the morning if I am richer than when I went to sleep.


It will also display the time, in binary, and every 23 minutes a PacMan will 'eat' the text displayed at that moment.



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I'm currently rolling in it. 100% profit in 10 days. Currently building a rPi based LED Matrix to go on my wall and tell me my riches, possibly get it to play some AFX tune every time I 'make' another 50£. It will play Gwely Mernans when the value is going down and 'Come On My Selector' in the morning if I am richer than when I went to sleep.


It will also display the time, in binary, and every 23 minutes a PacMan will 'eat' the text displayed at that moment.



Money has totally gone to your head dude, sell now and save your soul! .... or give it to me :cerious:

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So has anyone cashed in their internet funbux for some real money yet or are everyone hanging on to them and waiting for what exactly? As I see it, bitcoins are still fairly limited on what you can actually do with them so this rise in value isn't really that useful in buying goods or services. Also how are goods priced in BTC with this fluctuating value? It all seems very precarious.


Yeah I've cashed some to get the Korg Volcas. Ordered them from thomann.de, still haven't got them and right now they're worth well over a grand each.

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I once had an idea about what things are of actual, universal value, and what things we simply apply value to because we can make money off of it.


Cutting firewood for instance, actually using your body to labor. Survival. I love how Diablo 2 convinced people to pay real dollars for things that have no value. It has spiraled out of control since.


Money has value because it is "based on gold" which has to be sought through searching and labor. Don't people realize that putting value on something that isn't worth the hard drive it is burned on will slowly build to a catastrophe? It is looming already, and all of these organizations like fight the future are so pro bitcoin, like it can stabilize globalization/end human trafficking/ensure fair prices for coffee farmers, but trust me, it will be CATASTROPHIC.


I am going to retreat into the forest with my family while the world government/corp(s) start raiding people's bitcoin rooms and literally shooting them between the eyes, no questions asked.

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Remember 15 years ago how everyone loved Google? It was so simple, delivered the best results, and obviously, the main reason people used it was because "Google" just sounds more fun. All of the techoptimists were losing it over how great Google was.


And look at it now. Google has turned into the dark corporation that it set itself against, just like Apple. And a lot of these really terrible changes have just started to happen. Fast forward 5 years. It will be a nightmare. People keep creating things with good intentions, but they will always become corrupt eventually.

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I once had an idea about what things are of actual, universal value, and what things we simply apply value to because we can make money off of it.


Cutting firewood for instance, actually using your body to labor. Survival. I love how Diablo 2 convinced people to pay real dollars for things that have no value. It has spiraled out of control since.


Money has value because it is "based on gold" which has to be sought through searching and labor. Don't people realize that putting value on something that isn't worth the hard drive it is burned on will slowly build to a catastrophe? It is looming already, and all of these organizations like fight the future are so pro bitcoin, like it can stabilize globalization/end human trafficking/ensure fair prices for coffee farmers, but trust me, it will be CATASTROPHIC.


I am going to retreat into the forest with my family while the world government/corp(s) start raiding people's bitcoin rooms and literally shooting them between the eyes, no questions asked.


1) Money is no longer "based on gold"


2) as long as people continue to accept (in both senses) fiat currency then we're all good.

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So has anyone cashed in their internet funbux for some real money yet or are everyone hanging on to them and waiting for what exactly? As I see it, bitcoins are still fairly limited on what you can actually do with them so this rise in value isn't really that useful in buying goods or services. Also how are goods priced in BTC with this fluctuating value? It all seems very precarious.


Yeah I've cashed some to get the Korg Volcas. Ordered them from thomann.de, still haven't got them and right now they're worth well over a grand each.

ouch! sorry but lol, that is fucking rough.

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1) Money is no longer "based on gold"

2) as long as people continue to accept (in both senses) fiat currency then we're all good.

Notice how I had the "based on gold" in "quotations." That was the idea originally, which makes sense. Bitcoin makes no sense, or rather it is the perfect expression of how the things global culture values highest are absolutely worthless.


We aren't all good because it says something that we allow currency to degenerate into an even more worthless form. The meaning is all gone. All of the actual substantive labor has been boxed and boxed within shadows of shadows.


There is transcendent meaning in interfacing with real molecules. Slowly global culture is losing meaning. Look in your backyard, if you are lucky enough to have one. Do you have any idea what it is for?


I know these things because I lived in a forest.

Edited by sheatheman
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1) Money is no longer "based on gold"

2) as long as people continue to accept (in both senses) fiat currency then we're all good.

Notice how I had the "based on gold" in "quotations." That was the idea originally, which makes sense. Bitcoin makes no sense, or rather it is the perfect expression of how the things global culture values highest are absolutely worthless.


We aren't all good because it says something that we allow currency to degenerate into an even more worthless form. The meaning is all gone. All of the actual substantive labor has been boxed and boxed within shadows of shadows.


There is transcendent meaning in interfacing with real molecules. Slowly global culture is losing meaning. Look in your backyard, if you are lucky enough to have one. Do you have any idea what it is for?


I know these things because I lived in a forest.



even though that is some beautiful poetry and one of my body parts definitely just shed a tear


as long as there is consensus/faith/[insert third word here] then we all good bro



look, the gold standard was literally based on the same principle that fiat currency is based on


"you can trade this money in for gold"


gold? why is that valuable? gold would be worthless in a post-scarcity economy


people might possibly value it if they thought that civilization would sooner or later be restored


beyond that it is literally just a hunk of pretty shit that is functionally useless

Edited by LimpyLoo
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beyond that it is literally just a hunk of pretty shit that is functionally useless

now come on man without gold you wouldn't be able to make Goldschläger - what else are post apocalyptic middle class college kids gonna get drunk on at their post apocalyptic college kid parties?
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The problem is that the currently massively-abused credit system (erm, bailouts anyone?) is slowly eroding trust in the major fiat currency in the western world, the USD.


I don't think sheatheman is arguing in favor of returning to the gold standard, btw, rather I got the impression that he thinks we just need to re-think what "value" means when we speak of having it. The housing market crash and 'liquid assets', the "value" of higher education in the US ($25000 will buy you a job dont ya know!), the bizarre I-wanna-be-a-prospective-investor-too-and-get-rich-on-something-possibly-worthless attitude of so many recent risky bitcoin investors... all of these are examples of misplaced trust in the value of something, and it usually ends badly. I think sheatheman is trying to just get across the point that there -are- valuable things in the world: being able to support your loved ones with your own physical labor and knowledge of the natural land, for instance - but that most people do not consider this valuable, despite the intrinsic value of it in the absence of all the false value systems we are currrently sifting through.


Wow I said that poorly. Hopefully the point's still in there thoughh. :whistling:

Edited by luke viia
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