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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Got a deadline for some PhD stuff tomorrow and made the foolish mistake of spending weeks doing loads of reading but not a lot of writing... cue a stressful few days with today the worst of 'em. But the bulk of it is done now and I've just to add a few finishing touches in the morning before sending it off. I'm only a few months in to it; taking today as a salutary lesson in needing to write as I go along rather than letting it all build up. So fws after all? Who knows.

Edited by Leon Sumbitches
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In reply to Bulk Vanderhooj ( top notch name by the way),


Can't quote anything as it will sign out before i can write a reply.


My subscription has not expired, have no clue what browser settings are.


i persisted on signing in to this thread until it accepted what i have written. After that it was off again.

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In reply to Bulk Vanderhooj ( top notch name by the way),


Can't quote anything as it will sign out before i can write a reply.


My subscription has not expired, have no clue what browser settings are.


i persisted on signing in to this thread until it accepted what i have written. After that it was off again.


Hmm... I wonder what it is.


I've flagged your message for the mods + joyrex in case you're not able to do so yourself.

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Woke up this morning with back pain :sad:


When I don't stretch out my hips, my back becomes a useless pile of cow turds. It's a first world problem because I couldn't ride my bike to work so I drove.

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The music video for "Robert De Niro's Waiting..." was directed by Duncan Gibbins and shows Bananarama walking around dark streets, possibly followed by mafia-style clothed men. When it gets to the bridge part of the song, Bananarama member Sara Dallin is shown running along, looking behind her as if being followed: As the video winds down, Sarah and the other two members of Bananarama, Siobhan Fahey and Keren Woodward, are back in their apartment, when the door bell rings. Keren answers the door, only to be confronted by the man who might have been chasing them, armed with a Mafia-style violin case. As she looks nervously at him, the case falls open to reveal a sign saying "Pizza Delivery", along with three pizzas. Both the man and Keren start laughing, and the video ends with Bananarama in their apartment eating the pizza and laughing.

Edited by A Reggae Lee Bowyer
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^ Uh oh, looks like someone's got a case of the Mun-days!


The music video for "Robert De Niro's Waiting..." was directed by Duncan Gibbins and shows Bananarama walking around dark streets, possibly followed by mafia-style clothed men. When it gets to the bridge part of the song, Bananarama member Sara Dallin is shown running along, looking behind her as if being followed: As the video winds down, Sarah and the other two members of Bananarama, Siobhan Fahey and Keren Woodward, are back in their apartment, when the door bell rings. Keren answers the door, only to be confronted by the man who might have been chasing them, armed with a Mafia-style violin case. As she looks nervously at him, the case falls open to reveal a sign saying "Pizza Delivery", along with three pizzas. Both the man and Keren start laughing, and the video ends with Bananarama in their apartment eating the pizza and laughing.


And the problem is?

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the pizzas looked terrible? those shitty frozen cheese only ones from the 90s and before. abomination.


Them microwave mutations of pizza. The sort where the "cheese" just kinda merges into the bread as one chewy mass. Often with rock hard edges.

I remember them coming frozen in a clear plastic wrap. The 80s and 90s were a fucking disgrace for food.

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I was making great time from Sioux Falls to Kalamazoo, (shaved an hour and a half off google's estimate) and then BAM, rush hour chicago tuned the I-94 into a parking lot. Motherfucker.

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 where's the muthafucking plus one damnit. i don't want to have to pick the keyboard up to post a written reply and i don't want to use a smilie either, this is plus one territory.

 damnit i'll have to do it myself.


I was making great time from Sioux Falls to Kalamazoo, (shaved an hour and a half off google's estimate) and then BAM, rush hour chicago tuned the I-94 into a parking lot. Motherfucker.



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The case of the mundanes turned into a minor fws. I managed to use my office day to hustle some heavy shit around, plan pricing projects for my crew and generally got shit done. Did have to spend four hours reconciling payouts for 250+ purchases though (I run a public buying dept), fuck me that was tedious.

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Learned the hard way why studded tires are a must during the winter. After one damn day of snowfall I couldn't make it up the same hill I've been traversing nearly every day for the last two weeks. #AKproblems

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