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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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one time girlfriend and long time good friend just found out she has breast cancer. she hasn't totally let the cat out of the bag but let me know today. it sucks. she has a daughter who is i think 19 yrs old. has a really great supportive husband so that's good. but just sucks. she's a kindred spirit and like an old school homie who i've known for like 30 years. i don't know the details yet as to what type and treatment plan but it's news i never wanted to get and certainly didn't want today. 

i never thought i'd be mad at breasts. 

edit: goes w/o saying that today just sucks and i'd like to punch god in the face. 

other fwp is i got a new job YAY and it will be awesome work from home good salary, set my own hours etc but the on boarding process has stalled because the onboarding person has to get ahold of some oregon bureaucracy people to meet licensing bullshit because new job is out of state location so there's more hoops to jump through to make it work and hire me. i'm hired so that's good but in limbo until this goes through then i can jump in and tackle the learning curve. 

for now i'm going to go for a bike ride and sweat out this angst at human condition. 

Edited by ignatius
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  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus Christ. Discussing sound and mixing with someone who knows a little about it. He knows just enough to not want to listen to any advice and not enough to be able to explain what he wants. Fuck.

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I'll try to keep this short

edit: failed at that

building adjacent to mine burnt down on Aug 3 (no one was seriously injured and I even made friends with the guy upstairs who had been annoying me - tragedy, the great uniter, i guess)

I've been displaced since then, huge amount of smoke damage to all my stuff

my renters insurance adjuster is a cunt and is trying to screw me

I'm supposed to keep my windows closed until the burnt building is fully removed, and it's going to be hot as hell for at least the next month

I don't have a bed or a couch or pillows, all thrown away. I'm broke af and can't afford to buy new shit without insurance $ but that's gonna take a while

I have missed a ton of work because I keep getting called to the apartment to meet with people

my electronic music gear may or may not be damaged and I won't be able to tell immediately so my insurance is being cagey

I'm tired 

meanwhile, Maui is keeping my life in perspective and I'm thankful I still have my stuff and friends who will let me sleep at their place

Edited by luke viia
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I was getting my toddler ready for bath time and was playing “up high - on the side - down low - too slow” and when I yanked my hand away it grazed the corner of the full length mirror that had a tiny chip and it sliced the entire side of my pointer finger open like butter. 
After wrapping up my finger I had to drive one-handed in a rainstorm through flooded streets to urgent care before they closed and on my way I found out my tires were low (likely due to the pressure change with the storm) and my car was fishtailing all over the flooded highway. Luckily I made it to urgent care 10 minutes before they closed and got a tetanus shot, some glue stitches, a splint and a prescription for antibiotics. 
I had to drive to around the corner to the 24 hospital pharmacy and left my hazard lights on in the patient drop off area (as recommended by the urgent care staff) and when I got back to my car the battery was dead dead dead. 
I called AAA and was scheduled to get service within an hour but then when the hour passed I got a text that the towing company canceled and the new company wouldn’t get to me 2 hours later, after 1am. 
So I’m stuck here watmming sloppily with my splinted finger at the hospital, tethered to a charging station in the lobby. 
I also have really, really bad farts right now. I mean bad. Only relief is that I went to take a shit and learned that I can still wipe my own ass. I was really afraid that would be an issue. 


I thought my phone was charging but this charging station is fucked 


Edited by J3FF3R00
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Sounds trippy and a bit gross...Just ate 16 Cumberland sausages....

(I was hungry)

My asshole may have a few first world problems tomorrow...

Edited by beerwolf
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I'm on a medication that makes my bowels extremely volatile so I'm sat in the chair drunk like a Beastman and shat myself. Very satisfying. Can't be bothered to do much about it to be honest, so probably sit here all night. Sweet dreams...

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7 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

I'm on a medication that makes my bowels extremely volatile so I'm sat in the chair drunk like a Beastman and shat myself. Very satisfying. Can't be bothered to do much about it to be honest, so probably sit here all night. Sweet dreams...

Oh dude. I completely sympathize.

I’m currently on antibiotics after my finger injury (posted above) and yesterday I was positive I shit myself in the car while driving on the highway and was shocked to find, after pulling off and running to multiple stores without functioning restrooms, that miraculously I hadn’t. This was after having to jump out of the car to spray the bowl at various prior locations (one of which was out of toilet paper, naturally). Today I’m doing nothing. 

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18 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

I'm on a medication that makes my bowels extremely volatile so I'm sat in the chair drunk like a Beastman and shat myself. Very satisfying. Can't be bothered to do much about it to be honest, so probably sit here all night. Sweet dreams...

before i got diagnosed with celiac i had IBS etc from all the gut problems. my gut doctor prescribed amitriptyline for the side effects. low dose. totally relaxes all the guts so no spazy IBS.. then once i was diagnosed everything was much better but i still take the amitriptyline in low dose. 

but i had so many "clenching my ass cheeks as hard as possible or might shit myself" experiences that it was just awful. 

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I think ive finally finished the new composition ive been working on for the past month.  I thought i would feel good after it was finished but i just feel fucking insane.  Ive been obsessively working on it nonstop.  I dont want to listen to it or think about it anymore.  I keep thinking it's finished and then I find more things that im dissatisfied with and i go back and edit it but i think ive finally refined it to perfection.  There is nothing left to do and now i dont know how to relax.  The piece wont be out until november 20 so i wont even get any recognition until then.  I really didnt want this piece to be this much work but it just had to be this way.  There was no easier way with this one.  I hate it.  Im listening to death in june right now so i dont have to be reminded of electronic sounds.

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My housemates new cat is lovely, he approaches me when I come into the house, and he'll come in my room and sit down for a second, but then leave again. When I try to stroke him he ducks or walks away pretending to be interested in something else 😭 why wont you let me love you kitty

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The only way to win over your housemate's kitty's heart is by giving it the cold-shoulder. Cats don't like easy preys.


A terrible apostrophy.

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9 hours ago, ignatius said:

i have to do a thing.. but i'd rather do a different thing. also, i bought, and then ate, too many snacks in the last week or so. 


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11 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Can't for the life of me figure out how to delete attachments.  There is no delete option within "my attachments", literally the only logical place for this feature to be.

you have to go to that very posting, where you "attached" it and delete it there - then it's gone.

Edited by iococoi
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went to a decent sized party on Saturday (50 or so people), first party I've been to in literally years... just found out the host has COVID. and I spent like an hour driving with her yesterday. and I'm supposed to be on a flight across the US in less than 48 hours. :facepalm:

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1 hour ago, iococoi said:

Members can only edit for like 5min after posting or so...



so I'm forever stuck at 0 attachment space remaining.  seems like a pretty major design flaw.  and doesn't that eat up a crazy amount of server space?  I have no idea how anything website related actually works, but I feel like several thousands of gigs worth of images/audio between every watmm member since the site's inception has to have some sort of negative impact.

the vsnares thread is sorely missing these hairless cat photos...

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Got me phone nicked last night by some toerag who shoved me over after nicking it then jumping on the back of a waiting moped.

All of my internet is from my phone, was royally fucked. Had to go knocking on neighbour's doors at 22:30 on a Sunday until eventually one kind lady answered and gave me her wifi password so I could contact people. Couldn't get the signal from my flat though so I had to camp outside her door like a literal bloody hobo.

This is the pic my ex took when she biked over to stay the night so I could leach the 5G from her phone and get my affairs in order.

The phone was paid off luckily and I was now on an unlimited data sim only plan. So today I took the standard upgrade and got a new iphone14 pro. Swings and roundabouts.

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