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Funny Pictures Part 2


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Pretty much, it was the whole damn menu, and then the 'punchline'. You've got to sell it if it's marginal, maybe even be a little self depreciating at how borderline it was, and if no one likes it, don't take it personally, as the number of things other people have posted on here that never got a response is massive, at least he got a reaction, heh. Anyway, he failed on all counts.


Well, I posted the whole thing because there were a few other cute/humorous descriptions on the menu. I didn't think I'd have to go to the length of circling all the funny bits so you didn't have to spend 30 seconds reading it :P
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I'm very moralistic. I don't like lying, and pranks are just an extension of lying where one party benefits at the expense of another. I'm sorry that this made you feel bad, wouldn't that be ironic.


Also, i don't have any problems with you at all besides my opinion on this one issue. Maybe it's good to have some other opinion other than that of your circle of bros, every now and then. heh.


i know the other opinions, i just don't appreciate personal condemnation based on your own moral code. i'm guessing you're not much of a chaser fan if you're not big on the pranks though hey ;)


EDIT: this isn't me saying i'm on the same level as the chaser but if you're against pranks you're against pranks.


but yeah do you get how telling me to "check my head" is a little bigoted if it's related to some personal belief of yours? i'm willing to chalk it down to a misunderstanding because of the lack of context i provided i guess.



No i don't like the pranks part of chaser, i find it disingenuous to do it to real people rather than as part of a skit and think that it hurts their message (i don't count questioning people in power (at public events) to point out their hypocrisy as these people are in the public eye as a matter of lifestyle and lord knows, no one in the media ever does this). I also didn't like that with ali G before, and i can't stand Jackass. The only one i give a pass to is brass eye for getting Phil Collins to support the nonce sense campaign. Brasseye was mostly wonderfully scripted satire though, when chaser stick to that they can be alright, but taking pleasure in other people's misery, count me out.

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And you're on a messageboard man, people are going to tell you if they don't like something, hahah, like i said, pretty ironic reaction. Whatever i say i do with a fall back position of kindness. You can take it or leave it, but i'll sure as hell defend whatever it was i was moaning about in the most fun and take the piss manner, if i can be bothered, most of the time i can't. So you should feel blessed.


love dleetr :emotawesomepm9::beer:


ps - Did the random person you were pranking thank you in the end for being pranked? I'm sure you just made their day.

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my grandfather used to eat sweet Vidalia onions like apples

but he was a strange and inscrutable man

this information is likely useless to you all

i apologize

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my grandfather used to eat sweet Vidalia onions like apples

but he was a strange and inscrutable man

this information is likely useless to you all

i apologize


*tries it..


*does not liek



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my grandfather used to eat sweet Vidalia onions like apples

but he was a strange and inscrutable man

this information is likely useless to you all

i apologize


no, no... it all makes more sense now

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it has to be Vidalia onions, though

you walk around pretending to be hard as fuck eating onions, but they're just Vidalia onions and they tastes like sweetness


saw him swallow a mackerel eye once, just to make a nice lady spew

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my grandfather used to eat sweet Vidalia onions like apples

but he was a strange and inscrutable man

this information is likely useless to you all

i apologize


fuck you, Denise *indicating*

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(The deposition was adjourned at 1:49 p.m.)


edit: need to repost that one for Funny Pictures Part 2 posterity







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