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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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So this cat I've accidentally been feeding as it's not the manky fur one I was I was trying to help, was waiting outside my house this morning and just walked straight in and went up the stairs and started meowing like "oh hia good morning, I live here now".


I put it outside of course, and gave it more food (maybe not such a good idea but anyway), and I'm wondering now if it's a pregnant stray? My friend is coming over tonight so she can check as she knows more about this kind of thing than me. Eurgh!

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lolz. i was sitting on the toilet the other day with the door open and some unknown cat just walks through my living room. it looked like the cat upstairs but larger so for a split second i was just confused (because that cat is an indoor cat). i yelled at it and it bolted out.


get outta my house. why i otta !

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The girl I'm dating said she was in the hospital last week. Haven't heard from her since Saturday. Her phone is off and I have no way of getting in touch. Getting quite worried now...

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Supercollider has me dreaming big and about ready to sell half my gear, but I'm still quite incompetent at it and getting frustrated by really dumb problems that I seem to be equally incompetent at googling.

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Officially drunk myself sober, realised I post the shitest of shit.

Maybe time to actually post some self made tunes.

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Sorry double post syndrome (can't seem to edit anymore)...

Brainwaltzera is pretty lame...

Wrong thread should be in the success one...

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Drunk PMed someone I shouldn't have last night. Feel very foolish. Luckily IG lets you unsend messages, hopefully before they had time read it. I need a drunk lock on my phone, seriously. 

Yes, I saw it. No, I don't want to buy your collection of replica Elvis sideburns.


The girl I'm dating said she was in the hospital last week. Haven't heard from her since Saturday. Her phone is off and I have no way of getting in touch. Getting quite worried now...

She finally got back to me. Apparently they took her phone so she would rest. Way to give a guy a heart attack.

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I found a centipede in my house while i was mopping the floor so i smashed it repeatedly with my sandal while yelling "sorry".

Haha omg I was in the river last year and I was wearing sandals that had Velcro straps. I'm not sure how I didn't feel it but some unlucky bastard of a little fish got his gills stuck in an exposed bit of Velcro hooks. As we were heading back to the car, my sister screamed "a fish is stuck to your sandal!!" but we were already a fair distance from the water. His suffering was great I'm sure so I said "hey, turn your head" to my sister, peeled him off the strap by pulling his tail and mashed him into oblivion with repeated blows while chanting "sorry buddy" just like yek. My sister was howling. It was so hideous hahaha.
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