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The Office season 4. I'm utterly hooked on this show.


For reasons even I can't fathom myself, I still watch a new episode every once in awhile. :cerious:


Even though many thought it jumped the shark by season 7 I personally think if it ended (obvious spoiler)

with Michael Scott's departure

it would be one of the best comedy series as a whole ever. Now it's just shitty sub-plots and occasional lols from Dwight. Even Creed's lines tend to suck now.

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damn the Fringe flashback episode about him going to save his alternate son was fucking great. The whole 'window into another universe' thing was very clever. I love how he's watching it like a TV in his lab to try and see what the alternate him is doing differently

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Guest disparaissant

Currently watching Jimmy McNulty try to put together Ikea furniture while completely fucked up drunk for a class assignment. This class rules.

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Anyone seen the new US version of House of Cards on Netflix yet? The original is one of the best British TV dramas OF ALL TIME.

Just started watching at ep 4. My wife filled me in and in pretty caught up. Not bad.

We'll see how it goes from here.

The bald guy with the coke problem looks a lot like me. It's almost weird to watch.


Started watching American Horror Story on Netflix tonight, definitely the dose of scaryness I've been fixing for. Only one episode in (no spoilers!!!) about to start the second and already I'm like "damn this is creepy"... It's fun to be scared sometimes. I can't watch many horror films with the gf because she gets nightmares easily, I think it's fun to be scared sometimes though. Enjoying it so far.

I haven't seen season 2 yet but I saw all of season 1. Loved it. That show delivers.


I'm also still firmly stuck on Downton abbey these days. So. Fuckin. Good!

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The Office season 4. I'm utterly hooked on this show.

Just be sure to stop after Micheal leaves for good, the show never really had the same steam after that...

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The Office season 4. I'm utterly hooked on this show.

Just be sure to stop after Micheal leaves for good, the show never really had the same steam after that...


When is that? Wouldn't be able to watch this show without Michael.

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The Office season 4. I'm utterly hooked on this show.

Just be sure to stop after Micheal leaves for good, the show never really had the same steam after that...


When is that? Wouldn't be able to watch this show without Michael.

Not til the end of Season 7 I believe

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Utopia. Absolute quality stuff and with a bit of a The Invisibles influence in there. Excellent score and visually stunning as well.

It's actually gone downhill badly since the eye catching first episode. Nothing has actually happened since. Stephen Rea and James Fox seem to be dictating affairs from that fancy room. The script's fallen pretty flat, when i see Rea and Fox sitting in that room with sad faces i imagine its their disappointment at the weak narrative and the words that their more prominent co-stars are made to make come out of their mouths. Rea and Fox appear to be as bored as anyone who isn't dazzled by the comic-lite visuals.

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that's cause your missing all the little gems a long the way.. Its a real treat for mental people like myself who like to pick up on tiny little themes and stuff or who obsess over programmes like this.



I love it.

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i burned through most of Fringe and i have to say i'm really disappointed after Peter went into the machine not only did the timeline change with seemingly no chance of returing back to normal, the entire fucking 5th season is this very cheesy 'the observers are fascists' 20+ year in the future timeline? Why in the fuck did they do this, i can't even describe how pissed I am. I feel like some of the worst elements of LOST creeped their way into the show towards the end, like the flash-foward concept. Its hard to have emotional investment in characters when we all of the sudden skip 20 years ahead, W T F

I'm still going to keep watching it till the end but i have to say i'm really shocked that they went out this way. I miss the Walt from the other timeline, and for 2 seasons of the show i have to endure almost a reset of his personality where he's an agoraphobic ninny. fucking A

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well I finally finished Homeland series 1 -- I'm a little behind...

the ending was not great, but the rest of the series entertained me.

is series 2 any good?



does the daughter die? I hope she dies


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Guest Ron Manager

I'm watching Homeland too. About 9 episodes into series 1. I've liked it a lot so far - hope you're wrong about the ending, isaki!

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*spoilers ahead warning*

so for the Fringe fans out there, did you like the way the show wrapped up? I never really had an overt problem with the whole Observers subplot elements, but when they turned the entire 5th season into a story centering around them being some sort of fascist dictatorship i couldn't take it seriously. Not only did they do that but they heavily borrowed from the Matrix films by making them seem agent Smith like, with their bullet time speed and casual expert martial arts hyper speed fighting style. I thought they did a decent job with the story in 5, i just found it sort of shocking that they built up such a good cohesive (considering how convoluted the concepts are) universe(s) by the end of Season 3. Now the show starts off in Season 4 where Peter is erased from the timeline, and we have Walt (the most interesting character) reverting to his introverted neurotic state that he was in way back in Season 1 and a more anal and emotionless Olivia. I understand that they wanted to make an interesting story gimmick out of it, but why the fuck didn't they just reset the timeline back to normal like 3-4 episodes into season 4? Instead we get some bullshit about Olivia taking crotexiphan so now she remembers the alternate timeline along with Peter but no one else does?

I find it incredibly frustrating how much potential there was for the show at the end of Season 3, just to see it collapse under it's own weight during 4 and 5. 4 was still very watchable, and i got invested in it but still frustrating...


There were points during the last 2 seasons i actually had faith the writers were going to do some extremely clever wrap up involving some kind of time-loop paradox ie: something they do in the future ties into some of the very first episodes of the show. Something *like* that. Instead we get a tie-in to a flashback scene that we only see at the beginning of Season 5 where Olivia and Peter's daughter is already like 5-6 years old? Skip forward 6 years, no explanation and only 13 episodes to go for the finale? They dug themselves a big hole and kept digging deeper, but all in all it ended much stronger than Lost or the X-files did.

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