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The finale episode of Mad Men is some of the best I've seen.

The whole series has been boring at parts, with all the relationship drama which I never cared about. But the finale season and especially the last episode was something else, with deep existential meaning. That season alone put it up there with The Wire and The Sopranos if you ask me.


Spoilers ahead



The ultimate counterculture to capitalism and consumerism was obviously the hippy culture. Everything had to anti-consumerism.


The brilliant thing about capitalism is that every time there's some holiday for example, capitalism always manages to absorb it, like easter or christmas or whatever, and it finds a way of making money out of it and to make it its own thing.

That Coca Cola ad is just the embodiment of capitalism swallowing up everything. Putting the idea of unity and harmony on fucking Coca Cola bottle and then sell it. Pure zeitgeist, it was fucking brilliant.


The whole series both had the whole capitalism fetishism, and then the whole criticism of what an existential pathetic world that started in 50's, with the idea that you can fulfill your dreams by the products you buy.


So it finds a fine of line of the fetishism and criticism. People who tend to blame all the problems in the world on capitalism, are pretty ridiculous and pathetic, but people that overly embrace it are just as ridiculous and pathetic. Somehow I think it's a great comment on the world we live in. But ultimately it's a comment on capitalism, so make of that what you want. But what I mean is that doesn't end up with the cliché capitalism critique, which was nice.

But Don Draper choose to save Coca Cola instead of himself in the end.



Edited by Npoess
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that last episode of south park made me psychically vomiting. it was so brilliant.


It hit home as a resident of Austin, which is very heavy on gentrification / faux indie/bohemian/authentic community corporate bullshit.


I was a little drunk watching it, and tired from a long work week, so when that "city part of town" bit came on I lost it, laughed to the point of crying into a sobbing slobbery mess. It was quite cathartic.

the whole season has been excellent

Edited by joshuatx
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watched Fargo, finally, and loved it. i expected to and wasn't let down, really impressed how much the coen brothers' usual vibe bled in, even though they were only the producers


watched snl last night - couple funny skits but man, some of the worst dud sketches i've ever seen, and all of them with leslie jones: bad timing, iffy jokes, tired plots...i want to like her but she's simply not a good cast member. really worried she's going to suck in ghostbusters. they should leave her to writing only. she's tried too long and it's simply not working out.

Edited by joshuatx
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that last episode of south park made me psychically vomiting. it was so brilliant.

It hit home as a resident of Austin, which is very heavy on gentrification / faux indie/bohemian/authentic community corporate bullshit.


I was a little drunk watching it, and tired from a long work week, so when that "city part of town" bit came on I lost it, laughed to the point of crying into a sobbing slobbery mess. It was quite cathartic.


the whole season has been excellent

We have a complex in Houston called City Centre which looks like they ripped it right out of reality. But yeah we were in Austin this weekend and you're right, restaurants charging a cover just to go in and eat, the Walmarts have no plastic bags, and charge just to put your groceries in a paper bag, fucking hoverboards, etc etc lol


City Centre. Welcome Home.


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watched Fargo, finally, and loved it. i expected to and wasn't let down, really impressed how much the coen brothers' usual vibe bled in, even though they were only the producers


watched snl last night - couple funny skits but man, some of the worst dud sketches i've ever seen, and all of them with leslie jones: bad timing, iffy jokes, tired plots...i want to like her but she's simply not a good cast member. really worried she's going to suck in ghostbusters. they should leave her to writing only. she's tried too long and it's simply not working out.

I thought Kim Davis trying to hug the Pope was a lol, and the Millennials sketch was good.
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watched Fargo, finally, and loved it. i expected to and wasn't let down, really impressed how much the coen brothers' usual vibe bled in, even though they were only the producers


watched snl last night - couple funny skits but man, some of the worst dud sketches i've ever seen, and all of them with leslie jones: bad timing, iffy jokes, tired plots...i want to like her but she's simply not a good cast member. really worried she's going to suck in ghostbusters. they should leave her to writing only. she's tried too long and it's simply not working out.

I thought Kim Davis trying to hug the Pope was a lol, and the Millennials sketch was good.



yeah the opening was great - i liked the millennials as well, those jokes kind of write themselves. the Taylor swift post-apocalypse and GOP presidential candidate dementia spoof skits were the other two i really liked


kate mckinnon killed it as usual - i'm usually pretty forgiving with SNL - even the silly and dumb skits please me most of the time


this was actually the first SNL i dvr'd and watched - i usually watch reruns on hulu and they normally cut some skits

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that last episode of south park made me psychically vomiting. it was so brilliant.

It hit home as a resident of Austin, which is very heavy on gentrification / faux indie/bohemian/authentic community corporate bullshit.


I was a little drunk watching it, and tired from a long work week, so when that "city part of town" bit came on I lost it, laughed to the point of crying into a sobbing slobbery mess. It was quite cathartic.


the whole season has been excellent

We have a complex in Houston called City Centre which looks like they ripped it right out of reality. But yeah we were in Austin this weekend and you're right, restaurants charging a cover just to go in and eat, the Walmarts have no plastic bags, and charge just to put your groceries in a paper bag, fucking hoverboards, etc etc lol


City Centre. Welcome Home.




yeah it's not even the mega planned communities that bother me as much as the high investment / pure cash driven real estate market right now.


i live in east side and i moved there to rent and live somewhat centrally. it's always been lower income / working class and mostly black and hispanic until the early to mid-00s when more artists, middle class families, and other not so wealthy people moved over there. now house lots are literally being bought up, scrapped (more often than not) and sold to high income buyers. low income / affordable housing is not being built as fast, and likewise you have to be fairly poor or a student to be eligible, if you work full time your probably cant get it. there is a new house down the street from me with a sign that says "from the $500s" and this is the same neighborhood were I still see crack rock drop offs and prostitutes a couple blocks away. most of the folks who have lived there for decades are being priced out from the higher taxes or they are simply selling their houses and moving out of atx altogether. it's a bit surreal. one local business was demolished before utilities were turned off or they could move their inventory out. it was quite disgusting. the landlord was appropriately chastised publicly and fired from his PR job but it's still gone. in fact, this is how absurd the "hipness" factor of this town is - a fucking cat cafe is being built next to it. it's a coincidence but still, that kind of encapsulates how disjointed the new residents are with the old. worsening the situation is the fact that so many people are from out of town or out of state, especially those buying all the land


tldr - i live in neighborhood being gentrified so fast i wont be able to afford renting in it next year

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new season of Fargo starts very soon. I was very very skeptical when the show first started, i didn't particularly like Martin Freeman or Billy Bob but after like 3 episodes i got extremely sucked in. pleasant surprise, i think of all the movie-spinoff Tvshows and reboots its by far the best one.

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Gotham was beyond fucked up this week, and Jerome turned out not to be The Joker, not the physical Joker anyway. It introduced the question, what if Joker is a state of mind, or more specifically, a state of insanity? I'm not sure if they will actually introduce him as a character, or as more of a sickness or disease. Jerome's father thought so, and maybe he was right. It's much better than last season.

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weird that Gotham's Penguin is a rail thin hipster twink who is some kind of serial killer. one of the weirdest and most deeply unsatisfying shows i've ever seen in my life.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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We have a complex in Houston called City Centre which looks like they ripped it right out of reality. But yeah we were in Austin this weekend and you're right, restaurants charging a cover just to go in and eat, the Walmarts have no plastic bags, and charge just to put your groceries in a paper bag, fucking hoverboards, etc etc lol


this started happening in california a while ago (the no plastic bags and charging you for paper bags). in san francisco they started doing this around 2006 and in los angeles about 3 years ago.


they don't do cover charges for restaurants yet but they've implemented A LOT of compulsory valet parking- even at diners like mel's (it's not free because you have to tip)


btw how's your homelessness situation? our's has become a state emergency thanks to the major gentrification that happened downtown (which now resembles a cross betwix philadelphia and manhattan)

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I saw the homelessness in San Francisco and yes it's out of control. People sleeping in every available nook, and the smell of pot and urine everywhere. In Houston, it's mostly limited to intersections and overpasses, the downtown area is rife with homeless people and shelters, which they build cardboard box cities around. It wreaks of urine down there and is really scary at night. My gf works downtown and I constantly worry about her. In Austin, at a 4 way intersection you can literally have 4 people, one on each corner. More needs to be done to help the homeless in America IMO, but it doesn't seem to be a priority anymore.

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a bit inaccurate, San Francisco has actually turned into quite the high income town in the past few years. Last time i was in LA i would argue their homeless person is faaar worse

I saw the homelessness in San Francisco and yes it's out of control. People sleeping in every available nook, and the smell of pot and urine everywhere

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