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Everything I just read about Killzone was depressing. Please let us know if they ever fix it. How come none of the reviews mention this?

Edited by Gocab
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Ok so the new mario is amazing, it's just heaps of fun. I've been playing it with friends for the last couple days and some of the level design is brilliant. Also downloaded Okami HD on the recommendation of some people here and it's pretty neat (once you get past the horrid intro)

edit: got banned for too many dick drawings tho :(

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Guest disparaissant

Been playing Galaxy on Fire Alliances on iOS. Pretty good stuff! Need some people to play with, though. It's free, so if anyone wants to join my Alliance, look up [EEP] jUgGaLo EmPiRe. Heh.

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No gaming today, but last night I finally unlocked the last of the 10 character classes in Risk of Rain.

I'm not sure whether I'll ever get a PS4. Don't really care about XBone. I'd rather opt for a new PC as a gaming rig, specifically for Routine, which is still undergoing development I believe. I hear it's supposed to have Oculus Rift compatibility as well - should be quite a trip. Altogether it would be one hell of an investment for a single game tho.

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I'm well prepared for Lazy Fat Winter 2013, recently bought a bunch of games and have been playing a lot thanks to terminal illness (cya soon chunky)


not really



The Stanley Parable


Not so much a game as it is an interactive storytelling experience, but it is absolutely fantastic. Consistently laugh out loud funny, very original and if you're a fan of video gaming in general it is a celebration of video game storytelling. One that's better to pick up in a sale as it doesn't have too many hours of playtime (unless you shoot for the Art ending, but there's no chance I'm doing that). Highly recommended if you have a few extra bob lying around.


The Binding of Isaac - Wrath of the Lamb


Finally got Platinum God at 146 hours. Truly one of the best games I've ever played and the most bang for my buck ever. I think I spent £5 on this game, not even on a sale and got 146 extremely satisfying hours out of it throughout 2013. Edmund McMillen should be proud of this game because it's wonderful. The remade version should be coming out in 2014 but don't know if/when I'll be picking that up, it's a lot of time to devote. Devilishly addictive and another high recommendation.


Bioshock Infinite


Came out of my indie games for a bit to play an AAA game. It's really fantastic. It's one of those internet backlash games, but I think unjustified in this case. I like Rab Florence's article on this game, talking about how the gameplay is very familiar, but revels in the fact that it's "go here, shoot people, pick up items" rinse - repeat. Very typically video gamey, but not necessarily a bad thing, almost comforting in how it familiar the gameplay is, like reading a novel, you know exactly what to expect in terms of the form and it uses that as a backbone to tell a good story. It is a fucking good story too, one of the best I've seen in a game.



Deadly Premonition aka Twin Peaks the video game


I bought this game purely on recommendation and being fascinated by the polarizing reviews it's had. I absolutely love it even though it's a shambles. I've only been playing for about three hours but I'm well into it. Considering the gameplay itself is shabby at best, it's remarkably involving. I did a bit of reading about the game and it appears in the west it was marketed as a grim dark survival horror in the vein of Silent Hill, whereas in Japan it looks more like what it is; a quirky detective game. The graphics are shit, animations are shit, sounds are shit, but yet I keep playing? It's basically The Room of video games.

The story is where it's really elevated though. The game is littered with colourful characters, the main character being Dale Cooper Francis York Morgan, just call him York (everybody else does), who is an eccentric FBI city boy that loves coffee (and can see the future in it) and has a split personality called Zach who he frequently talks to in public (no other character mentions this). There's a capitalist character who sits in a wheelchair and wears a gas mask... for some reason. A cop who is... gay? But a great cook! During serious conversations about murdered Laura Palmer girls, saxophone music will incongruously play in the background. Also the turkey sandwich i unbelievably delicious. Buy this game. 11/10




I finally got a hard drive for my PS3 so have been playing a few games on it. Started playing Infamous yesterday and it's tremendous fun. A good example of a rock solid game that puts the emphasis on fun and doesn't bore you with a try-hard story. Basically a comic book origin story, it tracks some guy who gets super powers and climbs around the city firing lightning from his arse. Great stuff.


I'm bored of typing now.

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Deadly Premonition aka Twin Peaks the video game


I bought this game purely on recommendation and being fascinated by the polarizing reviews it's had. I absolutely love it even though it's a shambles. I've only been playing for about three hours but I'm well into it. Considering the gameplay itself is shabby at best, it's remarkably involving. I did a bit of reading about the game and it appears in the west it was marketed as a grim dark survival horror in the vein of Silent Hill, whereas in Japan it looks more like what it is; a quirky detective game. The graphics are shit, animations are shit, sounds are shit, but yet I keep playing? It's basically The Room of video games.

The story is where it's really elevated though. The game is littered with colourful characters, the main character being Dale Cooper Francis York Morgan, just call him York (everybody else does), who is an eccentric FBI city boy that loves coffee (and can see the future in it) and has a split personality called Zach who he frequently talks to in public (no other character mentions this). There's a capitalist character who sits in a wheelchair and wears a gas mask... for some reason. A cop who is... gay? But a great cook! During serious conversations about murdered Laura Palmer girls, saxophone music will incongruously play in the background. Also the turkey sandwich i unbelievably delicious. Buy this game. 11/10


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YES! I'm going to listen to that the whole time I'm in the office today.

Also does the whistling remind you of one of the Mario themes by any chance?

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holy shit, crusader kings 2 new dlc got a judaism addition and the ability to rebuild the temple and create greater israel, here i come motherfuckers !!1

ok, being a jew in 9th century isn't easy, pretty much everyone gangs up on my poor khazaria with holy wars in the first months of the game. i've tried about 15 times already and there's just no way of deflecting all of those attacks as far as i can see.


playing as a jewish duke under cumanian king is much more interesting, obviously the king and all other tengri vassals hate you but there a lot of opportunities for conquering those vassals, i've managed to gradually conquer half of cumania and was saving cash for mercenaries for the final independence war and subsequent holy wars but the gavlkind succession fucked up everything again and i got obliterated and all my titles revoked.


i saw some youtube videos were people are playing much more aggressively and faster than me with that jewish duke, just going full mongolian on everyone in matter of years and completely ignoring micro play, but find it kinda unjewy. i hope it's not the only way towards success.

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Guest Milkweg

Sim City


It's a shame this game got so much stick for its online issues early on, because it's a really fun and addictive game.


Yeah, i was an early adopter grimacing through all of the issues until i finally gave up and delted it.

Is it all sorted out now? Getting the itch again.

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holy shit, crusader kings 2 new dlc got a judaism addition and the ability to rebuild the temple and create greater israel, here i come motherfuckers !!1

ok, being a jew in 9th century isn't easy, pretty much everyone gangs up on my poor khazaria with holy wars in the first months of the game. i've tried about 15 times already and there's just no way of deflecting all of those attacks as far as i can see.


playing as a jewish duke under cumanian king is much more interesting, obviously the king and all other tengri vassals hate you but there a lot of opportunities for conquering those vassals, i've managed to gradually conquer half of cumania and was saving cash for mercenaries for the final independence war and subsequent holy wars but the gavlkind succession fucked up everything again and i got obliterated and all my titles revoked.


i saw some youtube videos were people are playing much more aggressively and faster than me with that jewish duke, just going full mongolian on everyone in matter of years and completely ignoring micro play, but find it kinda unjewy. i hope it's not the only way towards success.



this is what ive never understood about CKII.....i can become a quick badass in Europa Universalis but all of those same tactics seem to fail horribly with CKII's game engine....I always end up creating a gigantic empire (Britannia, Hispania, and Africa), but get fucked over by internal disputes before I can seriously challenge anything or anyone else....(I always wanted to fuck up the Holy Roman Empire)


any tips?

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holy shit, crusader kings 2 new dlc got a judaism addition and the ability to rebuild the temple and create greater israel, here i come motherfuckers !!1

ok, being a jew in 9th century isn't easy, pretty much everyone gangs up on my poor khazaria with holy wars in the first months of the game. i've tried about 15 times already and there's just no way of deflecting all of those attacks as far as i can see.


playing as a jewish duke under cumanian king is much more interesting, obviously the king and all other tengri vassals hate you but there a lot of opportunities for conquering those vassals, i've managed to gradually conquer half of cumania and was saving cash for mercenaries for the final independence war and subsequent holy wars but the gavlkind succession fucked up everything again and i got obliterated and all my titles revoked.


i saw some youtube videos were people are playing much more aggressively and faster than me with that jewish duke, just going full mongolian on everyone in matter of years and completely ignoring micro play, but find it kinda unjewy. i hope it's not the only way towards success.



this is what ive never understood about CKII.....i can become a quick badass in Europa Universalis but all of those same tactics seem to fail horribly with CKII's game engine....I always end up creating a gigantic empire (Britannia, Hispania, and Africa), but get fucked over by internal disputes before I can seriously challenge anything or anyone else....(I always wanted to fuck up the Holy Roman Empire)


any tips?


not really, i feel like i understand less than half of the of the game mechanics myself..

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Sim City


It's a shame this game got so much stick for its online issues early on, because it's a really fun and addictive game.


Yeah, i was an early adopter grimacing through all of the issues until i finally gave up and delted it.

Is it all sorted out now? Getting the itch again.



The first city I made was lost, which admittedly was quite annoying.


But other than that it has worked without any problems, I have played like 20 hours, and haven't noticed any other issues so far.


But it is for mac, so I'm not sure how it is running on PCs. But I can't imagine that they haven't fixed it yet, they've had like a half year to fix it by now.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Bioshock Infinite

When it came out it looked fun but not $60 fun. So I waited till it hit $20. and you know what - it was $20 fun. Completed in about 3 days over the long holiday weekend.

I would have much rather played a less shooty more adventurey version of this game. The mix of shoot and then crazy dimension shifts and story don't sit too well together.

Oh and I got the original bioshock on the disc too. haven't played yet.


Just ordered Last Of Us and Marvel Avengers Lego or whatever it is called. Arriving today!

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Forza 5 on Xbone. Not sure why I ended up with an Xbone, but I did at (didn't preorder). Considering selling it, but Forza 5 is pretty dope.


Add me: suffixer


PSN name is the same, so add me there too, reckon I'll end up with a PS4 at some stage too

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Bioshock Infinite

When it came out it looked fun but not $60 fun. So I waited till it hit $20. and you know what - it was $20 fun. Completed in about 3 days over the long holiday weekend.

I would have much rather played a less shooty more adventurey version of this game. The mix of shoot and then crazy dimension shifts and story don't sit too well together.

Oh and I got the original bioshock on the disc too. haven't played yet.


Just ordered Last Of Us and Marvel Avengers Lego or whatever it is called. Arriving today!

The Last of Us is amazing - you'll quickly forget Bioshock Infinite, which I agree wasn't all that great for full admission price.

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