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The 'Director's Cut' of Deadly Premonition arrived today, should be good for a laugh.




I gotta get back into that game. I played it for a long as time..I don't remember how many hours but it was a lot. I gave up cause my hard drive crashed on my xbox and they had to send me a new one. This was before cloud so that wasn't an option.

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Anyone playing Pandora's Tower? I just started it and I'm thinking it's pretty good so far.


Also playing Super Mario 3D Land, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and Darksiders II. I went back to Lost Odyssey again about a month ago and quit again. I should continue that once more.

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Max Payne 3 (playing at the moment.... 7/10 so far)


Pretty comedy plus in parts and entertaining but the shooting seems broken and every time I come out from cover the target reticle has changed position, some enemies take five head shots to down etc.. and there's not much story apart from go rescue girl/she escapes/rinse and repeat.


Make sure to turn off the aim assist. That is what ruins the shooting

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

loving guacamelee currently. damn tough game but fun. i am not into street fighter style fighting games but this is a combination of that combo fast fingers and a platformer, highly recommended. although the music is starting to annoy

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Guest Gravity

Been playing Super Mario Sunshine this week, found it buried under a bunch of stuff in my closet. Wish I could find my copy of Wind Waker now though.


They're coming out with an HD remake of it for Wii U this year, looks good.


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Put in a nice session of DayZ this weekend. Super fun. I'm a cold-blooded killer.


I really hope the alpha standalone releases in June. I've been intrigued by Dayz since last year but I can't justify buying Arma 2 when the standalone has already been announced.



This is my position too.





Well, I would definitely say to wait for standalone to get the best DayZ experience, but the Alpha is not going to be good at first. Rocket has already said that initially it will rely very heavily on melee combat and be super basic. So far the most important thing they have been working on in development is getting the switch from client hosted data to server hosted which changes the game drastically. (For the better I might add) It also means there isn't a lot of content. They are redoing basically everything so most weapons and vehicles won't even exist at first. They are also implementing a very complex crafting system, a proficiency system for complicated tasks like mechanics and medical treatment, and a weapon degradation system.


I think that Rocket has a good perspective on the potential for DayZ and is looking to make it the best game he can. The only thing i disagree with is not giving people the ability to construct things above ground. I think right now DayZ:Origins is the best example of Dayz. You can craft things like vehicles, tents, and houses.

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I don't like that Blow guy. He made one meh puzzle game and has been acting like the king of the industry ever since.


Max Payne 3 > Braid


I don't know if Blow is a cunt or not, but Braid was definitely better than meh.

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Getting back into S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat with the Stalker Complete mod installed. Trying side quests and exploration that I missed on my previous (and first) play-through last summer.

I actually feel like I've learned a little Russian just from playing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. I think they've inspired me to want to learn more.

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Guest jasondonervan

FEZ came out on PC yesterday, at last. It's an amazing game, and I urge everyone to pick it up.



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FEZ came out on PC yesterday, at last. It's an amazing game, and I urge everyone to pick it up.




is this that indie game from that documentary which has taken taken sooooo long to finish?







Played Colonial Marines recently and what a bag of shit! Apparently Sega are taking the developers to court as they apparently used their money to make Borderlands 1&2.

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Guest Shit Attack

playing metal gear 3 snake eater . bit stuck at the old sniper guy . everytime i follow his footsteps i end up walking right into him and he pops me in the chops with a sniper dart. heard if you leave it for a week he just dies anyways but still want to beat him. Also having to do all the medical shit gets on my nerves even tho its a cool idea. good game tho 7.9/10

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