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Just repurchased Unreal Gold (£2.99 in the Steam Summer Sale) and waves of nostalgia flowing over me. I haven't played it for about 15 years and I used to rip the samples for my own tracks (as they music were just renamed .s3m files) so the audio in particular has really put me back in the time where I used to make music all of the time and had that enthusiasm to just focus on it for hours.


It's a bit clunky but surprisingly has held up quite well (especially as I can whack the resolution to the maximum and still maintain an insane frame rate)

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Guest jasondonervan

this steam sale is kicking my balls, i am so poor, wtf am i doing


Quite proud of myself for not buying anything yet. Came close with Witcher 2, but kept telling myself that Skyrim is sat in the backlog of shame just waiting to be played some more. I may pick up some cheap indie titles though, as there are some quite good deals that are going under the radar.

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Guest Pennywise

The steam sale is ridiculous. £2.50 for fallout new vegas. A pint is 4 quid.

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Guest Gravity

It's indeed ridiculous. I both love and hate it. There are so many fucking games at such cheap prices that if I let myself go, I'll end up spending like $200. Then it comes down to me going over which I want the most and lots of last minute purchases.



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Snagged Dear Esther from the sale.. Enjoying it so far, really not much of a "game." Just interesting observation and gorgeousness.

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Guest Pennywise

The steam sale is ridiculous. £2.50 for fallout new vegas. A pint is 4 quid.

im quoting myself but I just saw this on reddit



this guy must be me or something. that worries me because I'm sure I didn't make this and put it on reddit

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Guest Jenga

I have recently finished:


Silent Hill

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

New Super Mario Bros. Wii


I'm now playing Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. I love this game despite its high difficulty.


Also playing Star Successor and I agree. I was actually really surprised that:

A. You can fly around and dodge and

B. How absurdly hard it is. Love it so far.


Still playing Xenoblade Chronicles (about halfway through maybe..?)

and pikmin 2.


Excited for pikmin 3 whenever I inevitably buy Wii U.

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well, ive been pretty miserable in this thread in the last year or so since i bought an xbox, but im here to say that yes, dark souls. im 10 hours in and im hooked. only done about 3 bosses, im right in the middle of darkwood forest(whatev) but this game is fantastic. never has going back and forwards mastering a certain type of enemy for xp been so satisfying. i keep on going back to try and kill the wythhle dragon on the bridge, still not quite there but yes. first game ive properly enjoyed since i lost a decent gaming pc to play counterstrike on 3 years ago.


thats an exagurration, i did love fallout, and farcry was pretty awesome, if shallow, but dark souls. yes. any more for the xbox with this depth?

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Guest jasondonervan

Steam sale update: just hoovered up a bunch of the earlier Total War games and some of the DLC for later ones. 75% off across the board, can't argue with that.

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Guest Sprigg

Just bought the Total Annihilation Commander Pack on GoG for $2. It's still my favourite RTS of all time.

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bought Fez a few days ago on steam, love the friggin crap outta this game so far. also bought anno 2070 (i feel so predictable) and it makes my PC want to die, but on the low graphics settings it's pretty smooth. just playing through the campaign atm and it feels like i'm missing a lot of key game mechanics, but i'm looking forward to the more sim-city style continuous play after i get this done.


just an fyi about anno: after buying this, the totally unnecessary DRM and Ubisoft bullshit surrounding this game makes me wish i had just pirated it ("Do you give Ubisoft permission to collect and use your data? Agreement is required." or the fact that I have to be logged into "Uplay" to get into Anno, meaning I can't disconnect that account and therefore no one else can play my game? wtf? my gf wanted to play the campaign and realized she can't unless she signs up for Uplay, gets the game key(s), and goes through a bunch of motions to set up accounts she'll never use again... and then, the game can only be installed on three computers! etc), but i was a good 21st century consumer and paid money to be hassled. piracy would have made things a lot easier ffs. someone else torrent it for me plz than -- REDACTED

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Just bought the Total Annihilation Commander Pack on GoG for $2. It's still my favourite RTS of all time.

Have you played the Supreme Commander games? Been meaning to check those out for ages but never got around to it... I loved TA when it came out as well, had been a C&C junkie before that

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i've been watching a lot of replay+commentary videos of supreme commander: forged alliance, it's really incredible. if i had the time i'd really get balls deep in it. check out this guy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/felixlighta

the upcoming planetary annihilation (alpha) didn't impress me, can't stay its cartoonist graphics.

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I went through another Dark Souls phase after E3, Plat'd it a few weeks ago, kinda in a lull now.


Playing Muramasa on the Vita.


And Bioshock Infinite Again...

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