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...that's where Max Payne 3 succeeded. For once, you don't play the saviour of the fucking universe or fucking space Jesus. You're just a guy who has some problems... those problems kinda explode into infinity though, but you know what I mean. I want more games where you play a normal guy, wearing a t-shirt and not a space suit with fancy blue lights and big electronic drum pad chest plates. Take Kane and Lynch as an example. I'm not saying that any of those two games are any good, but they were interesting because they dealt with more or less normal people (yeah, yeah, I know, they were both psychos) who wanted to rob a bank or something and that was it. They were not on a mission to save the Earth from some monster. They just had a plan that went wrong and somehow that is WAY more exciting than 99% of all video game stories.

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If we're talking about good game endings, then Red Dead Redemption has to take the prize for me.


Pretty sure I've already mentioned that a couple of times in this thread. But I did not see what happened coming. And nice to see someone actually experimenting a bit with it.


edit: oh... and Kane & Lynch


I have to admit I quite like those games.. especially the sequel. Probably the best 'bad' game I've ever played.

Edited by Npoess
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At least we can all agree on the fact (THE FACT!) that Max Payne 3 is one of the best games ever made.


Max Payne 3 sub-forum please.


ive never played any Max Payne games...maybe one day....



What Im thinking about is purchasing the Uncharted trilogy since it seems to be rather cheap at this point, and Ive heard good things.

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max payne 3 isn't even a good game, the animations and gfx are good, the rest is just more of the old linear fps bullshit with some more effort put on storytelling.


I liked Max Payne because of the atmosphere, the story, graphics, shooting, physics, characters, the grittiness of it all, and so on, but after a while the gameplay did get a bit boring. That's why it's so much fun to crank up the difficulty level. Also, even though they used the same voice actor as in the previous Max Payne games, Max's voice sounded a bit different and I had a hard time adjusting to that.

Also, I have a tendency to fall in love with games that take themselves seriously and not ignore the fact that not all gamers are 12 years old.

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I actually love the fact that the main character is a dudebro idiot, because the game is pretty fucking dumb, and it's the characters around the main character (and his stupid friends) that are worth something.



Just completed Far Cry 3 and chose the other ending to you guys and let me tell you... that was one of the shittiest endings to a game ever.


Actually the whole story was shit. I read the wikipedia page about the plot and Ubisoft were giving it all the biggun saying they wanted to make a game that analyses what it means to kill, you just play someone ordinary who is forced to kill and how that affects the person.


Well they failed.

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I actually love the fact that the main character is a dudebro idiot, because the game is pretty fucking dumb, and it's the characters around the main character (and his stupid friends) that are worth something.



Just completed Far Cry 3 and chose the other ending to you guys and let me tell you... that was one of the shittiest endings to a game ever.


Actually the whole story was shit. I read the wikipedia page about the plot and Ubisoft were giving it all the biggun saying they wanted to make a game that analyses what it means to kill, you just play someone ordinary who is forced to kill and how that affects the person.


Well they failed.


Yeah, the ending fucking sucked. Fucking anti-climatic. And the way it ends just makes it feel weird to continue to play the game and finish all the unfinished secondary missions.

But despite the terrible ending, the game itself is wonderful. Killing animals and planting C4 has never felt more satisfying.

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What the fuck? I just killed George Washington. Nothing indicated that it was George Washington. Nothing. God, I hate this game.

Edit: I just stabbed a bunny


Edit 2: I just fucking punched a bunny in the face.


Ok, I've played 3 hours of it now and I don't like it. It's as simple as that and I'm not gonna play any more of it. 3 hours in an it's still teaching me to do stuff. Usually by now I'm murdering fools like a pro, but instead ACIII is teaching how to put out traps and cutting up animals. Listen, I like slow paced stuff but holy shit talk about a snore-fest. Also, who thought it would be a good idea to make the protagonist an unlikeable asshole? Ezio was a loveable asshole with a twinkle in his eye, but this guy is just asking for a punch in the face.


The game is buggy as hell as well. I managed to I trigger a conversation that referred to something that hadn't happened yet, haha... shit...


I bet if I hadn't played any of the other Assassin's Creed games I would like this one, but knowing how good AC games can be (AC2 and Brotherhood) this one pales in comparison.

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What the fuck? I just killed George Washington. Nothing indicated that it was George Washington. Nothing. God, I hate this game.


lol. We'll get to do the same in Bioshock: Infinite, except he'll be ten times more badass. Well, a mechanical version, but still.

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Guest happycase

I love playing League of Legends. I found the coolest bunch of kids I play with every night, but playing solo-random is great too.

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I love playing League of Legends. I found the coolest bunch of kids I play with every night, but playing solo-random is great too.


Maybe it's because I'm playing just normal games, but lately the team mates I get seem to be wearing their Sunday best clown shoes. Ez jungle, twitch and garen top, everyone mid, etc. I'm all for stupid compositions, but after four 20 minute games it would be nice to get a proper game. I still haven't dived into the depths of ranked yet. I have no idea how that will go.

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I love playing League of Legends. I found the coolest bunch of kids I play with every night, but playing solo-random is great too.


Dota 2 is better and harder.

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Been playing Darksiders 2 recently, never played the first one but I'm loving this one, the mix of old-school Zelda like dungeon crawling and God of War style combat with the RPG elements is tons of fun,

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I'm excited to try Darksiders 2. The first game was awesome.


Really felt like Soul Reaver but more battle-oriented.

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