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Guest Funktion

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Also, at the moment it seems to favor people with a room full of dual Radeon R-9 machines, so in a way it favors those who are already at an advantage.

I agree with a lot of your general sentiments about how it's a problem that currency is inevitably twisted into being an end unto itself, rather than about exchange. The prevalence of the idea that the quantification of value is something that can be separated from the thing that embodies it has distorted our perception to such a degree, that most of us don't feel empowered to even use our own sense of judgement.


However, going back to the more practical usage of Bitcoin - there was an article posted earlier in this thread about how for large sections of the world's population, it is very difficult for them to buy and sell goods on the internet. Under the current dominant payment methods, the big credit companies simply do not want to deal with allowing credit cards for people in impoverished nations. So Bitcoin could empower billions of people by opening up Internet trade to them.

Edited by wabby
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Absolutely - even the small forum I run I've encountered people that want to legit buy stuff but are forced to pirate as Paypal just isn't accepted in their country and they have no credit/debit card, so they have no means to pay for a digital product

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Also, at the moment it seems to favor people with a room full of dual Radeon R-9 machines, so in a way it favors those who are already at an advantage.

I agree with a lot of your general sentiments about how it's a problem that currency is inevitably twisted into being an end unto itself, rather than about exchange. The prevalence of the idea that the quantification of value is something that can be separated from the thing that embodies it has distorted our perception to such a degree, that most of us don't feel empowered to even use our own sense of judgement.


However, going back to the more practical usage of Bitcoin - there was an article posted earlier in this thread about how for large sections of the world's population, it is very difficult for them to buy and sell goods on the internet. Under the current dominant payment methods, the big credit companies simply do not want to deal with allowing credit cards for people in impoverished nations. So Bitcoin could empower billions of people by opening up Internet trade to them.



Before I extricate myself, I'll just say that while I absolutely believe it is madness, if it can create more good for more people, then I have to give it some merit. I'm 100% for those kids that reside in those impoverished places and would give them $200 right now if I could. Hahaha.


You just have to help where you are. After my wife and I get more established, we want to be foster parents to lots of children. You have to fight corruption and strive for truth, and if you can show children what real things are, maybe the future will be mitigated.

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How do you know they are addicts?


because they were ordering from a site called sheep


but seriously: that site had so many problems and people were warned multiple times that something dodgy was happening because the admins never fixed problems and always seemed too lapse in addressing issues people complained about. on top of that, people couldn't withdraw funds for more than 2 weeks but kept placing orders

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What crash?



I'm just fucking with you lot because i didn't get on the bitcoin train. It does seem like a fundamentally flawed rise given that everyone is buying and holding rather than just acting as a currency or commodity should by getting used or traded. I like the idea of bitcoin for reasons others have expressed. Ease of transfer, no middle men required, less government fuckery. But at the moment people are throwing huge sums at something and at some point those holding are going to decide to get off, they will do it gently hoping not to be noticed but enough move at the same time we'll have an huge reversal. And bitcoin will collapse then perhaps float back back down to the 100-200 range that it should be given the cost of production and size of it's actually market. Then it can naturally drift upwards as scarcity kicks in, perhaps here though the other crypto-currencies can start chipping in. Of course many have considered even this possibility and so many may never sell even through the hard times, but they aren't the chinese investors moving in to the market wildly speculating on this game that seems to have short odds as that culture has a weakness for. If these people see a crash, do think that they are going to fuck around and hold on to their BTC out of some ideological need. Maybe not.


Who knows though, i'm not a seer, don't have the inside track, my explanation was rather prosaic and meant more to rattle.

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totally just gave you a bitcoin for no reason gordo, enjoy your worthless currency



oh wow


Y'all shouldve been on watmm when funktion was handin out bitcoin like confetti


I'll never forget this, unfortunately with my crappy isp's bad connectivity i was never able to see the transaction being completed, also i forgot about it and have no idea how could i get it back, there's on bitcoin lost in the bitcoinverse.

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This is a pretty interesting lesson for me to finally see that a currency is worth something when people trust the currency. It is a pretty logical, and self-evident statement, but one that I never really realized until the last few days.


Or maybe my mind is starting working again after those copious amounts of drugs lol

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