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Looking at recent sale numbers, it looks like the Wii U is sinking like a stone in Japan, even with their Monster Hunter 3 bundle, and the free Dragon Quest X beta everyone gets who buys the console.


I think with the recent integration of Nintendo's portable and home console divisions, they might finally have to focus almost entirely on 3DS in Japan, and give the console race to the rest of the world.


Simply looks at the release schedules for 3DS compared to Wii U over the coming months, it does not look good for their home console in 2013.

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Trying for the Platinum in Demon Souls. I find it so bad ass that my wife just started it as well, after beating Dark Souls twice (once pre, once post dlc).

Good for you! I think right now there is a pure white world tendency going on, so go for those trophies you can only get when that's in effect.


Looking at recent sale numbers, it looks like the Wii U is sinking like a stone in Japan, even with their Monster Hunter 3 bundle, and the free Dragon Quest X beta everyone gets who buys the console.


I think with the recent integration of Nintendo's portable and home console divisions, they might finally have to focus almost entirely on 3DS in Japan, and give the console race to the rest of the world.


Simply looks at the release schedules for 3DS compared to Wii U over the coming months, it does not look good for their home console in 2013.

It's the typical console post-release drought that almost every console has suffered - Nintendo's consoles are affected more than others since they are typically the ones who release the most desirable games for their hardware, and not only do they have nothing coming out now, but games that were supposed to hit in their "launch window" which ends in March are now "first half of 2013".


Couple this with both Sony and Microsoft now giving hints about pre-E3 announcements regarding their next hardware, and I think Nintendo has a tough road to hoe - the Wii U's lifespan might be even shorter than the Nintendo 64 was - the mistake Nintendo made then was releasing a cartridge-based system when everyone had moved to CD and soon to DVD as the storage medium.


The sad thing is they finally have hardware that can compete somewhat with the current gen of consoles, but they barely matched 6 year old hardware - they could have at least pushed it so it was marginally improved over what we currently have (they could have gone for solid 1080P/60FPS performance) as a selling point, and to lure developers into actually wanting to develop for it. Now most developers will at best, port old games to it if they see a chance to make more money off an existing IP, or worse offer watered-down, inferior versions of their new IP (which will be on the new Sony and Microsoft hardware) which nobody will want anyways, just like with the Wii. Add to that the rumours that Sony and possibly Microsoft will have systems and controls that emulate what the Wii U does with it's touchscreen controller, and Nintendo is truly screwed.


The Vita might have a last chance to survive, as it's been rumoured that Monster Hunter 4 (which made the PSP the powerhouse it is in Japan) might be coming out for it, and the delay in the 3DS version was to give Capcom time to finish both versions. Sony must have thrown a LOT of money at Capcom for that, but they're desperate for the Vita to survive.


I just hope if they finally decide to make a next-gen Mega Man game, they go multi-platform, and don't make it a handheld or Nintendo exclusive. Been playing the classic 8-bit Mega Man games on my Mac with a classic controller and have been really enjoying it and marveling at how detailed the pixel art really was considering the limited resolution and colour palette they had to work with.

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If Nintendo does learn anything from this and the upcoming generation, it is to make their next console their Portable AND Home console, pretty much how the Wii U feels now to play, except no limitations on distance from console unit. Imagine a future DS that links w home unit for downloads, updates, demos etc. and allows tv play, then is fully portable away from home. Basically I think they will combine DS and Wii U in the next generation to differentiate themselves from the competition ( although I'm sure Sony would love the same w PS3 and Vita) and also to compete with the maturing smart phone and tablet market.

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Oh great, so syndicate is yet another shooty game featuring steel containers in concrete buildings. Thank god I never bought it.

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If Nintendo does learn anything from this and the upcoming generation, it is to make their next console their Portable AND Home console, pretty much how the Wii U feels now to play, except no limitations on distance from console unit. Imagine a future DS that links w home unit for downloads, updates, demos etc. and allows tv play, then is fully portable away from home. Basically I think they will combine DS and Wii U in the next generation to differentiate themselves from the competition ( although I'm sure Sony would love the same w PS3 and Vita) and also to compete with the maturing smart phone and tablet market.

Sony's trying that now with the "Buy the PS3 version, get the Vita version free" deal they have on some games.


That's an interesting idea of combining a home console with a portable - and with today's high-resolution screens, they could easily make it so you can wirelessly push the video to your big screen TV in glorious 1080P. Imagine an iPad Mini with Wii U controls on it.


The Pokemon fans would finally have their home console version of Pokemon they've always wanted...

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Oh great, so syndicate is yet another shooty game featuring steel containers in concrete buildings. Thank god I never bought it.


I wouldn't say it's bad, it's pretty average.


The boss battles in this game, they are almost as bad as in Deus Ex's: HR.


Shooters and boss battles are not a great combination.

Edited by Ceerial
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I think the WiiU will have the security of being a well rounded HD system that's going to offer an all-in-one balance between hardcore and casual games, CoD to Mario basically. Unless I'm mistaken there is still no subscription to play online, and I for one have gotten sick of paying for Gold on 360 and have considered the long term cost of not getting a PS3 instead (if not for Halo, maybe, but that is all COD now too anyway.) I am currently loving being able to swap out a classic controller pro with the wiimote on MW3 on the wii, and the motion is more integrated into games like that than with the kinect or move, from what I've heard. It is just the graphics and CPU limitations that keeps me having also a 360, but I resent having to pay to access youtube, Netflix, etc.


If the new Xbox or PS4 duplicates some features of the WiiU they can just reduce the price a little and it will still maintain that balanced appeal of playing Mario, CoD and the major titles on one console with a versatile, multi-controller experience. When I play MW3 on the wii and I want to use a shotgun loadout and switch the nunchuck out for the classic pro it feels sort of like switching attachments and it seems like the WiiU is taking that further, working in things they tried to do with the gameboy advance (four swords, etc.) back to the original Nintendo with the Max and Advantage while having a solid, standalone (not with a wii-mote dangling off) dual analog pro controller (I realize that kills the switching out attachments aspect, but maybe not because some games might still be compatible with the CC pro.)


So, all said, if I decide to slim down going into the next gen I am definitely watching the WiiU, and I would have to see some impressive stuff from Microsoft to purchase their next subscription console.

Edited by glasse
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Mortal Kombat (PS3) - I didn't take note what version it is, if any. It's the first fighting game I've played for a few years and the first MK since one on PS1. I'm really enjoying it but can't compare to other beat em ups as I haven't played. I think I will do though if they're as enjoyable as this one.

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If Street Fighter is an elegant Russian ballet, Mortal Kombat is your dad hitting the dancefloor at your cousin's wedding after six cans of Ruddles Best Bitter.


In other words, MK sucks and requires nothing like the skill and precision needed to be good at SF, which is actually the only good fighting game series.

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To celebrate their 500,000th forum member, Paradox Interactive are giving away copies of EUROPA UNIVERSALIS III - CHRONICLES, the complete version of their legendary Grand Strategy title.


I know SR4 is a huge fan of this one. I've tried to get into it myself, but it hasn't clicked yet. But I'm so obsessed with CRUSADER KINGS II that I haven't really given it a chance.


Anyway, my point is this - I've already got the game. And I'm allowed to give my free copy away. So if any WATMMer* would like this excellent game on Steam FOR FREE, just PM me and I'll send you the key. WOW!


*Excludes people I don't like. You know who you are.

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It's EUIII, complete with all the DLC. First come first served by PM, but beware I may give it away to someone on Twitter or at work if they get there first. I'll post here when it's gone, though.

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I tried playing Crusader Kings 2 last weekend. Started as Boudewijn V, Duke of Flanders. Everything went to shit when my brother-in-law William the Conqueror made France fall apart and I got betrayed by my Dutch vassal after my son had to take over. I seemed completely powerless throughout. All these lords are assholes. I did worse than reality.

Edited by Ego
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Ah, I love it when everything goes to shit though. But you're right, lords are fucking pricks. Really enjoying Republican gameplay at the moment, I'm rolling in cash and pursuing 100-year-old family vendettas.

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To celebrate their 500,000th forum member, Paradox Interactive are giving away copies of EUROPA UNIVERSALIS III - CHRONICLES, the complete version of their legendary Grand Strategy title.


I know SR4 is a huge fan of this one. I've tried to get into it myself, but it hasn't clicked yet. But I'm so obsessed with CRUSADER KINGS II that I haven't really given it a chance.


Anyway, my point is this - I've already got the game. And I'm allowed to give my free copy away. So if any WATMMer* would like this excellent game on Steam FOR FREE, just PM me and I'll send you the key. WOW!


*Excludes people I don't like. You know who you are.


This has been claimed now.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



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I absolutely can't wait to play Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It looks amazing. The reviews are starting to come in and they're quite positive. Gotta wait until I get paid at the end of the month though. :(


Anyone one else looking into this delightful game?

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Guest Frankie5fingers
I absolutely can't wait to play Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It looks amazing. The reviews are starting to come in and they're quite positive. Gotta wait until I get paid at the end of the month though. :(


Anyone one else looking into this delightful game?

its piqued my interest. though the last time i saw it was at E3 then i completely forgot about it. everything about it looks pretty sweet, but the story seems a little weak to me. but i most likely will get it.

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