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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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ok let's go:


Day before yesterday I had a shower. Filled sink with hot water in order to shave. Left bathroom for 2mins to towel off and put some pants on. In my room I hear someone open a door from far end of flat and come stomping down corridor towards me.

They walk past the bathroom nearest them and go into my recently vacated one. Door shuts and locks. Hear toilet seat go down. Great, they're having a shit in the hot steamy room I wish to shave in.

I dither about in my room, go on the net. Ten minutes later I hear the door open again and receding stomping. I rush and stick head around door but am too slow to catch who it was.

I walk into bathroom fearing the worst and I got it. Fucking stinks, can taste it. I go over to toilet..... they've not even fucking flushed. Toilet is full of semi liquid jobbies and used toilet paper, dry and on the surface, going up to the rim.

I come storming out of bathroom about to go knocking on doors. But stop myself and think.

I know it's not George, Bebe or Gautier as they're all at work. The Filipino guys in the room on the other side of the bathroom are not the culprits as they're too close, the sound wouldn't make sense.

It could only be one of Karl's extended fam, or the new Spanish people living in the front room near entrance.

I flush the toilet but like FUCK I'm using the toilet brush on the besmirched bowl.

I leave flat briefly to pick up some free newspapers from train station opposite to use in cat's litter tray. When I leave observe Spanish couple's windows are open and weed smoke is coming out.

Still not gonna knock and be all "did u just do a shit?"

I have to leave for a cinema date.

As I'm going out the door Karl walks in. I ask if anyone is in his room atm. He says no and is also unlocking his door with a key so I believe him.

I go back to my room quickly, and in true passive aggressive English fashion write a large post it note in bold black marker pen:






Slap it on Spanish guy's door and leave

Amazing! I’m glad you could retell it!

But again, how many people use that bathroom? Sounds like he’ll on earth



Nah, there's two bathrooms. See the part where I say he walked past the bathroom nearest his room? That's what started my ire. 

The flat has seven rooms. lemme sketch a quick plan view:


(btw this is paper I keep on my desk to make notes on and frequently put drinks down on so those are coffee stains and nothing more)



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The no flushing thing is fucked up.  He must get off on it somehow, because no one is that forgetful.  Had to be deliberate.  


Caveman or something, marking his territory the big lummox. 



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hey guys,


just curious what kinds of first world problems you're all dealing with at the moment.


for me, fucking indietorrents isn't working so i have to use other methods of freely acquiring music on my nice imac. FUCK.

and i got a fucking hoagie/sub/sandwich from the local bodega/convenience store, and they put too much mayo on it. GODDAMMIT.





Went to whole foods this morning for my Sunday breakfast and to get some groceries. Been noticing these past few months that their brand of whole wheat pasta is never in stock, and it is a yummy pasta and also more affordable than the regular store at $2 a box. Finally decided to ask the manager about it: discontinued. What's wit dis Bezos fuck, and what he got against whole grain anyways?

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What do you suppose happened to the user KY?  He's the reason this entire thread exists.  Given this thread has more replies than any other on watmm, it could be said he is the most influencial watmmer of all time.  All this time you thought it was Fred McGriff, but au contraire mon frère.

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Update on the retard's picnic going on here.


Gautier called hamza our agent a few days ago and managed to get permission to stay here. He knocked on my door all jubilant about it.

Last night I stayed up till 5am farting about.

I woke up at 8am aware of a disturbance. Realised there were shouting voices in the corridor outside. It was Karl and Gautier having another row. I went back to sleep.

Woke up again not 10mins later. New people were now shouting at Gautier saying "this is a shared house, we need to sleep, wtf are you doing?"

I hear Gautier saying "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT, I'VE BEEN HERE OVER A YEAR" etc

I think 'christ you imbecile' and go back to sleep again

later in the afternoon I go meet my gf at Kings Cross, she just got back from a weekend in France. We come back to mine and hang out for a bit, then she goes off to her book club.

When I get back in from walking her to the station I see a dude I dunno in the kitchen. I say hello and shake his hand. It's the Spanish shitter! He immediately starts talking about this morning. I tell him I heard it but I was in bed and just went back to sleep.

Turns out the 2nd row I heard was them. They both work till the early hours so they were asleep too. They came out to say wtf is going on and Gautier started on them.

He said they went to the agency this morning and they've said Gautier is definitely OUT now.



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Update on the retard's picnic going on here.


Gautier called hamza our agent a few days ago and managed to get permission to stay here. He knocked on my door all jubilant about it.

Last night I stayed up till 5am farting about.

I woke up at 8am aware of a disturbance. Realised there were shouting voices in the corridor outside. It was Karl and Gautier having another row. I went back to sleep.

Woke up again not 10mins later. New people were now shouting at Gautier saying "this is a shared house, we need to sleep, wtf are you doing?"

I hear Gautier saying "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT, I'VE BEEN HERE OVER A YEAR" etc

I think 'christ you imbecile' and go back to sleep again

later in the afternoon I go meet my gf at Kings Cross, she just got back from a weekend in France. We come back to mine and hang out for a bit, then she goes off to her book club.

When I get back in from walking her to the station I see a dude I dunno in the kitchen. I say hello and shake his hand. It's the Spanish shitter! He immediately starts talking about this morning. I tell him I heard it but I was in bed and just went back to sleep.

Turns out the 2nd row I heard was them. They both work till the early hours so they were asleep too. They came out to say wtf is going on and Gautier started on them.

He said they went to the agency this morning and they've said Gautier is definitely OUT now.





He sounds like a real knob. Keep us posted. 

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Is the Spanish Shitter a lesser of two evils?


I could never do the group tenant thing.  My friend lived in a mansion with 4 or 5 total strangers, one of whom ended up shooting up a Chinese restaurant in Vancouver (2 dead).  Turns out he had a "hit list" of people that had wronged him in some way.  Played 'Für Elise' on the piano several times daily, the only song he ever played.


Good luck Spi.

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What do you suppose happened to the user KY?


he got bored with IDM and its autists and just stopped coming round. at the time I couldn't really grasp his perspective but now I do.


edit: let's not forget his greatest quote, only half tongue-in-cheek


idm is stupid, intelligent dance music is stupid, merck went out of business, freescha produced a britney spears song, electronic music is prime real estate for car commercials, sterile, complicated drums and clicks, faggy washed out sinewave synths, suck my dick

Edited by usagi
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What do you suppose happened to the user KY?

he got bored with IDM and its autists and just stopped coming round. at the time I couldn't really grasp his perspective but now I do.


edit: let's not forget his greatest quote, only half tongue-in-cheek


idm is stupid, intelligent dance music is stupid, merck went out of business, freescha produced a britney spears song, electronic music is prime real estate for car commercials, sterile, complicated drums and clicks, faggy washed out sinewave synths, suck my dick

Okay, that post is magical.

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I lived for 6 long years in a shared apartment with strangers. I think I've had enough of that for one lifetime. Both the party animal and the clean freak type of flatmates can be very annoying.  Idk, I wasn't an angel either, tbh.

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