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Is anyone else completely distraught at the idea of a mainstream Hollywood studio destroying what could be a sci-fi film equally as good as the likes of Bladerunner and Dune? I am actually getting panic attacks just thinking of some stupid studio destroying one of my beloved films. This literally could be one of the best movies ever made if it was done correctly...

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Guest RadarJammer

I am pretty excited. No worries. If they screw it up bigtime it will still probably be a super cool big budget special effects spectacular worth watching twice. CHeck this out http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0437086/ looks like James Cameron got his paws on Battle Angel Alita

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Its on hold again anyway, Toby kebbell was set to play tetuso, then he read the script and told the studio it was shit. Google it Toby seems to really love the film enough to fuck his chance of being in it.



Also Cameron wont make battle angel for atleast 6 years, he is too busy in avatar world getting his "message" across

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I've had a lot of thoughts about this in the past. But right now, all I can think is: If they're gonna set it in New York, and the main actors are gonna be caucasian, and they're gonna be american... they better not have Japanese names. Cos that would just be stupid.

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Is anyone else completely distraught at the idea of a mainstream Hollywood studio destroying what could be a sci-fi film equally as good as the likes of Bladerunner and Dune? I am actually getting panic attacks just thinking of some stupid studio destroying one of my beloved films. This literally could be one of the best movies ever made if it was done correctly...

are they actually destroying every copy of the original film that exists on earth ?

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I'm completely distraught. This morning when I read your post I killed my wife and children and am sitting in a clock tower with a sniper rifle as we speak. I just don't know how to process this information

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am sitting in a clock tower with a sniper rifle as we speak. I just don't know how to process this information



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

If I cry myself to sleep tonight, this morning, or every day... will the original retain its integrity?!?!? Will Akira still be Akira?


Seriously NOTHING IS SACRED...... Seriously, you're only setting yourself up for torture by expecting that your favorite things will always be perfect. I've watched and listened to almost everything I've loved to drop down a notch or two or three in greatness. I will be okay. Someday.

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Guest disparaissant

you're all terrible.



i murdered my family after the ORIGINAL film came out because it was nothing like the manga.

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Guest zaphod

the original is incomprehensible shit anyway. a mini series adaptation of the manga could be "quite good".

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I watched chronicle last night and it borrows quite heavily from akira


Thanks for reminding me about this film. Just watched it myself, and I agree, I think it borrows so heavily from it, that if there were to be a live action Akira film, the general public would end up comparing it to Chronicle.

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I think my ideal Akira film would be a multi-part live action thing with a mostly Asian cast but America grade effects (I'm not up to date on Japan cinema so maybe they do effects well too iunno), following the manga in great detail. Geinoh Yamashirogumi returning to do the soundtrack, but in collaboration with experimental electronic composers from all over the world.

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the original is incomprehensible shit anyway. a mini series adaptation of the manga could be "quite good".


I agree actually. I find the original IMPRESSIVE but it's not... good. It's a spectacle: certainly amongst the most amazing animation, designs and music EVER CREATED. But other than that it's pretty meh.

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I watched chronicle last night and it borrows quite heavily from akira


Thanks for reminding me about this film. Just watched it myself, and I agree, I think it borrows so heavily from it, that if there were to be a live action Akira film, the general public would end up comparing it to Chronicle.


I think you're right and I think this is reason enough not to do a live action Akira. If you ask me, even though it's not the intention, I'm happy enough considering Chronicle to be a sort of distillation of Akira's basic idea.


Akira is one of those films that's sort of meant to be an anime, right? Can you really, even with a massive budget, see Akira working in live action? Visual effects are at that point where it all looks too perfect and sterile. You're not going to get a Cronenbergesque scene where Tetsuo collapses and he wears a gloriously sculpted prosthesis that plops out his guts, using proper practical effects. They probably wouldn't even show something like that, they'd opt for a PG-13 and keep extreme moments like that out.


Which really would probably rule out him... uh... evolving into a giant ball of all consuming hate and rage. Because that's quite a grotesque idea right? Plus that would be nigh on impossible to make it look plausible and horrifying in live action, where it was quite effective animated.


If Chronicle was made with the producers saying it is a live action distillation of the Akira plot it would have been instantly raged upon as bastardizing the original. You really can not win with an Akira film.

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I watched chronicle last night and it borrows quite heavily from akira


Thanks for reminding me about this film. Just watched it myself, and I agree, I think it borrows so heavily from it, that if there were to be a live action Akira film, the general public would end up comparing it to Chronicle.


I think you're right and I think this is reason enough not to do a live action Akira. If you ask me, even though it's not the intention, I'm happy enough considering Chronicle to be a sort of distillation of Akira's basic idea.


Akira is one of those films that's sort of meant to be an anime, right? Can you really, even with a massive budget, see Akira working in live action? Visual effects are at that point where it all looks too perfect and sterile. You're not going to get a Cronenbergesque scene where Tetsuo collapses and he wears a gloriously sculpted prosthesis that plops out his guts, using proper practical effects. They probably wouldn't even show something like that, they'd opt for a PG-13 and keep extreme moments like that out.


Which really would probably rule out him... uh... evolving into a giant ball of all consuming hate and rage. Because that's quite a grotesque idea right? Plus that would be nigh on impossible to make it look plausible and horrifying in live action, where it was quite effective animated.


If Chronicle was made with the producers saying it is a live action distillation of the Akira plot it would have been instantly raged upon as bastardizing the original. You really can not win with an Akira film.


Bang on, lad.



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the original is incomprehensible shit anyway. a mini series adaptation of the manga could be "quite good".


I agree actually. I find the original IMPRESSIVE but it's not... good. It's a spectacle: certainly amongst the most amazing animation, designs and music EVER CREATED. But other than that it's pretty meh.

It's awesome that's what. The story is really rather disorienting, and it fits the film perfectly. I remember watching it the first time and going WHOA WAT OMG HEADSLPODE. I haven't seen it since the mid 90's though. I think I should. Never read the manga, maybe that's why I have such fond memories :shrug:

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