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After at least 30 tries, I finally beat Jamestown's final chapter. I feel like a n00b when I see people beat the whole game at maximum difficulty without running out of credits.


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Still playing Far Cry 3 on first playthrough, and finished pre-loading Bioshock: Infinite. I should probably finish FC3 first though - not sure if I'll be able to complete it by the time Infinite's out.

(borderline FWP)

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im playing skyrim, once i reached about level 23 and got a few daedric quest weapons i seem pretty untouchable. i could turn the difficulty up but whats the point? it just means hitting things with a stick more. i was hoping they might have figured out a way to remove the pervading sense of complete meaninglessness that was in oblivion aswell, but no.




been playing through mass effect 2, the story is ok but im about 7 hours in and i havent seen any combat that isnt just hiding completely safe and sound behind a box and then popping out and slowly picking them off. its getting pretty tiresome.





whats an actually genuinely good game for the 360, because im trying to use computer games to quit going out and drinking every weekend, but everything i play bores the shit out of me after about a week or so.

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Those who have preloaded on Steam can cheat the region lock and unlock the game using an Australian VPN. Going in now! :w00t:

Edited by Ego
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Dead Space 2 is pretty fun.


Pros: Revamped combat...seems smoother to turn...and I don't remember but it's nice to know that you can run backwards in a pinch. Still that good ol' shock scare and PHENOMENAL sound design. I play this damn near max volume when no one else is in the house. Plus cutting the fuck out of limbs is always satisfying.


Cons: Ugh...mixing up buttons in the heat of battle.I can't tell you how many times ive died because I accidentally hit the quick stasis button instead of quick heal. Also, it has too many quicktime events, and Im only on Chapter 6.


Lastly, I know its supposed to immerse you in the feeling of panic and fear, but I really, really abhor those parts where some big monster limb grabs a hold of you and you have to awkwardly aim at the big pulsating yellow weak point before it eats you or whatever. But half the time this is mixed in a cutscene, so you don't know when you are allowed to shoot and when not to, or you try to shoot and you are interrupted by the next part of the cutscene. It doesn't come off as fun or enjoyable in any way to me, just frustrating and a loss of ammo if not lives. Those tentacle grabs in the first Dead Space really got under my skin.


Overall though a solid game, enjoying it almost as much as the first (the first was a magically sublime experience of space=terror).

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Guest Iain C

Just started up Euro Truck Simulator 2. freaking amazing, loving it a lot.

It's brilliant, make sure you play with a gamepad or a wheel if you've got one. And that you listen to a lot of fruity french radio.

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Guest bitroast

Monster Hunter 3 ULTIMATE on the 3ds.

Haven't played this one before but it seems strangely addicting:) the controls are a little awkward though (the swimming in particular) and I think I may need need the ... Circle pad pro:(

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The "Durango" (codename for the next Xbox) development kit claims that Microsoft's next console will be always-online, require the use of Kinect, and must have every game installed to its hard drive.


I'm definitely jumping back on the PS wagon next generation, if this is true. So fucking stupid.


It will probably be the death of the Xbox brand. While the 360 was amazing for the first 5 years, it has really lost so much steam over the last 3. And Sony has had way more interesting exclusive titles over the last couple of years. They just seems to care more about their customers, and this comes from a semi-xbox fanboy (this generation). And fuck all their Kinect wank.


And the PS4 controller actually looks very nice to use for once. One of the reasons I picked the 360 this gen, was that the controller is superior compared to the PS3's Dualshock (or that's how I feel).


But hopefully Sony will get their interface/online stuff together for the next-gen.


edit: inb4 stupid pc gaming master race comments

Edited by Ceerial
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I think I'm fucking done with Microsoft, between this always on, Kinect bullshit and Windows 8 and Office 2013 and its bullshit licensing and fucking up of GPO they can go fucking fuck themselves and I hope Steve Ballmer fucks the fuck off and dies. fanx

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Guest Frankie5fingers


Just started up Euro Truck Simulator 2. freaking amazing, loving it a lot.

It's brilliant, make sure you play with a gamepad or a wheel if you've got one. And that you listen to a lot of fruity french radio.

i dont have a wheel but i might buy one for this game. and is there radio in the game? ive only just started so i dont know all the things you can do yet.

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How much exploriness can you do on the roads - I take it you can't go town narrow country lanes in the English countryside ? (i.e. How much has actually been mapped in each country ?)

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Guest Frankie5fingers

How much exploriness can you do on the roads - I take it you can't go town narrow country lanes in the English countryside ? (i.e. How much has actually been mapped in each country ?)

ive only played for a couple hours now so i dont really know. but from what ive seen you can drive wherever there is road, which you need to do to find new Truck dealers. as for the amount of mapping, i think much of it has been left out. so no back roads, mostly highways. you dont start off with your own truck and to get a job you pick it from a list then instantly starts you off at the loading dock, then you follow your GPS to the destination. but maybe when you get your own truck you have to drive to the loading dock.


iain might be able to answer the question better.

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The "Durango" (codename for the next Xbox) development kit claims that Microsoft's next console will be always-online, require the use of Kinect, and must have every game installed to its hard drive.


I'm definitely jumping back on the PS wagon next generation, if this is true. So fucking stupid.


It will probably be the death of the Xbox brand. While the 360 was amazing for the first 5 years, it has really lost so much steam over the last 3. And Sony has had way more interesting exclusive titles over the last couple of years. They've just seems to care more about their customers, and this comes from a semi-xbox fanboy (this generation). And fuck all their Kinect wank.


And the PS4 controller actually looks very nice to use for once. One of the reasons I picked the 360 this gen, was that the controller is superior compared to the PS3's Dualshock (or that's how I feel).


But hopefully Sony will get their interface/online stuff together for the next-gen.


edit: inb4 stupid pc gaming master race comments


I'm exclusively gaming on Steam/PC with a 360 controller and can't recommend it enough. I used to think the people who swore by PC gaming were fools, but now I'm all about tweaking settings to make the games look beautiful & run close to 60fps, using user-made mods, and being free from proprietary corporate bullshit.


You can find purchasing/building guides online to build your own gaming PC for $500 that will be around triple the power of the next generation of consoles. While it's $200 more than the next generation of consoles will probably debut at, you will easily make up that cost with Steam sales if you regularly buy games...plus all the aforementioned benefits.


It's just kind of silly to keep giving Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo money when they're actively thinking of new and interesting ways to limit the customer to get more money from them. It's just as dumb buying an Apple product in 2013.


edit: Yes, I did this on purpose.

Edited by autopilot
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