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Funny Pictures Part 2


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Guy on the left is ringing the police or security. I would. There's been some dodgy people, like the chilean fans that attacked the press centre because they couldn't get into a game. Sport brings out the best in some of the best people.



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next week that guy's home gets raided, cause you know that there's drugs in it, look at the car parked out the front and contrast that with the state of the suburb. Scrawled across his mugshot tacked to the police cafeteria notice board is 'FANNY'. There will be lolz.

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Guest bitroast




an interactive gif ! lol. I appreciate a good gif that actually engages with the person looking at the gif.



reminds me of the comic collection I recently read, theo ellsworths capacity, which throughout the book will time to time incorporate you into the story.




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im pretty sure its possible to be able to stand up and still have to use a wheelchair to get round. its not like you have to have completely dead legs to need help.

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Is doing your nails like that a thing now? It looks lazy as shit. Probably is just lazy as shit. Fucking paint them or take the paint off ffs.


Edit: Oh look, penises

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Yes baph it's a thing. I have it, it's cool, get over it.


Oh yeah, willies.

Fair enough!


I don't really get nail polish to begin with tbqh. My wife is always showing me her nails and I am like, ohh fingernails, yes, very good to have fingernails.

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my fingernails are the most appauling joke of a set of fingernails known to man, i dont bite them but i gain enormous satisfaction from picking them off, and its a game of skill that if you get wrong, results in ripping the fingernail right down to the side of it and resulting in a little bit of blood and quite alot of pain.


i cant help myself though. often the pain is double aswell because i get a bit that hurts when you press a piano key. im an addict.

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