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2 New Aphex Twin Songs to Debut at European Culture Congress 10th Sept


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Sales/Downloads of Ableton w/Max4Live shoot through the roof...

Wait, what? Because we see a screenshot of someone we like using it?



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Yes, i would imagine that some people could perhaps be inspired to try out ableton because of this. Tis only earthshaking news to a tiny minority of the electronic music making public though, most will never see that vid.


I've had ableton installed years ago, but i never got around to using it for anything, so when the next OS update or PC upgrade or whatever came along it just got forgotten about. I could see why it was useful though, it's a good interface for mixing chunks of music on the fly. So that would be why thingoe was using it. And if it inspires some kids to try it out and some create great music as a result, well that's a positive thing. Most of the music will be shit though, haha, cause you know, reality and most people failing at it.


[-; :: ;-]


oh yeah, and herds and fashion and all that i agree with that sentiment that you were trying to complain about. I just got myself into a bit of a waffle and went from there.

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Sorry, I guess the possibility that you're right (even though you're joking) kinda annoys me.

Aye it was said very much with tongue in cheek but yeah it was also a slight dig at those that see something like that and go - 'OMG Arpfax Tiwn has abeltonne if i get abeltonne i can be do arphex as well !1!!1!twelve'
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Sorry, I guess the possibility that you're right (even though you're joking) kinda annoys me.

Aye it was said very much with tongue in cheek but yeah it was also a slight dig at those that see something like that and go - 'OMG Arpfax Tiwn has abeltonne if i get abeltonne i can be do arphex as well !1!!1!twelve'



well, there appears to actually be photographic proof this time, so that settles it for me.

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