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Microsoft and the "Metro" GUI

Rubin Farr

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so anyone who keeps up with Windows knows MS is trying to unify their software across all consumer platforms with the Metro interface, the same as on Windows Phone 7. the upcoming Xbox Live update will integrate it into your daily usage, as well as the upcoming Windows 8, which seems to be touch focused, but will run on a desktop or laptop as well as tablets (and is a clusterfuck using a keyboard & mouse from what i've read). how do Windows users on here feel about this? some think it's attractive, some think the live tiles are fugly, of course you can change the color and background to your liking.


for example:







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I don't want to hate on MS for the sake of hating on MS, but the tile system honestly seems like a lot of visual clutter and information to parse. Maybe it's better in person.

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I think it's weird that they're pushing a touch UI onto desktop users. Especially since I'm doubtful that they'll have succesful tablets. Windows Mobile has been a total failure so far.

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At least they're trying something slightly different to Apple and Android.


The aim is to have a unified interface that scales from phone to tablet to desktop - thats quite ambitious and they could have gone for something much more lazy and unimaginitive.

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Microsoft don't fuck everything up.




The x-box is 10 years old now and has done pretty well.

C#, once seen as a Java rip-off, has evolved in interesting directions

The whole .net thing didn't do too badly

Sql Server is an alright database

Visual Studio is rated pretty highly compared to the java-world equivalents like Eclipse

Kinect was a cool idea, even if it does seem to have fallen off the radar since release

Bill Gates has been doing pretty interesting stuff since he got on the philanthropist tip

Windows XP was good at the time, and Windows 7 is alright.




Windows ME, Windows Vista

Ugly browser wars and foisting early IE onto people

wrecking browser standards with IE 1 through 6 (things have improved slightly since 7m, arguably)


Initial releases being buggy (not really a problem since they sorted shit out in about 2002 though)

Too much monopolistic weight-throwing


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yeah, I'll use it on my xbox since it'll be a mandatory update :dry: , but that shit isn't getting on my computer.

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Guest Helper ET

i dont get it. what was wrong with hotmail, yahoo, napster, geocities, and landline telephones? life was so simple, look at us now. we had everything we needed. now we have fear of corporate internet domination, government spying, and a never ending game of social networking and forced re-education of new software platforms


i used to be happy

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At least they're trying something slightly different to Apple and Android.


The aim is to have a unified interface that scales from phone to tablet to desktop - thats quite ambitious and they could have gone for something much more lazy and unimaginitive.


But the phone, tablet and desktop are different pieces of equipment that get used in different ways.

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I don't think you guys have to worry because according to the developer build you will still be able to access classic Windows



Plus, it wouldn't make any sense if they would remove that feature.

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Yeah, so basically it's just windows 7 shoehorned into a really ugly touch interface that looks impressive for 10 seconds until you try to actually parse the clutter, or else it's just... Windows 7.

Good job, MS; it's all so seamless, U.N.I.T.Y. that's a Unity U.N.I.T.Y. that's a Unity.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

as long as I can still make it look and act like windows 7 I have no problem with it. I don't guess too many people will be eager to upgrade from 7 to 8 unless there's some killer feature we're unaware of.

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